印度第四十一次发射的极轨卫星宣告失败 [美国媒体]

UTC时间2017年8月31日 13:29,印度空间研究组织发射的极轨卫星宣告失败。此次发射卫星为IRNSS系统导航卫星。在短暂的飞行后,火箭分离失败,载荷过重导致卫星未进入预定高度的轨道。这是极轨卫星自1997年以来首次发射失败。

Indian PSLV Suffers Payload Fairing FailureDuring 41st Launch


Space Videos


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)launched their Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) with the IRNSS-1Hnavigation satellite at 13:29 UTC, August 31st 2017. Shortly into the flightthe payload fairing failed to separate, the resultant extra weight on therocket resulted in a lower than expected orbit, and of course a uselesssatellite stuck within it's payload fairing.

UTC时间2017年8月31日 13:29,印度空间研究组织发射的极轨卫星宣告失败。此次发射卫星为IRNSS系统导航卫星。在短暂的飞行后,火箭分离失败,载荷过重导致卫星未进入预定高度的轨道。这是极轨卫星自1997年以来首次发射失败。

1.    The Dark KnightFailure is a step to success ! Don't worryisro ! You're proud of India! Just ignore some shit people's comments


2.    Avinash VishwakarmaISRO , You are the pride of the nation.Thisfailure is nowhere stands in front of those those biggest achievements you had.All the best .


3.    Zhaodong CaiWish you good luck next time...love fromChina.


4.    Mark SheltonThey should have called tech support. Or werethey put on hold ?


5.    James PurcellMinor set back, keep moving forward. I dohave a request though. If you have to ditch it, can you please make it land onNorth Korea, please?


6.     Robert DambeckEvery nation has had its share of failures.They paved the way to success.


7.     Smokey OakieIf you don't have failures, you're notpushing the limits hard enough! PSLV is still an amazing launch vehicle, sodon't let this one launch mishap hurt y'all's pride!!


8.     Graeme CookeAlways hard to see a failure when you'veworked so hard.  You see thedisappointment on their faces when they start realizing something iswrong.  Best of luck in the future ISRO.


9.     KnotSoFast MeNext time don't buy your parts at the QuickieMart!!


10. Kevin PaulMistakes makes us perfect... hail ISRO...💗💗💗


11. VINAY R. MAHINDRAKARGovernment should make all Technical Labs andTesting Labs free from GST and remove all taxes and Other Taxes, to encouragetesting Electronics and Electrical Testing and software and digital testing inIndia, it should and must only take Income Tax only when these Labs make moneyor Income from it note this and record this ...


12. eazzy eeNot enough curry in the rocket


13. Amit r<3 ISRO , Every space organisation has hadfailure and will in the future too. We understand how complicated rocketscience is and ISRO has been remarkable despite these minor setbacks ...


14. Manjunathgangadhar GMy small help to ISRO in analyze what wentwrong, as they are taking too much of time to know the reason for thefailure.This is my analysis, may be I am correct or wrong.


A. According to me, below are things that maybe ISRO personal reasons for failure:
1>. ISRO (some blacksheep in the institution)looks like selfish when it comes to set an example for space research incountry, looks like they want to be solo leader, hence they knowingly made thisfailure.


2>. Our private space reach is still in snailphase towards success, they need to work more smartly and strong.


3>. ISRO (some blacksheep in the institution)does not have an good relations ship with other third party privates researchspace agencies (may be ego), hence due to which people wanted it to fail.


4>. There was not enough time to validate allthe resources before lift-off, without verifying critical thing they went onwith liftoff.


5>. Few people in ISRO are targeting selfgoals and not overall success of the project, this may be applicable to thirdparty vender.


B.Some Technical Reasons:
1. May be the section pressure was not enoughfor ejecting the outer cover of heat shield.


2>. ISRO and the Third Party Agency guy whowas responsible to test was duped by the system and passed the testing.


3>. There may be many other reasons, whichISRO/Third party agency need to look into.


C. Some Global Reasons:


1>. May be China would have hacked into theISRO system and bypass the separation system. (Also may be US/ESA etc couldhave done.).


15. Sean SmithLook at these people.  They look like they hate life. I mean REALLY,not one of them looks happy.


16. ed pWhy is there a soldier CARRYING A GUN on thefloor of the launch control center? (check video at 35:25) He is carrying anautomatic at that. Aren't the personnel in the launch control center cleared?How can they have a space program when you trust your people so little that youneed heavily armed guard INSIDE the place?


17. MrTitihey folks, when will this sthing burn up andwhere can i see the current orbit?


18. 仙大2 天前

19. pssst3It's a pity that this was not a 100%successful mission, but if that unit is in a stable orbit, it is still a greataccomplishment, and not a total loss.   Iadmired the team that achived this.


20. Wayne Mierzwaperfection does not exist.you'll figure itout .a learning experience.Sorry to see it.


21. Peter HansenPeter Hansen
such a shame it didnt seperate, better lucknext time ISRO!


22. siddharth RIsro, you are the best! Don't worry for thissmall thing, you can do more

ISRO ,你们是最棒的,不要为了这种小事儿烦恼,你们还有很多需要做得事情。