美国国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)于周四发表言论称,美国并没有试图推翻朝鲜政府,而是希望与平壤方面进行对话,中国对此表示欢迎,并称中国一直支持美朝双方进行谈判。美国网友:设想--连民主党和新闻媒体都拒绝倾听特朗普的声音,为什么中国要听?朝鲜要听?人人都要听?
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Thursday welcomed comments by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that the United States does not seek to topple the North Korean government and would like dialogue with Pyongyang at some point saying China had always supported talks.
北京(路透社)—美国国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)于周四发表言论称,美国并没有试图推翻朝鲜政府,而是希望与平壤方面进行对话,中国对此表示欢迎,并称中国一直支持美朝双方进行谈判。
Tillerson reiterated that Washington sought to persuade North Korea to give up its missile and nuclear weapons programs through peaceful pressure.
The United States does not seek regime change the collapse of the regime an accelerated reunification of the peninsula or an excuse to send the U.S. military into North Korea Tillerson said.
Speaking to reporters Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China "attached great importance" to Tillerson's remarks and his reiteration of what Wang called the "Four Nos" principle.
"We hope the U.S. side can put this 'Four Nos' principle into actual policy towards North Korea" Wang said.
The United States has recently been paying more attention to security issues on the Korean peninsula and China has always believed security is the key to resolving the problem he added.
North Korea says it needs a strong military deterrent to prevent a hostile United States from attacking it.
-------------译者:奔走的兔子-审核者:cyber power------------
China hopes all sides can meet each other halfway and through talks find a way of resolving each others security concerns as this is the key for a resolution Wang said.
In a separate statement sent to Reuters the foreign ministry said it had always supported dialogue between the United States and North Korea.
On Saturday Pyongyang said it had conducted another successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile that proved its ability to strike the United States.
Tillerson who will also attend the ASEAN Regional Forum in Manila is expected to press China and other regional nations to take tougher action against North Korea.
Only mighty god USA should have nukes and no one else . And who used the first Bomb to bit the enemy in the war yes the answer is USA . So why not NK or iran or Pakistan or any other country . They have to protect themself against hostile enemies . What's fair is fair . USA has nukes and every country respect or afraid of USA or Russia that in case of a war they will be eliminated . Well these countries are doing the same with their test missiles just like USA and Russia .
As long as you are at ground zero when some lunatic sets one off on US soil.
要是某个疯子真的发射一枚导弹到美国领土上, 你就玩儿完了。
I don't agree with anything those that lead this country have done since the end of WW ll . But it's obvious you weren't around for WW ll if you don't think for a minute that you wouldn't be 100% behind the use of the first Atomic Bomb to end that War. Try to imagine how many more thousands would have been killed on both sides if Harry didn't have the guts to order it to be dropped And I might add on the Murderers that stabbed us in the back to start our entrance into that War. I agree that there are a lot of ways to kill even without a ICBM. One look at the Middle East today will convince anyone of that. And anyone that thinks that Washington D.C. is full of Angels needs just to look at the way they've governed both hear and abroad since the end of WW ll.
我同样不赞同这个国家从二战以来的所作所为。但是 显而易见,你没有经历过二战时期,你要好好想一下,如果不是第一课原子弹结束战争的话,你还不知道在哪儿呢!如果不是杜鲁门大胆下令投放原子弹的话,双方会死伤更多。必须要说,背后捅我们刀子的日本才是我们加入那场战争的罪魁祸首。当然有很多原子弹以外的杀戮办法,看一眼现在的中东局势就理解这些办法都不管用的。以为美国领导层都是天使的人啊,只需要看看他们自二战以来对内对外的政策就明白了。
-------------译者:cyber power-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
China is #$%$!!! How does the Chinese president say to trump we'll send troops to control them and there nuclear warheads now saying to take it easy on NK!!!??? Seems to me like WW3 US VS CHINA RUSSIA NK! All these country's hate us because of our freedom.
中国不靠谱! 中国的国家元首是怎么对特朗普说的呀,我们要派军队去控制朝鲜,控制那里的核弹头,现在又说对朝鲜不宜过分严厉!?,依我看这像是美国与中、俄、朝的第3次世界大战!这些国家都敌视我们,就因为我们是自由世界。
@FuManchuJr Yeah missile platform in SCS to lay hands on all its resources while denying all other nations access to such bounty.
Evan the brainwashed moron People do not hate US because of your imaginary freedom. They hate US because US is a troublemaker and warmonger. US destroys China builds !
if - democrats and news media refuse to listen to trump why would china? or nk. or anybody?
Sanction China already so we can finally solve this problem. China has now created a nuclear nightmare by continuing to support North Korea during years of international sanctions. We can all thank China for creating a nuclear nightmare. Meanwhile China stated today that they support Venezuela after their the fake elections that just occurred in a country that is imploding. Well why should anyone be surprised since China put Venezuela in perpetual debt with BS infrastructure projects so China could rape Venezuela of its oil. Sri Lanka is another example where China built useless infrastructure projects in order to get what it wanted. What China wanted in Sri Lanka was a port deal. So what did China do in Sri Lanka? It built useless infrastructure projects in order to put Sri Lanka in Chinese debt. A new shiny Chinese built international airport exists in Sri Lanka that gets like five flights a day. Meanwhile China was able to force Sri Lanka to give China a 99 year lease on a port in Sri lanka in order to reduce the debt payments that Sri lanka has to make to China. China planned this raping of Sri Lanka long ago. Sri Lankan citizens were rioting in the streets over this but the government had no choice but to bend over to China in order to reduce its debt payments to China.. By the way Sri Lanka is part of China's One Belt One Road economic expansion. So it seems China is putting small nations along its proposed One Belt Road in perpetual debt so China can force its economic expansion. In this 21st century it is astounding that this type of expansionism from a non rule of law my way or the hIghway nation is able to exist. Therefore it is time to move manufacturing out of China and to nations that respect rule of law. China needs the world way more than the world needs China and so hurting China's economy is the only effective way to stop illegal Chinese expansion. Otherwise war with China is will become inevitable.
Sanctions work about as well as sitting down with two Japanese Diplomats to barter Peace as their Nation is destroying Pearl Harbor even as they spoke . Sanctions only hurt the Little People .And if you think that Trump was right because he was under Pressure to Sanction Russia when he didn't believe it himself there is a lot of Swamp-land you can have cheap in Florida and plenty of Politicians that will sell it to you
制裁像当年和日本外交官坐下来协商和平一样有效,就在会谈的同时,他们的国家偷袭了珍珠港,制裁只会伤害底层人民,如果你觉得特朗普在压力之下签署了针对俄罗斯的制裁是对的,即使那些理由连他自己都不信,那么欢迎来佛罗里达,这里很多政客会乐意把沼泽地便宜地卖给你. (比喻天真易受骗)
By sanctioning china are you willing to pay more for stuff that are cheap these days like tv Walmart stuff you know . An you effort it ?
The problem is Trump . No one respect him as a president . Perhaps they respect him as bussiness man but a politician . If crazy Ted Cruz or even Hillirray was elected china would have listen . Also trump can't keep bullying these powerful countries .they are not little Kuwait or Saudies . They are not Mexicans or South Americans .
问题出在特朗普身上。没有人像尊重总统一样尊重他。也许作为一名成功的商人,人们会尊重他,但不是作为一个政治家。如果是疯狂的泰德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)甚至是希拉里(Hillirray)当选总统,中国可能会听话。而且特朗普也不能一直欺负这些大国,它们不是小科威特或沙特,也不是墨西哥或者南美。
What the United States knows about Dialogue was evident one day in 1941 when two Japanese Diplomats were trying to sell Peace in the White House and Dulles sat and listened to them as their planes were murdering Americans at Pearl Harbor
China actions speak louder than words. But just as loud are your inactions. Your refusal to enforce UN Security Resolutions against North Korea is THE reason it is still such a flashpoint.
Trump will directly bomb the fat boy and that will be the end of it. Problem solved.
特朗普将直接炸死那个胖男孩,这就是结局 问题解决了
The Antichrist Is WHITE
Too late Mr. Yi. America's got a pretend president who is having a noose close around his neck. He needs a nuclear war to get it off.
太迟了毅先生 美国有个冒牌总统,脖子上正套着一个勒紧的绞索。他需要一场核战争来摆脱它。
Oh Man and I"ll bet that you think that Obama Bush and Clinton were Real Presidents " Hell if so I'll bet you can't even spell the World Corruption .
哎哥们儿 我敢打赌你认为奥巴马、布什、克林顿才是真正的总统 见鬼,真这样的话,你肯定连世界腐败都不会拼。
He's Mr. Wang. In China you call the last names first.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...