What is Strategic Fooyou Agency?
Sakura Susami
Answered 20h ago
It’s Chinese Internet humor. Chinese teenagers love it.
They build a bad image of China and they want you to believe that it’s true. This guy Gordon Chang is their hero. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of China (2001).
They believe that Gordon Chang has contributed to the rise of China by spreading the Collapse Theory because the last thing China wants is attention and alxness of the US.
-------------译者:cyber power-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
Jun Lin works at Strategic Fooyou Agency(华裔富人友谊市场战略协会) (2000-present)
upxed Aug 14
Originally Answered: What is the Strategic Fooyou Agency of China. What is its motive? Only non-Chinese answer the question.
Fooyou (富友) mean rich friends this is a rich man's association. In China it fought against the government's 50 cent party because 50 cents were poor and we were against them so the name was rich. Writing fooyou. 50 cents is controlled by the Chinese government and can only say good things about China. We want democracy we want to vote like India we want freedom. So we built fooyou party.
Many of our friends like spaghetti very much. When we meet we usually invite our friends to eat spaghetti
Because we are not legal we often contact by password
Classic Quotes:
“富友接着富友”Means rich friends hug each other it means that when a person dies thousands of people will stand up.The Chinese government wants to destroy usbut We will never go die
Greg Blandino works at Beijing China
Answered Mon
Online trolls who think they are funnier than they are using barely understandable English (check this question’s grammar as an example) on a gigantic in-joke that only they get. They write fake bad things about China as a joke satirizing what they think the “Western Media!!!” sounds like. Fooyou is supposed to sound like “Fool you” it also sounds like 忽悠 (to fool or trick someone). The Chinese is 战略忽悠局-Strategic Trick-You Agency.
那些网络捣乱者认为他们从这个勉强可以理解的英文(检查下Strategic Fooyou Agency 的语法)的巨大玩笑中可以享受很多乐趣。他们写下关于中国的假的,不好的事情来讽刺那些西方媒体。Fooyou听起来像英文中的“Fool you”也像中文里的“忽悠”(意思是愚弄欺骗某人)。它的中文意思战略忽悠局
They spend most of their time on English-language websites upvoting themselves and congratulating themselves in the comment section on their own wit while sharing CGI videos of DF-21Ds sinking American carriers. You can read more albeit in Chinese on this Zhihu answer:
战略忽悠局是怎么回事? - 知乎
网络捣乱者花大量时间在英文网站评论区上发帖、评论,点赞支持祝贺自己,同时分享了一个DF-21D弹道导弹击沉美军航母的CGI视频。 在中文的知乎问答:战略忽悠局是怎么回事? 上你可以了解更多情况。
-------------译者:cyber power-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
Chen Nuo lives in China
Answered 19h ago
Do you know the SHIELD.
Yes the Fooyou Agency is similar to it. The organization is so low-key that most people don't even know it exists.
不错, 战忽局与神盾局就是半斤八两. 这个组织非常低调 以致于大多数人都不知道其存在.
They have a weapon that is currently unexplainable by science———the Causal weapon.
他们有一个当前的科学还无法解释的武器 --------- 因果律武器 .
Chen Wang New member of SFA
Answered 19h ago
Hahahha i am a member of it!! it is hard to enter
because people chose to believe what they like believe.
feeding belief rather than truth is also difficult…
however belief is sometime more than the truth.
therefore i find out joining the SFA and enhance your belief
give a better result than telling you the truth.
enjoy the sun shine!
哈哈哈 我就是战忽局的一员 !入门很难
Sam Zhang
Answered 16h ago
Not real thing just some Chinese guys who want others believe China is weak poor and under development all data you saw about China is fake far away from western countries far away behind India. Thus hopefully those countries feel safe relax and go to sleep in the good dream… Actually I doubt the real GDP of China may much higher than it shows. Chinese culture told us that you should show your weakness before you are strong enough. Harder to understand?
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