"The Math Doesn't Work" - Americans Are Losing Faith In College
One of the hallmarks of a successful society is the widespread belief that education is a key to success.
For that to be true there have to be:
1) enough jobs farther up the food chain to make four more years of studying worthwhile, and
2) schools that are good and cheap enough to make the equation work.
The US is losing both:
(Wall Street Journal) – Americans are losing faith in the value of a college degree, with majorities of young adults, men and rural residents saying college isn’t worth the cost, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey shows.
The findings reflect an increase in public skepticism of higher education from just four years ago and highlight a growing divide in opinion falling along gender, educational, regional and partisan lines. They also carry political implications for universities, already under public pressure to rein in their costs and adjust curricula after decades of sharp tuition increases.
Overall, a slim plurality of Americans, 49%, believes earning a four-year degree will lead to a good job and higher lifetime earnings, compared with 47% who don’t, according to the poll of 1,200 people taken Aug. 5-9. That two-point margin narrowed from 13 points when the same question was asked four years earlier.
The shift was almost entirely due to growing skepticism among Americans without four-year degrees—those who never enrolled in college, who took only some classes or who earned a two-year degree. Four years ago, that group used to split almost evenly on the question of whether college was worth the cost. Now, skeptics outnumber believers by a double-digit margin.
Conversely, opinion among college graduates is almost identical to that of four years ago, with 63% saying college is worth the cost versus 31% who say it isn’t.
Big shifts occurred within several groups. While women by a large margin still have faith in a four-year degree, opinion among men swung significantly. Four years ago, men by a 12-point margin saw college as worth the cost. Now, they say it is not worth it, by a 10-point margin.
Likewise, among Americans 18 to 34 years old, skeptics outnumber believers 57% to 39%, almost a mirror image from four years earlier.
Today, Democrats, urban residents and Americans who consider themselves middle- and upper-class generally believe college is worth it; Republicans, rural residents and people who identify themselves as poor or working-class Americans don’t.
Research shows that college graduates, on average, fare far better economically than those without a degree. For example, the unemployment rate is 2.7% among college graduates, compared with 5.1% among high school graduates who never attended college, and Labor Department research shows that bachelor’s degree recipients earn higher salaries than those who never went to college. But the wage premium of getting a degree has flattened in recent years, Federal Reserve research shows.
Student debt has surged to $1.3 trillion, and millions of Americans have fallen behind on student-loan payments.
“Costs have gone up considerably to the point that I think there are a number of people who maybe rightfully say, ‘I’m not in the league of Harvard and maybe not even in the league of really good state schools,’” said Doug Webber, a Temple University econimics professor. Many of those Americans are concluding that paying high tuition at less-prestigious schools isn’t worth it.
坦普尔大学经济学教授Doug Webber 说:“学校费大幅上升,我认为有很多人可能会说,‘我上的又不是常春藤,甚至可能不是好的州立学校,为什么要花这么多钱?’”这些人中的大部分认为,为不那么有名的学校支付高额学费是不值得的。
College is clearly still a good thing, just not at current prices.
Put another way, higher ed has been in a bubble fueled by government loans and deceptive marketing, and now that bubble is bursting. The old model of extended adolescence in which mom/dad/Uncle Sam cover five or more years of partying and sampling various majors is now beyond the means of more than half the population.
And the trend is just getting started, as soaring debts make it harder for future governments to subsidize higher ed and automation makes an ever-longer list of degrees pointless.
The result: The gap between educational haves and have-nots will continue to widen, as formerly middle-class kids find themselves with – at best – working class prospects. And the political and financial instability that flow from inequality will define the coming decade.
"Americans are losing faith." There...fixed the headline.
A college degree doesn't necessarily lead to a high income. I make well over six figures and actually have no formal degree. That's not necessarily true for all occupations and stations in life, but young people today should closely examine what they want to do and weigh it against the realities of the occupation.
A lot of the trade schools suck too.
If top jobs were awarded on merit then a decent education would always pay....but jobs are awarded on the old boys network....your parents and network determine what sort of job you get. For most people who are not best mates with the wealthy and well connected that means college doesn’t pay for you. Better off becoming a plumber or an electrician as no one wants to get their hands dirty these days.
NOthing wrong with Education-----A great deal wrong with our University system
I'm not losing faith, I already lost faith years ago.
Colleges are brainwashing institutes of lower learning. I almost won't hire a brainwashed college student anymore- I look for self motivated people.
Sky Diver
My son taught himself to program during his sophomore year of high school. I got pemission for him to have a hour a day for self-study. He prefers to learn on his own, but without his degrees, it's unlikely he would have achieved his objective of working for a top software company. As a recent graduate, his total compensation including salary, bonus, stock, and benefits is over $250K/yr.
What the article is missing, is what degree one pursues matters more. A degree in "_____ Studies" is worthless, as well as many other degrees (puppetry, English history, history, arts, communications, public relations, etc.). Degrees in medicine, engineering, architecture, computers, etc. that are required for getting a certain type of job are still valuable.
David Wooten
Education is free on the internet. Except for science laboratory work, you can learn enough to get PhD online. All that is needed is accreditation.
HRH Feant2 David Wooten
I agree. The future of education is online. It is outdated to think that that everyone has to show up to a building at the same time for one very high-priced teacher when that same level of education is available, at a superior level, from the best possible teacher, online.
In person teaching and schools are doomed. I don't see them existing in ten years. Why? The US can't afford them.
The only people that will get in person teachers are the disabled and those with behavior disabilities or the very wealthy that can afford the privilege of an in-person teacher.
Bascially what I am saying is that only retarded people and psychopaths will go to a physical school Or the wealthy. Everyone else will be educated online. Cheaper. Easier. Show up for your internship or practicum, voila.
Colleges are businesses and to keep classes filled and the money flowing they have lowered the standards so much that any moron who can sign a student loan agreement can go to college.
Who wants their kids radicalized? Come on man! Polysci 101 from bike lock guy? Economics from the Krugster?
You want me to pay you to teach my kid to call me a nazi?
Outside of the hard sciences and a few other areas a degree is a status symbol. Even tier one universities mostly supply a supreme networking opportunity (aside from the leftist indoctrination). After college I spent five years in the trading pits of the CBOT. After that, in my early thirties I went and got my MBA from the top business school in Australia and graduated highest distinction. On several occasions I've stated that I would put my five years in the trading pits up against my MBA ANY DAY. People just give me a blank stare. My chops come from real world experience in a real marketplace. Unfortunately most don't get that point. Universities are far from learning institutions - they are cash cows.
50% agree college isn't worth it, so too do the other 60%.
not only is college absurdly expensive without an adequate ROI, Corporate is racist against white people and despises men.
In other words, get a sex change, major in GLBTQ and you are home free
In the late 1980's I graduated after 5 years at a state university. Total bill for everything was $25k. I got a job at a mid range company for $26k/yr. Today that university has increased from $5k/yr to $30k/yr so 5 years would cost $150k. A job at a mid range company is paying about $65k/yr. College just ain't worth it.
dark pools of soros insanelysane
65k is shit... $31/hr?? in these days of trillions printed?
People keep confusing a degree with an education. I have lots of students who want the paper without the education.
Let's not confuse the two. Good people, educated, with skills in analytical thinking and communication, will always be in demand.
Too many want the benefits without putting in the work.
CRM114 goose3
Well, there are several points.
Firstly, HR requires the tea boy to have a BA in Business Admin these days. The kids only want the piece of paper because the job only requires a piece of paper, not the skills.
Secondly, in many cases "good people" are only in demand for laughable wages, and only if they are prepared to work like slaves. This is in direct conflict with graduate skills which both companies and society say are 'valued', but in any physical sense, aren't valued.
Thirdly, there are many amount of fuckwits earning big bucks for no apparent reason.
pliny the longer
WHAT IF well meaning but misguided parents instead of shelling out $100K for college, instead bought a fixer upper POS house for their kid at graduation. Then told them, learn how to fix this up and make it someplace a decent woman would want to live, and watch your young men go. they'd come out of it with an education, a decent house and some skills. and no debt.
caconhma tripletail
I have graduate degrees in Physics/Electrical Engineering and Economics. I spent almost 10 years in very good universities.
I did not do too bad. 10 years after graduation, I became a program manager for large programs. After winning a large contract, my company sent me to MIT for a 3-week course for mid-level managers. At the first lecture, a professor told us: management is 50% of knowledge/skills and 50% is art and founded on your own successes self confidence.
Make long story short:
Students spend too much time at universities.
Bachelor degrees are quite adequate for 87% of students in their future life. 4 years studies must be cut to 2.5-3 years.
Masters degrees are quite adequate for 10% of students in their future life.
PhD is necessary almost exclusively for 3% of students for staying and teaching at universities.
Too few people are using "common sense"
No more than 5% are capable of analyzing data and making good decisions.
I very seldom approved hiring people with PhD since the majority of them are too specialized.
There is no need for university degrees where it is not necessary: the majority of manual and service jobs. IMHO, the Trump University was a fraud teaching students how to screw your customers.
Specialist is not a person who has university degrees and many publications but one who can make things happen.
学生在大学花太多时间了。对87%的学生来说,本科学历对他们的未来生活足够了。4年的学习必须减少到2.5 - 3年。
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