PHOENIX —Just before President Trump strolled onto the rally stage on Tuesdayevening, four speakers took turns carefully denouncing hate, calling for unityand assuring the audience that the president is not racist.
Housingand Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson proclaimed that “our lives are tooshort to let our differences divide us.” Alveda King,the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., led everyone in singing a few linesof “How Great Thou Art.” Evangelist Franklin Graham prayed for the politicallyand racially divided nation and asked the Lord to shut the mouths of“those in this country who want to divide, who want to preach hate.”
住房和城市发展部长 本-卡森宣称“我们的生命太短暂了以至于我们不应该让我们之间的差别来把我们分开”。维达·金——马丁路德金的侄女引导每一个人都唱几行”你真伟大(歌曲名)”,福音布道者葛福临牧师为了那个被政治和种族分裂的国家祈祷,请求上帝让那些说“在这个国家,谁想要去分裂,谁就是想宣扬仇恨”的人闭嘴。
”And Vice President Pence declared that “President Trump believes with all hisheart … that love for America requires love for all its people.”Meanwhile, a supporter seated directly behind stage even wore a T-shirtthat stated: “Trump & Republicans are not racist.”
Then Trump took thestage.He didn't attempt to continue the carefully choreographed messagingof the night or to narrow the ever-deepening divide between the thousands ofsupporters gathered in the convention center hall before him and the thousandsof protesters waiting outside.
Instead, Trump spent the first threeminutes of his speech — which would drag on for 75 minutes — marveling at hiscrowd size, claiming that “there aren't too many people outside protesting,”predicting that the media would not broadcast shots of his “rather incredible”crowd and reminiscing about how he was “center stage, almost from day one, inthe debates.”
“We love those debates — but wewent to center stage, and we never left, right?” the president said, relivinghis glory days. “All of us. We did it together.”
Over the next 72 minutes, the presidentlaunched into one angry rant after another, repeatedly attacking the media andproviding a lengthy defense of his response to the violent clashes in Charlottesville,between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the counterprotesters whochallenged them.
He threatened to shut down the governmentif he doesn't receive funding for a wall along the southern border, announcedthat he will “probably” get rid of the North American Free Trade Agreement,attacked the state's two Republican senators, repeatedly referred to protestersas “thugs” and coyly hinted that he will pardon Joe Arpaio, the former sheriffof Maricopa County who was convicted in July of criminal contempt in Arizonafor ignoring a judge’s order to stop detaining people because he merelysuspected them of being undocumented immigrants.
他威胁如果不能在沿着南部边境的隔离墙项目获得资金支持的话,他将会关闭政府,他还声称他“可能”抛弃北美自由贸易协定,他还攻击了攻击该州的两名共和党参议员,他还反复的将他的抗议者称为“暴徒”。此外,他还羞羞答答的暗示他将会特赦马里科帕县的前治安官Joe Arpaio,他在亚利桑那州7月因藐视法庭判决被判有罪,原因是他没有执行法庭关于停止羁押那些仅仅是他自己认为是非法移民者的人。
Three times,the crowd burst into chants of “USA! USA! USA!” And once,at the mention of Trump's former rival Hillary Clinton, they chanted: “Lock herup! Lock her up! Lock her up!” Several parents put their young children ontheir shoulders so they could get a good look at the president.
人群曾有三次突然爆发开始去高喊“美国!美国!美国”,有一次,当提及到川普的之前的竞争者希拉里克林顿的时候,他们喊道” 把她锁起来!把她锁起来!把她锁起来!“几位父母将他们年幼的孩子放在自己的肩膀上,以便于他们能够好好的看看美国的总统。
Butas the night dragged on, many in the crowd lost interest in what the presidentwas saying.Hundreds left early, while others plopped down on the ground,scrolled through their social media feeds or started up a conversation withtheir neighbors.
Afterwaiting for hours in 107-degree heat to get into the rally hall — where theirwater bottles were confiscated by security — people were tired and dehydrated.
AlthoughTrump has long been the master of reading the mood of a room and quicklyadjusting his message to satisfy as many of his fans as possible, his rageseemed to cloud his senses.
Earlyin his speech, when Trump still had the attention of his followers,he recited his definition of what it means to be a Trump supporter.
“Thisevening, joined together with friends, we reaffirm our shared customs,traditions and values,” Trump began. “We love our country. We celebrate our troops.We embrace our freedom.
We respect our flag. We are proud of ourhistory. We cherish our Constitution — including, by the way, the SecondAmendment. We fully protect religious liberty.
Webelieve in law and order. And we pledge our allegiance to one nation underGod.”Minutes later, Trump transitioned to a topic that he would return to againand again.“What happened in Charlottesville strikes at the core of America,”Trump said, appearing to read from the teleprompters placed on stage.
“Andtonight, this entire arena stands united in forceful condemnation of the thugswho perpetrate hatred and violence.”Many in the crowd lit up at the use ofthe word “thugs” and applauded. Later in the evening, Trump would repeatedlyuse the same word to describe the protesters who showed up to his campaignrallies.
“Butthe very dishonest media,” Trump continued, “those people right up there, withall the cameras.”He was cut off by loud booing. He smirked and nodded inagreement. A few people shouted, “Fake news!”
A younggirl in the crowd, who was wearing a white Make America Great Again hat, lookeddown at the handmade credential round her neck that stated in blue marker:"4th grade press.”
“Imean truly dishonest people in the media and the fake media, they make upstories,” Trump said. “ … They don't report the facts. Just like they don'twant to report that I spoke out forcefully against hatred, bigotry and violenceand strongly condemned the neo-Nazis, the white supremacists and the KKK.”
Trumpreached into his suit pocket and removed a different set of talking points.“I'mreally doing this to show you how damned dishonest these people are,” Trumpsaid, promising that this would take “just a second” and would be “reallyfast.”
Trumpthen took more than 16 minutes to read the various statementsthat he made about Charlottesville over several days, skipping over thepart where he said that “many sides” wereresponsible for the violence. Afterreading each snippet, Trump would detail why that response was not good enoughfor the media.
“Whydid it take a day? He must be a racist,” Trump said, the first of the fivetimes he imitated people calling him a racist.Along the way,Trump defended his use of Twitter and bragged that he went to “betterschools” and lives “in a bigger, more beautiful apartment” than those who areconsidered elites.
Hesaid the “failing New York Times … so bad,” mocked CNN for its ratings andaccused The Washington Post of being “a lobbying tool for Amazon” because thenewspaper is owned by Jeffrey P. Bezos, who founded Amazon. The crowdrepeatedly booed the reporters in their midst and chanted: “CNN sucks! CNNsucks!”
Atone point, Trump was interrupted by two protesters, who were quickly ledout of the arena by security, giving Trump's supporters something to videotapeand share on Facebook or Snapchat. “Don't bother,” Trump said. “It's only asingle voice. And not a very powerful voice.”
Withouteven taking a breath, Trump resumed reading a statement from Aug. 14 in whichhe condemned violence caused by “the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists andother hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold true as Americans.”That statement came two days after the violence in Charlottesville.
“Sothey were having a hard time with that one, because I said everything,” Trumpsaid, then flippantly launching into a laundry list of hate groups. “I hit 'emwith neo-Nazi. I hit 'em with everything. I got the white supremacists, theneo-Nazi. I got them all in there. Let's see: KKK? We have KKK. I got 'em all.”
Trumpeventually wrapped up this defense by saying, in part: “The words wereperfect.”The president then tried to connect this lengthy self-examination tohis supporters. Meanwhile, a growing number of them were heading tothe exits.
“Themedia can attack me, but where I draw the line is when they attack you, whichis what they do. When they attack the decency of our supporters,” Trump said,without explaining what he meant. “You are honest, hard-working, taxpaying —and by the way, you're overtaxed, but we're going to get your taxes down.”
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