Is Forbes magazine right to say that China's Achilles heel is its education system?
Godfree Roberts Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics University of Massachusetts Amherst (1973)
戈弗雷.罗伯茨 教育学博士 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 教育和地缘政治专业(1973)
upxed May 20
My doctorate is in education and I've been visiting China since 1967 and following its educational progress with great interest. Forbes’ statement "the continuing emphasis on ideology in the humanities is China’s biggest Achilles heel. Moving up the global value chain is impossible without a dramatic overhaul of its current education system. Instead of cultivating independent minds education is first and foremost a device for enforcing Party ideology to the young and impressionable minds" is naive.
Like censorship (which 80% of Chinese approve!) ideology is a public matter publicly disclosed and publicly discussed. Their censor is called Chief Censor everyone knows his name and everyone has read his rules. American ideology is emxded in our schooling (history is ideological) TV programs and commercials and is secretly enforced by a small group of media-owners and government officials. That’s the real reason so few of us trust our media: we know we’re getting a one-sided picture but we don’t know who’s responsible for creating it.
Nor is Chinese education "first and foremost a device for enforcing Party ideology to the young and impressionable minds" any more than it is in Western schools. It's part of acculturation. In France French ideology is inculcated in all classrooms (which teach an identical cultural curriculum) every day as an essential foundation of French culture. The French are rightly proud of their culture and want to pass it on to their children.
不仅中国把教育当做传输政党观念给年轻人的手段,在西方学校里这种行为更甚。它是社会教养的一部分。在法国,每天所有教室里灌输的都是法国的意识形态,课堂上教授的是相同的文化课程, 这是法国文化的基石。法国人为他们的文化感到骄傲是正确的,并且要把这些文化传给他们的孩子。
As to Forbes’ nonsense about rote learning in China it's a misapprehension. Sure the Chinese rely on rote learning more that we do for appropriate subjects like arithmetic. The reasoning is that most people are not cut out for abstract thought but multiplication tables and mental arithmetic are survival skills that will get them through life. In any case Chinese pupils use rote learning less than we do because they know its limitations.
If you doubt me read some gaokao questions from past years. They're so subtle and ambiguous that they would cause howls of outrage if given to average US students. Here’s an easy one:
In a letter to James Madison in March 1787 George Washington wrote “That a thorough reform of the present system is indispensable none who have capacities to judge will deny—and with hand and heart I hope the business will be essayed in a full Convention.”
1787年3月, 在一封写给 詹姆士.麦迪逊的信中,乔治.华盛顿写道,“对现有体制的彻底改革是必不可少的,有判断能力的人都不会否认这点---我真诚地希望可以在全体会议上提出这项改革。”
Q. What does the “thorough reform” refer to?
A. eradicate defect of federal system
B. establish republic system with check and balance of three powers
C. abolish constitutional monarchy
D. change the loose federal system
All of this is not to say that the Chinese system is perfect. Far from it. But 3 of the 5 top scoring school systems in the world are Chinese and the average Chinese school (as sampled by the OECD) is about as good as the OECD average. That's a harbinger of things to come. If you want to see what the best school system in the world looks like read Shanghai’s Education Secrets.
这并不是说中国的体系就是完美无缺的。实际上离完美还有很长一段路要走。但是世界上排名前五的学校系统中,中国有三个。 通过经合组织的抽样调查发现,中国和经合组织的中等学校的水平不相上下。这是未来的预兆。如果你想知道世界上最好的学校系统是什么样的,那么你可以看看《上海的教育秘密》这本书。
Paul Denlinger Have lived in China Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written spoken)
paul denlinger 一直住在中国台湾和香港,普通话流利(书面+口语)
Answered Dec 3 2012
No not really.
Since China wants to become more developed the main emphasis is on the disciplines which are more closely related to economic development: science and math.
The current education system is more geared to that. Chinese students are more noted for their hard-skill expertise than their soft skills. That is natural.
现在的教育系统更加适合于实现这个目标。 比起软技能,中国学生被人们熟悉的是他们的硬技能专业知识。那是自然而然的。
But many Chinese are now well-off enough to send their kids to school in Hong Kong the US the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand.
Those educational systems can help them offset some of the shortcomings of the Chinese educational system.
The result is people who are strong in the sciences math and analysis but can then branch off into other fields often those which require soft skills.
那得到的结果就是, 中国人不仅擅长于科学、数学和分析,而且拓展到了其他的需要软技术的专业学科。
That's a powerful combination.
Ozgur Zeren studied at Self Educated
Ozgur Zeren自学成才
Answered Mar 8 2016
Forbes is right to say that since for any Wall Street mouthpiece publication any non-totally-privatized education system is a blasphemy.
That does not change even if Chinese education as a whole tramples entire US body of students in STEM subjects. A tiny percentage of exceptional students which make it into MIT do not change the rule:
American Students Fall in International Academic Tests Chinese Lead the Pack
Infographic: China Ahead of US and Germany in Educational Technology
Why East Asian Students Are Superior
When even WSJ starts conceding the point you know something is going real bad.
The actual question is why are there people who still read publications like Forbes Economist WSJ NYT and buy the corporate rhetoric they sell.
These publications have no obligation to relay the truth. The profits the shareholders of these corporations will make from their other corporate share-holderships by pushing policies that will make them profit far surpass the profits which they will make from the ad or subscxtion revenue they get from the publications themselves.
These publications had no issue pushing Iraq war on non existent weapons of mass destruction. They had no shame afterwards either. The same with the first Iraq war with Nayirah Lie.
Trusting these publications after these episodes goes beyond reason.
Joseph Wang Chief Scientist Bitquant Research
Answered Apr 12 2013
There are some good reasons why the system is what it is.
One reason that the Chinese educational system focuses so much on memorization and standardized examinations is that:
1) it's easy to hire teachers to teach memorization
2) there's much less possibility for corruption in a memorization system. You memorize the answers you take the test based on the scores you get in or not. If you have any sort of human intervention you have a place where you can have corruption. If you look at how difficult it is to get into an international school in China you see a large number of places where there is either direct or indirect corruption and if you make the educational system such so that is based on "soft skills" then you add to the places where the poor and unconnected are at a disadvantage.
3) One good thing about a system based on memorization is that you don't have to believe any of it. The tests measure how much you've memorized the official history and the official interpretation of literature. They don't ask any questions that require the student to express what they think about it.
If I had to give a "Chinese style" test on politics it would see if people memorized the latest political buzzwords. Here is a speech by Xi Jinping. I'll ask you to memorize it. Now if you have a system in which a student had to *critique* that speech and explain what *they thought of it* that would be both cruel and dangerous.
-------------译者:一抹夏凉-审核者:skysonssk------------Robin Daverman
Robin Daverman, World traveler
Answered Jun 11, 2015
No. I don't know why people keeps on saying that the Chinese education system emphasizes memorization. The high-school math in China is probably three years ahead of the US. Math test in SAT is the equivalent of a 6th grade math in China. I have yet to meet anybody who can solve math problems by memorization.
The Forbes article is a political hit piece. The smart kids in China are all going after the science track, which means they'll be tested on the following 6 subjects in GaoKao: Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. I don't know what "grade" the author was when she read Hans Andersen's fairy tale in class and developed an objection to her teacher's interpretation, but seriously, most kids wouldn't be caught dead reading a fairy tale by 7 years old. One can't seriously think that a reading of "the little match girl" or "Cinderella" represent the height of Chinese education.
PS: A good comment from Qian Qin:
Science track is usually perceived to be more competitive in the future job market, as a result the majority(70% maybe?) of Chinese students go on this track. However I wouldn't say students in either track are smarter than ones in the other. Both tracks have very smart students, only in different ways.
Robin Daverman,一位周游世界的旅行者
附:来自Qian Qin的较好的评论:
Li Jun Love thinking philosophy and programming. Know a lot about Chinese and China
Answered Jun 14 2015
Achilles in fairytale has only one weak point but China has many. Obviously China is not Achilles so she does not have Achilles Heel. Say nothing about education system might not be the real weakness of China.
Furthermore I think it is too complex to give an simple conclusion of "right" or "wrong" to China's education system.
I briefly read the article in Forbes website I think its target is to argue China's education system serves for the CCP so it is problematic. It is too political and too biased. And I can not find the clear logic from "The problem of China's education system" to "It is the Achilles Heel of China".
我在福布斯网站上简略地阅读了这篇文章,我认为它的目标是证明中国的教育体系是为中国共产党服务的,所以它是有问题的。它太政治化,也太有偏见。而且从“中国教育体系的问题”引申到“中国的阿喀琉斯之踵”, 在这点上我无法找到清晰的逻辑。
I am totally lost in the author's second sub-heading: Private Schools as an Alternative. What he discussed under this heading had little to do with private schools and I found no clue to the key word "alternative" at all. BTW IMHO private school is a poison to China.
In summary the article is telling nonsense.
Gwydion Madawc Williams retired computer analyst and widely read on history and science
Answered Dec 4 2012
China doesn't have huge numbers of people believing in nonsense like Creationism as happens in the USA. It also has a continued respect for education which has weakened in the West.
It is also remarkable how Western journalists keep on predicting something terrible about to happen to China and it never does. They can't bear to think that a foreign country might flourish while ignoring their advice.
Japan and Russia followed Western advice: look what happened to them.
Dingqi Zhang Native Chinese
Answered Sun
The ideology Chinese education system teaches is simple: materialism and dialectics.
Materialism means there's no god mandating what happens on earth nor can you do anything by simply relying on faith. Do you agree with that? If yes let's continue. That's why you need to investigate facts study the laws of physics use logic measure variables and resort to materialistic means on whatever undertaking you engage in. Doesn't it sound simple? Well how do you explain there are all those people in your world arguing against evolution against GMO food against abortion against LGBT by claiming that they are against the Bible?
Dialects means nothing is absolute. Everything has two sides. Not all is the same. Situation changes over time and space. There are important stuff while there are also unimportant stuff. It tells you not to be a bigot. Doesn't it sound too basic to you? If it's really that basic we wouldn't hear about all those annoying voices of liberals keyboard warriors backseat drivers and armchair generals. Also if those earth flatters and conspiracy theorists of all sorts knew to diversify their arguments they wouldn't cling on to their bigotry so fiercely.
The very purpose of what you call ideology education is to inhibit idiocy and promote science. It's where China's education is uniquely the strongest.
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