Trumpwould return to tax reform later — but first, he had to blame themedia for “fomenting divisions” in the country, “trying to take awayour history and our heritage”. He called reporters “sick people” and “really,really dishonest” and accused them of turning “a blind eye” to gang violence,public school failures and “terrible, terrible trade deals.”
“Youwould think they'd want to make our country great again, and I honestly believethey don't,” he said. “I honestly believe it.”
Trumptook a brief detour into immigration, prompting him to ask the crowd: “Bythe way, I'm just curious. Do the people in this room like Sheriff Joe?”
Thecrowd burst into wild cheers, thinking that Trump was about to pardon Arpaio —something the press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had said just hoursearlier would not happen that day.
“So,was Sheriff Joe convicted of doing his job?” Trump continued. “You know what?I'll make a prediction. I think he's going to be just fine, okay? But I won'tdo it tonight, because I don't want to cause any controversy. Is that okay?”
Backon his immigration talking points, Trump detailed a trip he made earlier thatday to Yuma, Ariz., for a briefing on border security — and he casuallythreatened to “close down our government” to get funding for a wall alongthe southern border.
Heagain called for getting rid of the filibuster rule requiring more than asimple majority — a change that congressional Republicans havesaid won't magically lead to the president's agenda passing.
“Theyall said, 'Mr. President, your speech was so good last night. Please, please,Mr. President, don't mention any names,'” Trump said, referring to a Mondaynight speech about Afghanistan.
“SoI won't. I won't. No I won't … I will not mention any names. Very presidential,isn't' it? Very presidential.”Trump listed whathe sees as accomplishmentsduring his first seven months, including nominating a new Supreme Courtjustice and 31 federal judges.
“所以我不会。我不会的。我不会提任何名字的。很有总统风度,不是的吗? 很有总统风度!川普列出了在他的头七个月他所认为的成就,包括提名一位新的最高法院法官和31名联邦法官。
“We'veended the war on beautiful, clean coal, and it's just been announced that asecond, brand-new coal mine, where they're going to take out clean coal —meaning, they're taking out coal, they're going to clean it ” Trump said,completely misrepresenting what clean coal is.
Trumpnoted that West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice switched back to being a Republicanafter a brief stint as a Democrat, which somehow segued into his thoughts onthe removal of Confederate statues from many cities.
“They'retrying to take away our culture. They are trying to take away our history,”Trump said. “And our weak leaders, they do it overnight. These things have beenthere for 150 years, for 100 years. You go back to a university, and it's gone.Weak, weak people.”
Hisnext sentence: “We are going to protect American industry. We are going toprotect the American worker.”
Trumpapologized that it is taking so long to renegotiate NAFTA and commented that“we'll end up probably terminating NAFTA at some point.” He added for emphasis:“Probably.” Trump talked about climate change, adding jobs to the privatesector, decreasing the unemployment rate and getting rid of regulations.
Heacknowledged that he has had to disband some of his business advisory board followingprotests of his reaction to Charlottesville — although he claimed that some ofthese business leaders will still meet with him privately.
“Thesepeople just don't get it. They are calling, and they're saying, 'How aboutgetting together privately?' They like it better. Why should they be on acouncil?” Trump said. “You know, that's the way it is, folks. That's the way itis.”
Trumpfinally got back to promising to pass tax reform, along with a majorinfrastructure package, and called for Congress to help him with both.“This isour moment. This is our chance,” Trump said. “This is our opportunity torecapture our dynasty like never before.”
Heended the rally by declaring: “Thank you, Arizona. God bless you. Thankyou. Thank you.”Those who still remained filed out of the convention center,stepping outside and into what at times felt like a war zone.
Hundredsof protesters shouted: “Racists go home!” Police wearing riot helmets formed aline between the two groups. Further down the street, small clumps ofsupporters and protesters started heated debates, with each side holding uptheir smartphones to record the interaction.
Policereleased pepper balls and made three arrests. A helicopter circledoverhead as police warned that those who stayed in the area risked arrest.
“Ohboy. Oh Lord,” said Kelly Coombs, a 42-year-old data administrator fromPhoenix, as she stepped outside, holding a pink sign saying “Women for Trump”and trying to ignore the things yelled at her.
9:44 PMGMT+0800
He keepstalking about "loving the troops", but I haven't seen him sayanything of substance about the lives of troops lost in the last few weeks. Hecould have taken a minute out of his delusional speech last night to saysomething about them.
9:44 PMGMT+0800
Donald Trump isan imposter. Everyday the United States exist without a president we growweaker and weaker in the eyes of the world.
9:44 PMGMT+0800
"his rageseemed to cloud his senses." Seventy year old man ought to know betterthan to allow that to happen. Is it something he's forgetting?
9:44 PMGMT+0800
Trumpsupporters, this is what you voted for. What the hell is wrongwith you?
9:44 PMGMT+0800
Absolutelypitiful. Can you imagine another president giving such a whining speech? Gladto read that even his followers got fed up and left. There is still hope......
9:43 PMGMT+0800
Isn't theSecret Service already running out of funds? Why is my taxpayer money going tofund this campaign rally? How much did it cost the city of Phoenix to pay thepolice? What a bunch of hypocrites the GOP is for all their talk about curbinggovernment spending and it's not the government's job to pay for nationalhealth insurance. But taxpayers have to pay for this?!?!
难道秘密服务已经没有资金了吗?为什么我的纳税人的钱会为这次竞选集会提供资金呢?凤凰城要花多少钱来支付警察的费用? 共和党人是一群伪君子,他们都在谈论控制政府开支,而不是政府为国家医疗保险买单。但是纳税人必须为此买单?
9:43 PMGMT+0800
It's obviousthat Trump is on a tour to whip up as much anger as possible in anticipation ofMueller's findings. Trump is hoping that the threat of violence from his low IQsupporters will make them go easy on him. And for you folks that think it'sfake news, well, you are the low IQ supporters so that's what we expect.
9:43 PMGMT+0800
LOL It was aboring speech because he pretty much had to go word for word on what he saidabout Charlottesville. I don't see him as a racist in spite of all his flaws.He didn't fit in to NYC social circles and he has to attack and name call or hecan't sleep. He has to be crass and combative because that is who he is.Doesn't make him a racist.
9:42 PMGMT+0800
Even Trump'sopponents have always seemed to agree that, despite a lot of bad things, he wasan intelligent man. I never saw that. Right from the get-go Trump always struckme as a complete imbecile. What were the signs? Very poor command of thelanguage. A tendency to express everything in superlative terms. A lack ofawareness about most current events. No indication that he reads anything atall. etc.
Trump is many,many bad things. But above all his flaws lies one defining trait. The man isdumb. He is the-kid-who sat-in-the-back- of-the-room-with-a-pencil-in-his-eardumb.
9:42 PMGMT+0800
Clean coal iscoal that's cleaned? Right. And money laundering involves putting dollar billsin a washing machine.
9:42 PMGMT+0800
I had no ideawe had so many people that would rather hurt someone else than help themselveshere in the USA.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...