Italy's primeminister: Don't let Africa become 'second Chinese continent'
Italian Prime Minister PaoloGentiloni urged western officials on Thursday not to let China overrunAfrica, and said more needs to be done by America and Europe to help thecontinent develop.
"We can't consider Africa as thesecond Chinese continent," Gentiloni said Thursday at the Center forStrategic and International Studies. "I have nothing against the fact thatChina is investing a lot in Africa. I am only saying that we should do perhapsour part more strongly."
Italy has a more direct interest in Africanstability than most European nations, as its proximity to North Africa has madeit a gateway for hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing north from thecontinent. Gentiloni wants the G-7 — a forum of the leading industrializedwestern democracies — to expand foreign aid and trade agreements with strugglingAfrican nations, a move that could have significant humanitarian and foreignpolicy implications.
"We can't forget this continent,"he said. "They will have 2 billion inhabitants in 2040, and 2040 istomorrow. And they have enormous resources, but a very complicated level ofservices. There are enormous potentialities. For example, renewable energies inAfrica, is agriculture, food security."
That could be a point of disagreementbetween Gentiloni and President Trump, who has proposed major cuts to the StateDepartment and foreign aid budgets. "I think clearly, the level ofspending that the State Department has been undertaking in the past – andparticularly in this past year – is simply not sustainable," Secretary ofState Rex Tillerson told reporters in March.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers haveexpressed deep skepticism of those cuts, however, with some pointing out aparticular need to assist African countries suffering from famines of biblicalproportions. "[M]illions of innocent people will starve to death without concerted and urgent action in the coming weeks," agroup of ten senators wrote to Tillerson last month.
[–]adalhaidis 85 points 23 hours ago
Well, if Europe wants more influence inAfrica, then EU should spend more money in Africa, whether in form ofinvestments, foreign aid or bribing officials. That is however hard to justifyfor voters in EU.
[–]Mazovia (Poland)slopeclimber 2 points 21hours ago*
Yeah, it's obvious why African leaders wantto make deals with China. Because they treat them like equal trade partners.They focus on building infrastructure in Africa because they know it'sbeneficial to both sides, and it's the thing that helps the most in the longterm. For China, helping African countries become developed is a greatinvestment.
Meanwhile Europe overwhelminglyfocuses on foreign aid that often harms African progress. Europe needs to getout of that post-colonial attitude.
[–]Moody ParisianNico2845 91 points 18hours ago
|Becausethey treat them like equal trade partners.
ROFL! The good Chinese guys developpingAfrica, treating Ethiopians as their equal. The stuff you read and that isbeing upvoted sometimes...
[–]Joxposition 4 points 16 hours ago
Neither uphold lawsagainst corruption / bribes. So yes, they're equally illegal to do in Europe. |Becausethey treat them like equal trade partners.
[–]pavany 1 point 15 hours ago
The president of Ethiopia gradutaed atPeking University. Alumni benefits.
[–]trihard_boiiis 39 points 18 hours ago
| Because they treat them like equal trade partners.
Do you mean bringing chinese workers tobuild infrastructures and leaving no knowledge to the African who ordered thework thus making them dependent on them for the future? Sure.
[–]Orofinii 11 points 17 hours ago
Also it is not a gift from China, they loanthem the money to build infrastructure by obviously Chinese company.
[–]Buck-Nasty 3 points 13 hours ago
Vs the EU doing utterly nothing for Africaninfrastructure?
[–]trihard_boiiis 2 points 12 hours ago
We are already pour billions over billionsin food aid and doing otherwise would be mass starvation.
Do we have to take care of them beforeourselves?
[–]Buck-Nasty 0 points 12 hours ago
No, but Europe then has no right to bitchand whine and get its little panties in a knotabout Africa doing deals with China.
[–]United States of Americadalas3322 3points 17 hours ago
most of the time workers brought in becausethe knowledge to build the rails doesnt exist there. and as far as i know theystay on 5 years to train locals to work the high speed rails thereby passingdonw the knowledge
[–]trihard_boiiis 5 points 16 hours ago
|andas far as i know they stay on 5 years to train locals
That's not what this Angolan dude issaying: https://youtu.be/xuWDwf5j7as?t=5m58s
[–]SeeBoar 40 points 18 hours ago
"Chinese treat them like equals"BHAHAHAHAHAHA
[–]EuropeWilliamPz 15 points 17 hours ago
Africans are not treated like equals by theChinese. China simply brings a huge amount of capital and (Chinese) labor intothe country to build shit and buy influence.
China is doing exactly what Europe did inthe past and is doing now; fighting for their interests. There is nodifference.
[–]Mazovia (Poland)slopeclimber 1 point 15hours ago
I don't see the Chinese literallyconquering Africa and making the territories their colonies.
[–]FinlandEkaros 1 point 16 hours ago
Maybe Europe should stop screwing over themfinally. And starting properly build them...
Then again that doesn't make money for corporations...
[–]AustriaGustostueckerl 4 points 15 hoursago
How is Europe screwing them? Why exactlyshould it build for them? What's so bad about having business relations withAfrican countries, therefore really treating them like equals instead of"charity cases" all the damn time?
[–]Romaniaadri4n85 2 points 15 hours ago
no matter what we do some people willalways be unhappy and criticize Europe. Maybe we should just stop doinganything and leave them be, without any help, any military force, any financialhelp, medicine, ...etc. Minimum diplomatic connectionsand nothing else. I'm not sarcastic.
[–]SwedenMelonskal 14 points 18 hours ago
|Yeah,it's obvious why African leaders want to make deals with China. Because theytreat them like equal trade partners.Funniest thing I read this week.
[–]iambeingserious 2 points 12 hours ago
Bull fucking shit. China is there to rapeand pillage resources.
[–]BaboMitAbo 1 point 21 hours ago
That's not going to happen any time soon,certainly not within our lifetimes. The guilt complex and fetishfor altruism is too strong in Europe.
[–]Romaniaanarchisto 21 points 21 hours ago
|Theguilt complex and fetish for altruism is too strong in Europe.
We're pretending we're "altruist"and we give them a few crumbs while we take theirresources for nothing.
European mining companies get huge profitsfrom African resources and the Africans get almost nothing (their politiciansdo get some bribes for approving the projects).
The Chinese also build infrastructure (fromwhich the population also benefits), which is a lot more than what theEuropeans do.
[–]Bulgariaodinzeus 5 points 17 hours ago
I'm sure there are many Romanian andBulgarian companies in there.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...