Why does America think they're the best country in the world?
Shannon Taurua, studied at Massey University
Because it’s what Americans are taught from a yung age. Despite being a wealthy nation, barely half of Americans hold a passport, so many are unable to see what the rest of the world is like.
The US wouldn’t even make the top 10 for mine. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, Canada are all better countries.
There are over 300 million people in the U.S. - there is no one shared opinion among them - on any topic including the country and how great or not great it is. Admittedly there are some loud lovers of the U.S. but there are some well-travelled people who know something more about the world. For just one example, there are many people on Quora who yearn for a single-payer healthcare system - as every other modern, industrialized county has.?
American - the U.S. - is a country - it's geography and politics - 'it' doesn't think. People in it do and they don't all think alike on any one matter.
Chaimaa Boukabouy, good at using Google.
In 1776, when America announced its independence as a nation, it was composed of thirteen colonies surrounded by hostile powers.?
Today, the United States is a country of fifty states covering a vast continent. Its military forces are the most powerful in the world. Its economy produces almost a quarter of the world's wealth. The American people are among the most hard-working, affluent, and generous in the world.
Every nation derives meaning and purpose from some unifying quality—an ethnic character, a common religion, a shared history. The United States is different. America was founded at a particular time, by a particular people, on the basis of particular principles about man, liberty, and constitutional government.?
The American Revolution drew on old ideas. The United States is the product of Western civilization, shaped by Judeo-Christian culture and the political liberties inherited from Great Britain.
Ernest W. Adams
Growing up in the richest, most powerful nation in the world and one of the ones with the largest population creates a very distorted perspective on the world. It's like being the child of a billionaire or of the president of the United States. You really have no baseline from which to judge what “normal” is.
Americans have come to believe that the United States?is?the best at everything because throughout the late 20th century either it really was, or it did not know about areas in which it was not.
So when you point out that the United State's infant mortality rate is absurdly high for the richest country on the planet, it doesn't compute. If you're a liberal, you get angry and become activist.
How could we have screwed up so badly as to not be the best at keeping babies alive? If you're a conservative, you dismiss the data as biased
(a liberal conspiracy to justify taking your tax money to treat babies… probably foreign illegal brown crack babies at that!)
or accurate but irrelevant (it's more important to have the best nuclear weapons than the healthiest babies).
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