澳大利亚反穆斯林议员身穿罩袍出席议会 [美国媒体]

周四,一名身穿波卡(穆斯林妇女穿的全身式罩袍)的澳大利亚议员激起了议员们的强烈愤怒,这是她为游说立法“禁止伊斯兰遮脸物”而进行的活动的一部分。美国网友:干得好Hanson 女士——罩袍应该被禁止——它是对女性极端压迫的象征。要么融入文明社会,要么呆在你野蛮的老家。西方女性为了“争取”平等权利进行了艰苦的斗争......

Anti-Muslim Australian senator wears burqa in Parliament


CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — An Australian senator provoked an angry backlash from lawmakers by wearing a burqa in Parliament on Thursday as part of her campaign for a national ban on Islamic face covers.


Pauline Hanson, leader of the anti-Muslim, anti-immigration One Nation minor party, sat wearing the black head-to-ankle garment for more than 10 minutes before taking it off as she rose to explain that she wanted such outfits banned on national security grounds.

Pauline Hanson 是反穆斯林、反移民的少数党“单一民族党”领袖。她穿着包裹全身的黑色罩袍坐在那儿超过10分钟才脱掉,之后起身解释道,为了国家安全考虑,她想要禁止这种服装。

"There has been a large majority of Australians (who) wish to see the banning of the burqa," said Hanson, an outspoken fan of President Donald Trump, as senators objected.


Attorney-General George Brandis drew applause when he said his government would not ban the burqa, and chastised Hanson for what he described as a "stunt" that offended Australia's Muslim minority.

首席检察长George Brandis 回应称他的政府不会禁止罩袍,并斥责Hanson 的行为纯粹是“噱头”,冒犯了澳大利亚穆斯林少民。他的言论赢得了掌声。

"To ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on what you have done," Brandis said.

“嘲弄穆斯林群体、试图边缘化穆斯林群体、讥讽其民族服装是一件可怕的事情,我要求你反省自己的行为。” Brandis 说。

Opposition Senate leader Penny Wong told Hanson: "It is one thing to wear religious dress as a sincere act of faith; it is another to wear it as a stunt here in the Senate."

在野党议员领袖Penny Wong 对Hanson 说:“出于真诚的信仰穿宗教服装是一回事,为了制造噱头穿进议会是另一回事儿。”

Sam Dastyari, an opposition senator and an Iranian-born Muslim, said: "We have seen the stunt of all stunts in this chamber by Sen. Hanson."

在野党议员、伊朗裔穆斯林Sam Dastyari 说:“我们在这个会议厅见识到了Hanson 议员的惊人表演。”

"The close to 500,000 Muslim Australians do not deserve to be targeted, do not deserve to be marginalized, do not deserve to be ridiculed, do not deserve to have their faith made some political point by the desperate leader of a desperate political party," Dastyari said.

“近50万澳大利亚穆斯林不应该被针对,不应该被边缘化,不应该被嘲弄,他们的信仰不应该被一个绝望政党的绝望领导人拿来当作自己的政治观点。” Dastyari 说。

Senate President Stephen Parry said Hanson's identity had been confirmed before she entered the chamber. He also said he would not dictate the standards of dress for the chamber.

议会主席Stephen Parry 说在Hanson 进入会议厅之前,她的身份就被确认了,同时他也称不会规定出席议会的服装标准。

Parliament House briefly segregated women wearing burqas and niqabs in 2014. The department that runs Parliament House said that "persons with facial coverings" would no longer be allowed in the building's open public galleries. Instead, they were to be directed to galleries usually reserved for noisy schoolchildren, where they could sit behind soundproof glass.


The policy was branded a "burqa ban" and was widely condemned as a segregation of Muslim women, as well as a potential breach of anti-discrimination laws.


Officials relented, allowing people wearing face coverings in all public areas of Parliament House after the coverings were removed temporarily at the building's front door so that staff can check the visitor's identity.


The reason behind the segregation was never explained, but it seems to have been triggered by a rumor on Sydney talk radio that men dressed in burqas were planning an anti-Muslim demonstration in Parliament House.



It's a security issues when you can't see hands, hidden weapons or explosives.
It's gotta be BANNED


Legal Sharia law! The first law of Sharia, DEATH to anyone who criticizes or denies Mohammad! If Muslims can wear full face burqas, then EVERYONE should legally be able to wear burqas,ie. Anarchist, #$%$, child molesters and bank robbers


Ban burqas and ban stupid people! Ban Sharia law! You can't legalize pedophilia, stoning, slavery and executing all your opposition!


It does not belong in the civilized world or 21st century.


The Jews also been told by the Nazi they were evils


It's not a "religious garment" but rather a symbol of misogynistic oppression!!


Good for Ms. Hanson---the burka should be banned---it is a symbol of EXTREME FEMALE OPPRESSION. Assimilate to civilization or stay in your own barbaric countries. Women in the west have fought and suffered a long time in order to "earn" our almost equal rights---we do not want to see people from backward nations try and take us even further back than where we started. Ms. Hanson, keep it up----easy for stupid men to criticize women---let them try wearing this ancient symbol that indicates a woman is a man's property, she is not worthy of an independent life. OFF WITH THE BURKA!

干得好Hanson 女士——罩袍应该被禁止——它是对女性极端压迫的象征。要么融入文明社会,要么呆在你野蛮的老家。西方女性为了“争取”平等权利进行了艰苦的斗争——我们不想看到来自落后国家的人让我们倒退回原点。Hanson 女士,请继续努力——愚蠢的男人轻易批评女性——让他们试试穿这种象征女性是男人财产、不配拥有独立生活的古老服饰吧。脱掉罩袍吧!

Yep - but the feminists won't touch this...


The Burqa is offensive to Western culture. Period.


The part they left out of the article is that she had 10 kilos of dynamite strapped to her inner thigh. No one discovered it. Had she been a real terrorist the whole building could have been blown up.


offending canada's muslim minority is far better for canadians than allowing the muslim minority to blow the rest of canada up. ban the burqa, ban the muslims.


Nyet Nyet
Halloween costume.


Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement. Funny how they outlawed gun ownership in the name of safety but they wont ban the burka. Australia is doomed!


Tampa Yankee
With all the supposedly educated people in this country I believe only 5% of us know what a Muslim really is and what their ideals are and their agenda. Are we really this stupid all in the name of equality and being politically correct?


Madam Prez
Just like the Mexicans in the US. They come to another country and try to turn it into the hell hole country they just escaped from.


Anonymous Columbus
I wish I could vote in Australia because she would get my vote. How in the world any woman or man could think making women wear that, and don't tell me Muslim men don't make women wear that because they do. Muslims should be outcast-ed from society as they are violent but worse than that, they force their idiotic beliefs and laws on others. Yes, I am 100% for banning that type of religion.



kam ibra
Of course these moro'n's, racists, Islam haters, Inhumans are fan of ugly Trump. That orange monkey has brought nothing but a racist terrorist and inhuman lot together around the globle.


She is so ugly that it would be great if she stays behind veil all her life.


Munmun Hassan
I am a Muslim woman and I do not agree with the full face covering because it hides the identity of the wearer. It is not required in the Quran.


Forget about banning the burka, deport all stupid insane religious fanatics and their families that want to wear it.


The following countries have banned the veil:
Austria, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Latvia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Gabon, China, Morocco
Liberalism is a disease of common sense - the fifth column


They are talking about BURKA while their hands are stained with the blood of the Iraqis. Australia was a member of the "coalition of the willing" which invaded Iraq illegally led by G W Bush


Another Trump fan to get cheap popularity.


They would have listened to her if she talked in her birthday suit.


Fernando Atila
I am not prejudice with any religion and human being must be respect regardless your kind of faith. But around the world there are countries mostly Christians and others mostly Muslims. In Middle East maybe all countries are Shia Muslim countries or Suni Muslim countries. Why Muslims do not emigrat to another Muslim nation? Your are not obligated to live in a Christian country if you don′t agree with its culture. You are free to move for another place and be happy with your religion.


I think it would help if the racist Australians learn to speak Arabic, and then confess that Allah is the only true God and Muhammad saw was his prophet. I can't see the Australian kuffaar getting over their racism. More Muslims will make things better in Australia.
In Australia, Australian white non-Muslim women walk around naked on the street and then they blame men for attacking them. Modest Muslims can provide them with morality to their sick society


Rashnal Kumar
How about Muslims live in Muslim countries and continue to kill each other, how about you use Muslim made materials, apparently you haven't invented a slightest thing, no machine or vaccine, cars and clothes to utensils, mobile phones and computers you yourself use, all made by naked non Muslims. Muslims by far n Australia are the most amount of people who survive on social welfare, hand out by government paid in by 98% non Muslims , they cry to have everything halal, but the money paid by tax payers is non halal.
