为何蒙古没有成为俄罗斯或者中国的一部分? [美国媒体]


Why isn't Mongolia a part of Russia or China yet?


1.Ajay Kamalakaran,Guest Editor at Russia Beyond The Headlines
AnsweredMay 10
Althoughit was the Mongols that had one of the greatest empires of all time, by the17th century, Mongolia was firmly under the grip of the Qing Dynasty.Russiaactually played a role in the country attaining independence from China. Thereare some areas of “greater Mongolia’ that are now in Russia, as there is InnerMongolia in China.The process for Mongolia to attain independence was full oftwists and turns and my research for this article (How a Russia-China politicalgame resulted in Mongolian independence) drove me crazy.

尽管蒙古人曾经建立了这个世界上空前的最大帝国之一 ,但是到了17世纪的时候,蒙古已经牢牢的被清王朝所控制。在帮助蒙古脱离中国统治方面,俄罗斯扮演了一个重要的角色。大蒙古包含很多地区,现在大蒙古帝国的一部分属于俄国,而另外一部分叫做内蒙古的地区,现在是属于中国。蒙古获取独立的过程充满了各种各样的迂回曲折的阴谋诡计。如果你想详细了解这些情况的话,可以参考一下我的研究文章(中俄的政治游戏是如何促成蒙古独立的),这篇文章几乎要把我给逼疯了。

Hereis the gist of the article.“The landlocked Asian country suffered decades of tumult anduncertainty in the early decades of the 20th century before attaining totalindependence from China. Both Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union were majorfactors in Mongolia becoming a free country.”Essentially, the Russians couldhave actually helped the Mongolians take Inner Mongolia as well, but didn’t.


2.Darren Lee, lives in China
AnsweredApr 27
I ampretty sure some Mongolians will feel offended by the way the question isphrased.Take a look back at the history, when the Russian troops just advancedto Siberia and the Far East, Qing Empire was at its peak and successfully incorporatedtoday’s Mongolia into the empire.When Qing collapsed, the Russian Empire was atits peak and successfully turned Mongolia into its protectorate and itssatellite country until the collapse of Soviet Union.


NowRussia and China reached an equilibrium in terms of the national power, soMongolia is kept a buffer state. In time , this geopolitical balancewill be broken again. And history can repeat itself.So Mongolians have to workhard to determine their own fate. With a population of 3 million, it won't bedifficult for Mongolia to gain prosperity only if it is open to foreigninvestment and keeps a good relationship with both sides.


3.Stephen Tempest
StephenTempest, MA Modern History, University of Oxford (1985)
AnsweredApr 28
Well,700 years ago it was China and Russia that were both parts of Mongolia...


Thingschanged. The Chinese rose up and overthrew their Mongol overlords. So did theRussians. The Mongols went back to their steppes.


TheQing dynasty of China conquered the Mongols, in a series of bloody wars and agenocide. By the 18th century Mongolia was a tributary province of China; itsrulers were allowed autonomy as long as they paid theirtaxes and obeyed the Emperor.


In1911 the Qing were overthrown and the Chinese Republic proclaimed. Mongoliadeclared its independence. The Chinese Republic did not recognise this, butthey lacked the power to force the Mongolians to submit.


In1915, China and Russia agreed to keep Mongolia as a demilitarised buffer zonebetween their two countries. The Treaty of Kyakhta recognised a vaguely definedChinese suzerainty over Mongolia, but the area was to be self-governing in allother respects.


In1919 one of the warlord factions vying for control over China, the AnhuiClique, decided to send troops into Mongolia to end its autonomy and bring itback under direct Chinese control. Russia was currently in civil war, so couldnot prevent this breach of the 1915 treaty.


Meanwhilea Russian nobleman named Ungern-Sternberg was fighting against the Bolsheviksin Siberia. When the main White army there was defeated in 1920 he led histroops over the border into Mongolia to escape.


Ungern-Sternbergannounced his conversion to Buddhism, defeated the Chinese occupying army, andin February 1921 proclaimed Mongolia a fully independent monarchy ruled by theBogd Khaan, a Buddhist religious figure.

罗曼·冯·恩琴男爵宣称他改信了佛教,他击败了中国军队,在1921年2月,他宣布蒙古是一个由博格达汗统治的完全独立的君主制国家, 博格达汗是一位佛教的领袖。

Thissituation only lasted six months. The Bolsheviks considered Ungern-Sternberg tobe unfinished business from the Civil War, and sent an army to deal with him.They also supplied money and guns to Mongolia's own Communist party.


InJuly 1921 the Communists seized power in Mongolia, and a few years later in1924 declared the Mongolian People's Republic. Mongolia thus became a Sovietsatellite nation, notionally independent but subservient to Moscow.


Chinadid not abandon its claim to the territory until 1945, when Chiang Kai-shek agreedwith Stalin to recognise Mongolia's independence from China in return for apromise that the USSR would cease supplying the Chinese Communist Party withaid. (In the 1950s the Nationalists, now expelled to Taiwan, declared thatsince Stalin clearly had not kept that promise, they did not need to keep theirside of the bargain either. As such, maps published in Taiwan until veryrecently still showed Mongolia as a province of China. This was only symbolic,however.)


In1949 the People's Republic of China also recognised the independence ofMongolia. (It is said that Mao did ask the Soviets to give Mongolia to China,but was refused.)


Thecollapse of the Soviet Union allowed Mongolia to gain full independence. Thelast Soviet troops left in 1992. Modern Mongolia tries to maintain a carefulbalance between Russia and China, staying friendly with both. In the 1990s itsigned Treaties of Friendship and Cooperation with both its neighbours.


4.Joaquín Olvera Almazán
JoaquínOlvera Almazán
UpdatedJun 10
Well,Mongolia has a language of its own, traditions of its own, a history of itsown, a culture of its own, many “of its own”s so it is only natural that it’snot part of any country but of itself.Now Mongolia won’t be a part of Russia orChina for as long as those two are strong. Neither Russia nor China will letany of them take it over, there’s a lot of wealth to be made out of it. That iswhy Mongolia is not a part of neither of those two and will continue like thatand it’s not going to be part of any of those countries for a very, very longtime.


5.E. Shami
E.Shami, just like kids arguing in the playground
AnsweredApr 27
Mongoliais a part of neither exactly because it cannot be of both. It’s all about thepower balance between China and Russia and the need for a buffer zone betweenthem.


6.Tulga Ariuntuya
AnsweredApr 28
Mongolianethnics are living in Russia(Buryat, Tuva) and in China(Inner Mongolia).Literally we speak almost same language and understand each other. If theyinvade Mongolia, there is an possibility of unrest in invader country itself.


Wehave excellent diplomacy to Russia and China. Both of countries are visa freefor us. Almost half century ago, we solved dispute on border of China, so it’sunlike South China Sea. We helped Russia during WW2 a lot, unless they forgetour help they won’t attack. Also it is Russia who made world acknowledge ourindependence.


7.Allen Wang
AllenWang, works at London
AnsweredApr 27
Becauseboth parties are rejecting the proposal.Due to historic reasons, Mongolians arevery not friendly to Chinese, although they were the invaders and had killed6.7 millions of Han people. They have a totally different culture, history andlife style from China. So it is quite obvious they wouldn't change it just to bea part of another country.


Onthe other hand, China is looking at Mongol with a mixed feeling, as Mongol washer conqueror and also her previous vassal state. Mongol has the valuablenatural resources she needs, but also have a hostile population come along withpoverty and a vast territory that she needs to invest billions, if nottrillions, of money. Moreover, if Mongol merges with China, it means Chinesepolitical/military influence reach to the belly area of Russia, and both Russiaand China couldn't afford the consequences.


Mostimportantly, we are living in a world that peace is the main stream andconquering is no longer desired. Unless the merge is agreed by both partiesrelated, by that I mean not just China and Mongol but also other countries thatcould be geopolitically affected in the neighborhood, China would not take therisk.


8.Alan Gao
AnsweredMay 2
Itacted like a buffer zone, Russia don’t want China to have Mongolia to threatits weak Siberian Railroad, while China don’t want Russia to put Beijing underits reach. Nobody want the other to take it.


9.Yuchen Pei
YuchenPei, lived in China
AnsweredApr 28
First,a buffer zone between two major powers can avoid many potential conflicts. Lookat the world map, and imagine a long boarder line ranging from far east tocentral asia. Pretty scary right?


Secondly,why bother taking care of a group of people who will hate you if you canalready use their resources? Annexing a country brings far more trouble thanbenefits. Does America bother occupying Mexico? Their military can’t evendestroy the drug dealers.


AnsweredApr 28
Thesame reason with why Nepal is still around despite of being sandwiched by Chinaand India. The same reason with why Thailand was left independent despite beingsandwiched by British India and French Indochina. The same reason why thepetulant North Korea has not been razed to the ground.


Whena country is sandwiched between 2 great powers, that country will be leftalone. China would be furious if Russia invaded Mongolia. Similarly, Russiawould be furious if China invaded Mongolia. As long as Mongolia is not much ofa trouble, both Russia and China will be happy with the status quo. The fancyterm of this is “buffer state”.


Everyonehates the petulant North Korea, but neither the US-backed South Korea nor Chinahas razed North Korea to the ground.


11.Alex Ladov
AnsweredMay 2
InSoviet Union Mongolia was considered not as quite foreign country but rather asa remote and sparsely populated Soviet Block republic, nobody really caredwhether it is a part of Russia or not. I guess even if it becomes China thenRussia will not really care because China is not a threat to Russia, it is ourgood neighbour and trade partner.


IfMongolia will submit to US and they will start building military bases thenRussia will be outraged for sure, as well as China I guess.


12.Bevin Chu
BevinChu, veteran commentator on Sino-US relations
AnsweredMay 1
Longstory short:Mongolia WAS in fact part of China for quite some time.The Mongolians conqueredChina and ruled it for just under a century.They merged Han China and theMongolian Empire. The Mongol regime became a Chinese dynasty.


Laterthe Han Chinese overthrew the Mongolian Chinese and established the Mingdynasty. The Mongolian region remained part of the new Han Chinese ruled Mingregime.Eventually part of Mongolia became independent of China in the early20th century. The rest of it, known as “inner Mongolia” remained part of China.


overthe centuries, Mongolians and Manchus have become fully integrated within theever multi-ethnic Chinese nation. The situation is somewhat comparable to theway the Norman conquerors were integrated with the conquered Saxons in Britain.Today, no real distinctions are made between Chinese of Han, Mongol, or Manchubackgrounds.

