中国找到不到人来操作射电望远镜的原因 [美国媒体]


The ReasonChina Can’t Find Anyone to Operate Its Alien-Hunting Telescope



China continues to up its game in spacesciences, including one particularly ambitious project, the world’s largestradio telescope. There’s just one problem: they can’t find anyone to operateit.


The country’s government is looking to hirea foreigner as chief scientist to oversee the telescope’s daily operation,reports the South China Morning News, and it’s even offering free housing and a$1.2 million salary to boot. But no one has been hired, presumably because ofchallenges associated with the job and the high level of requirements needed toeven apply.


The “Five-hundred-meter Aperture SphericalTelescope”, or FAST, is a $180 million, 1,600 foot-long radio telescope that’scapable of receiving radio signals from as far as 1,000 light years away; makingit a leading instrument in the search for alien life. To give you an idea ofits scale, FAST is roughly the size of 30 soccer fields.


In 2016, Breakthrough Initiatives — anorganization founded by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner to investigate extraterrestrials— partnered with China to get the telescope online, but despite suchhigh-profile backing, nobody has come forward to fill this managerial role.


There are probably a couple of reasons why:


It's a really, really big telescope.


Although FAST was completed last year, thechief operator would be contending with some significant technical variables.Important components, such as the signal receiver and over 4,500 moveablereflection panels on the telescope’s dish require extensive testing and calibration,according to South China Morning News. A chief operator would likely have notime for their own research, working long and irregular hours, managing thetelescope in its infant years. The project’s location may also seem less thanideal to some, as its nestled in the mountains of Guizhou, a very remote andundeveloped part of southwest China.


It’s become even more remote, in fact,because in February of 2016, the Chinese government evicted about 9,110residents within a 3.1 mile radius of the telescope, claiming they couldpotentially mess with the electromagnetic wave environment, and offering ameasly $1,822 in compensation. It was an unlikely occurrence, considering most(or possibly all) of the rural villagers wouldn’t have sophisticated technologyat their disposal to actually do that. But anyway…


The candidate requirements are intense,too. The winning applicant must have 20 years of experience and must have helda leading role on a large-scale radio telescope project — because there are somany of those. The job also requires the successful applicant to have held aprofessorship or equally senior role at a highly respected research instituteor university. Wang Tinggui, a professor of astrophysics at the University ofScience and Technology of China told South China Morning News that it’s a tallorder.


“These requirements are very high. It puts most astronomers out ofthe race. I may be able to count those qualified with my fingers.” he said


“It is not a job for a scientist. It’s for a superhero.”


jj11 hours ago
sounds like an American employer who wants20 years experience, but only wants to pay minimum wage.


keep it real!52 minutes ago
This totally went over Takkas head....he orshe should totally apply. I think the commenter was meaning. US companies want20 year experience but want to pay minimum wage. Its sarcasm....not saying 1.2million is minimum wage.


religion_is_retarded2 hours ago
oh you noticed that, too? i've been tryingto find a programming job for ages but they want a bachelor's degree and 5years experience. ok.. well i have 20 years experience programming whilelooking for a damn job how's that?!


FakeNews6 hours ago
Well it is China, 2 dollars an hour to makethe apple I pad.


Takka8 hours ago
If minimum wage is 1.2 million dollars notto mention free housing I wouldn't complain. They're paying generously I'd say.


Chris C8 hours ago
$1.2 million/year is minimum?


DittaL10 hours ago
Sounds like a fun job looking for aliensand not hiding them like you know were


Snake Plissken11 hours ago
Point it towards California. You will findall the aliens you want.


PhilipM6 minutes ago
You live in Cali i take it


Corw21 hour ago
damn that was funny....haha... clown


KARLS13 hours ago
I can understand the evacuation part. Ihave visited Green Bank Radio Telescopes in West Virginia, they have a no cellphone ban in their frequency band (around 840 MHZ) on the grounds there. Also,the vehicles that drive between buildings are diesel so the sparks wouldn'tsend stray RF into the dishes. The largest radio telescope there is 100 meters.So their 500 meter could pick up a light switch being turned on, a microwaveoven working or an internal combustion engine of any kind (car, truck tractor,lawnmower,etc) even that far (3.1 miles) away. But that 1 chief scientist mayneed a large staff to keep something that big working as it should.


Mike Liny14 hours ago
So the chinese, nor the russian, could sourcea qualified candidate from among their own? Interesting. They might as welltrain a team to do the work since it might take just as long to find someonewho can do it.


Vern11 hours ago
Believe it or not, most really seriousscientists are not interested in the $1.2 million.


PaulA11 hours ago
Dang, I only have 19 years experience asthe lead operator of a radio telescope. I guess I'm out.


Alan14 hours ago
So Yuri the billionaire didn't factor on noone wanting to run it?


I'm confused16 hours ago
I find it interesting that they evict 9,110people from a "sparsely populated area", that's around 300 people persquare mile, where as the US has an average of 84 people per square mile.


unemployed11 hours ago
Typical of a lot of job recruiters. I haveno idea who decides the requirements, but I always find it amusing when I lookat jobs for construction or maintenance management. Invariably, they will askfor an MBA and 15 to 20 years of hands on experience with concrete work orfabrication, HVAC, pump repairs and refineries. I have never met a constructionmanager or superintendent with an MBA。


Ridi19 hours ago
I think it can receive signals from fartherthan 1000 light years away.


Kanye Hemi Talkin'11 hours ago
They want a "foreigner"(an alien)to run their alien-hunting telescope. BINGO! It's a win-win. Why didn't wethink of that?


id12317512 hours ago
How many radio astronomers are there in theworld? Way too specialized. Highest number I found was around 150.


Blanco9 hours ago
Sounds like a really hard job for only 1.2mil for a highly trained scientist that would have to answer to a communistgovt.


RadarGuidedVermin11 hours ago
Do they offer dental?


Barack Hussein Obama Is A Jack Off11 hoursago
So funny when Chinese want something doneright they hire a foreigner. Pretty much everything in CHina that's worthanything was made by or engineered by foreigners. Do you know that every singleskyscraper (and there are dozens) in Shanghai was designed by a foreign firm?There is not one thing in modern China that wasn't brought there by the west.Chinese are extremely incompetent and they are just simply decades, if notcenturies behind in most things. Medicine is a good example. They are stillusing medicine from thousands of years ago because they have not made anyprogress in all this time.


President Pussygrabber10 hours ago
Usually humans have to wait for technologyto catch up with capability. Now technology has to wait for humans to catch upwith capability.


Zippo11 hours ago
America needs to do one even better - aMachine to Speak to the DEAD !


z98611 hours ago
How about that chick from the movieContact.


Steve11 hours ago
It is not whether one is qualified or not.It is the strong possibility that this highly qualified person will end up inChinese Prison for treason and other what not crimes and he is not allowed toany judicial system.


Randolph12 hours ago
I really doubt there's anyone alive who hasall those qualifications.

