Which culture of ancient China should China revive in order to compete with Western culture making China become more Chinese not more Western?
Gabriel Chan Overseas Chinese(华侨)
Answered Feb 25 2016
China has seen practically every form of humanity over the past 5000 years. Chinese culture has a habit of absorbing “barbarian” (external) influences and making them their own. Is Chinese culture being absorbed by the West or is the West becoming more receptive to Chinese culture however subtle and seemly un-Chinese it is?
But to answer your hyperbolic hypothetical: good role models would be the Tang Dynasty for multicultural and entrepreneurial inspiration and the Song Dynasty for artistic cultural inspiration.
Patrick Edwin Moran lived in Taiwan
Answered Feb 7 2016
Your question goes against the spirit of the beginning of syncretic Confucianism. The 大学 indicates that the ancient sages 欲明明德于天下 desired to burnish or illuminate bright virtue in all under Heaven.
iversal human benefit. The tradition originally was stated in universalistic terms. Any human has the potentiality to fully express his/her potential. The "trick" is to nurture the development of the individual in such a way that s/he is not all pulled out of shape by the process of nuture. It's "nature and nurture" with the caveat that those engaged in child care and other development methodologies should not corrupt the nature or distort it in such a way that it loses access to the desirable human potentialities.
The culture should compete with the less effective or the counterproductive cultural features of the West.
What happened from the time of 荀 Xún zǐ Master Xun was that humans were declared to have innate constitutions that were in themselves all drives that would lead to bad social results were they to be given free rein and that the task of child rearing and educational efforts should be to teach the child to accept deferred gratification and enlightened self interest because all you've got to deal with is intelligence and self-interest. Before long we had the theory of the 法家 fǎ jiā Legalists whose idea was that humans could be controlled only by rewards and punishments. The best model for society then was an absolute ruler on the top who controlled everything by rewards and punishments. This totalitarian strain was later brought into question and Confucianism was brought back into respectability. Yet the methodologies of totalitarianism were kept in the ruler's back pocket.
孟轲 Mèng Kē known in the West as Mencius must have been the first ethologist and he specialized on human beings. By careful observation he discovered how the human animal behaves in the wild. He made discoveries like the discovery of imprinting made by Konrad Lorenz but those discoveries related to humans.
孟轲Mèng Kē,在西方被称为Mencius,他肯定是第一个行为研究者,他专攻人类。通过仔细观察,他发现了人类在野外环境中的动物行为。他就像Konrad Lorenz做印迹的发现那样进行观察,但关于人类的行为研究。
Any culture that survives will either modify itself to take new circumstances into account survive with increasing liabilities or die and take its people with it if they fail to flee to some more successful culture. Western culture has many shortcomings. Traditional Chinese culture had fewer shortcomings.
Ideally people would choose the best cultural items no matter where human minds had invented them and use them to replace cultural items that carry along lots of unwanted side effects.
Paul Denlinger Have lived in China Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written spoken)
Answered Nov 9 2016
I would say that while modern Chinese society has adopted some western habits (fast food more individualism some selfishness cancer heart disease diabetes automobile ownership etc.) it is still very recognizably Chinese.
If you think that Chinese culture is becoming diluted you are wrong. The Chinese are very good at adopting some foreign elements and making them Chinese.
This has even happened in politics with Marxist ideology. Basically Han Chinese culture is a Borg culture: it absorbs everything and turns it into Han Chinese over time.
我想说的是,尽管现代的中国社会养成了一些西方的习惯(快餐 更加个人主义 自私,癌症 心脏病 糖尿病 汽车 等等),依然很有中国特色。如果你认为中国文化正在被削弱,那你就错了。中国人很擅长吸收外来文化,并使其中国化。这甚至发生在马克思的哲学思想上。基本上,中国的汉文化是一种伯格文化(译:BORG是美国科幻系列《STAR TREK(星际迷航)》中的一个种族,BORG本身对领土和资源不感兴趣,他们的终极追求是“完美”,而他们认为的所谓完美,就是不断的吸取其他种族的生物和科技上的优势。):即吸收一切,并随着时间的推移将其汉化。
Alfred W Croucher has lived and worked in China since 1978. His post-graduate thesis was on GPCR.
Answered Feb 7 2016 · Upvoted by Eric Lim Used to work at Taipei Economic and Cultural Center Office.
Clearly the greatest cultures in Chinese history were those of the Tang/Song: Seventh century until 12th century. Not only the arts but technology and trade flourished. Nine trading ports were opened. The education system reformed and commerce promoted.
Clearly this was a time of great innovation economic and scientific progress. The synthesizing of Buddhism with New Daoism and Confucianism to develop an entirely new philosophy (Neo-Confucianism) which emphasized the rigorous study of nature. China leaped ahead to become the foremost Empire with a standard of living which overawed the Venetian Polo.
If only we could recover that culture and philosophy surely China would become a great force for cultural and scientific innovation as the present leadership wishes but seems so mislead.
Michel McGill Born lived and worked in China.
Answered Nov 10 2016
Humanism. The core of Chinese culture has been Humanism for five thousand year. It do not make China more Chinese but more Human. Chinese or Western is not a issue for Chinese people. Whatever is good for Human China will up hold it.
人文主义。五千年以来中国文化的核心一直都是人文主义。 它不是让中国变得更中国,而是更人性化。变得更中国还是更西方对中国人民来说都不是问题。只要对人类好的,中国都持支持、赞成的态度。
Western culture is Christian civilization that put God above Human. Renaissance tried to turn this over and not touch the core. Now it is China can help Western to fulfill what they want during Renaissance and not finished yet.
Western culture address the symptoms of terrorism but failed to address the root cause because both Christian and Muslin are monotheism that put Human under the God. Western value is incapable to overcome terrorism. For a world without terrorism we should all promote Humanism the core value of Chinese civilization.
Chinese value do not like compete. Chinese culture will not try to compete with Western. Whatever is good for Human Chinese or Western China will promote it. Chinese people is the least xenophobic people. It is not about making China more Chinese or Western it is about making whole Human Being more Human. That’s Humanism.
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