中国能成为如此和平国家的社会原因是什么? [美国媒体]

quora网友:以我的观点来看,现在的情况要归功于很多原因。政治:其他的答案已经说的很透,不需要我再说了。经济:中国就人均GDP 来讲仍属于发展中国家,很多人努力工作也只能勉强维持。没那时间也没那精力去整些乱七八糟的。文化:儒家思想无论是过去还是现在都是中国社会的主流思想,其中有一天非常重要就是中庸之道......

What is it about Chinese society that makes China sucha peaceful country?


DaveLindbergh, Engineer
Answered Jun 22
What is it aboutChinese society that makes China such a peaceful country?
I think it’s thesituation more than the society.
I have a friendwho grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. She says there was lots ofgraffiti, violence, and petty crime then.
I conclude thatit is hopelessness that makes people do those things.
This explainsAmerican inner cities, French banlieues,etc., too.
During theCultural Revolution and Mao’s era - lots of hopelessness.
Now, in thepost-Deng era, lots of hope.
Long live freemarkets.

Dave Lindbergh,工程师

JamesHutchinson, BusinessConsultant
Answered Jun 30
China (or theregion that is now China) has at times been one of the most violent places inthe world with horrendous wars both civil and between rival groups. Mostrecently of course was the Chinese civil war between the communists and thenationalist which lead to the communist rule of China. But before that therewas the Taiping rebellion which cost the lives of millions of people. There isnothing especially peaceful or violent about Chinese society, like mostsocieties things can go badly wrong for reasons that are hard to explain. Chinahas within its boundaries extremely rich lands so it is no surprise that earlysocieties would have fought over them just like the rest of the world i.e.where there is stuff of worth you find people fighting over it.
I think like mostsocieties involved in WW2 Chinese society was sick of violence and just wantedpeace and stability, there was no appetite for war as WW2 showed everyone justhow utterly stupid, destructive and counter to people’s interests war is.Unfortunately China went through WW2 and Maoist rule, which was also veryviolent. It is not surprising that China is focused on internal stability anddevelopment, a war would put their development at risk for no real gain.
The actualformula for peace is equality, if you have equality and abundance there is verylittle chance of war as soon as you have scarcity and inequality a war becomesmuch more likely.

James Hutchinson,商业顾问。

Laura Liu, Interested in bilingual languages whilemajoring in finance
Answered Aug 31
In my opinion, itis a mixture of lots of factors that contributes to the status.
Politics. Otheranswers have put it across quite well, there's no need for me to add a word toit.
Economics. Chinais still a developing country in income per capita, most people have to workvery hard to make ends meet. There's no time and energy left for nonsense.
Military. It isillegal to keep guns in China. I think strict gun control makes sense.
Culture.Confucianism is predominant in both ancient and contemporary China, which, inmy opinion, contains a main doctrine, that is, the golden mean. In Chinese, itis 中庸之道. In one word, it means moderation. In twowords, it means happy medium. To put it into thecontext of China, it could be interpreted as neither aggressive nor coward,which thus embeds a peaceful character in the blood of the Chinese nation.
Education. To behonest, educational system in China seldom encourages freestyles. It simplyurges the qualities of obedience and imitation, which is sad to admit. From primaryschool to college, we need to find out the most correct answers provided by theexaminers as opposed to our own answers in order to get high marks. From thefirst job of our lives to retirement, we need to follow after our bosses inorder to get a pay raise or get promoted, even in some occasions when theiropinions are obviously incorrect. It has both pros and cons though, which maymake a key factor of the peaceful phenomenon.
Religion. Beingthe largest non-religious nation in the world, China does make a successfulatheistic country. Atheism, to some extent, contributes to the indifferencetowards other people’s feelings and sufferings, which has some kind of relationto the peaceful-looking society.

Laura Liu,主修财经,兴趣是双语学习。
经济:中国就人均GDP 来讲仍属于发展中国家,很多人努力工作也只能勉强维持。没那时间也没那精力去整些乱七八糟的。

ErwinAnciano, formerSelf-Proclaimed Greatest Novelist in the World
Answered Jun 19
It's called atotalitarian government.
China iscontrolled by one party with no opposition: the Communist Party of China. They controleverything they can feasibly control in China, fromeconomic institutions to social institutions like schools and even individualfreedoms or the lack thereof (such as the infamous Great Firewall of China).
It's not to saythat they are doing a bad job. We like to think of Totalitarian governments asbad, but the fact is that China’s communist party has led China out of the darkages and forged it to become a major world super power, with a rising middleclass much like how America was half a century ago.
But China’sgovernment and society are such that you won’t see all the liberal democratictrappings that characterize America and Europe. No elections, lots of freedomsare controlled by the government, Big Brother is always spying on you, but allin all China’s quality of life has risen tremendously over the past few decadesthanks to the leadership of the communist party.
As long as thelives of the people are improving and people are becoming wealthier, the peoplewill not revolt, and they will not go into bloody rampages, and they are morethan happy to not own guns, not kill each other in the streets, snipe people atgas stations, go on school-wide massacres, burn down their homes, and otherthings that are endemic to American society today.
It’s important tonote that China isn’t really a peaceful society. There were huge uprisings andbloody rebellions as recently as 1901. It’s the recent communist party that hasfor the most part kept China peaceful simply through, I suppose you could callit “good governance” in light of the results. Again, if the people are gettingwealthier and living better lives, they will stop fighting and killing.
If anything, China’s authoritarian control and it’smuch-maligned response to terrorism by taking a hardline stance on radicals haskept it safer than America or Europe, which is drowning in refugees, where itseems there’s a terrorist attack every month. Freedom is good, but a little toomuch freedom is bad.

Erwin Anciano,曾自封为世界上最伟大的小说家。
