如果哥伦布当年真的到了亚洲,他是否会发起种族灭绝,就像他在美洲奴役原住民一样 [美国媒体]


IfChristopher Columbus had actually reached Asia, would he have initiatedgenocide and enslaved Asians as he did with Native Americans?


Christian Bergland, nonfiction reader
Answered Nov 26, 2015
He couldn't have.  Columbus' best weapon was one that hedidn't fully understand - disease.  Rolling into China or India withsmallpox wouldn't have accomplished anything, as the Silk Road - the traderoute that Columbus was attempting to bypass - had served as a highway fordisease between Asia and Europe for thousands of years.  The best exampleof this is probably that of the Black Death:
(The Spread of Black Death)
Without disease on their side, Europeans wouldhave needed many, many more soldiers than they did in theAmericas.  Remember, Vasco da Gama completed his firstvoyage to India under the Portuguese flag in 1497, shortly after Columbus reachedthe Americas, but Europeans never achieved the same level of dominance anywherein Asia that they did in the Americas.  Part of this, of course, is thattheir technological differences weren't as great, but the larger factor wasthat Europeans in North America were essentially able to waltz into areas wherethe native societies had collapsed and the indigenous peoples themselves weredead and dying.
The peoples of the Americas, having been completely isolatedfrom Eurasians and Africans for so long, were incredibly vulnerable to diseasefrom across the Atlantic, and they died en masse as a result.  This mapdoes a good job of showing the spread of major diseases (you can view a larger,more legible version if you follow the link):
(Map of the Week 11-28-2011:TheSpread of Disease)
Comparatively tiny numbers of Westerners wereable to conquer huge civilizations in the Americans thanks to civil unrest thatlargely stemmed from disease-related societal collapse.  The Inca Civil War,for example, was precipitated by both the emperor and his heir dying ofsmallpox prior to the Spanish making any attempt to conquer their lands. Per Wikipedia:
In 1524-1526, the Spaniards under Francisco Pizarro exploredSouth America.[4] There were 62 horsemen and 106foot soldiers.[5] Smallpox was taken to thecontinent, causing disaster for the Incas. Sapa Inca Huayna Capac travellednorth to investigate the strangers. Although he never met anySpaniards, he contracted smallpox and died in 1524. His eldest son andheir, Ninan Cuyochi, died soon afterhim.[6] Thus it becameuncertain as to who should be the next Inca king. There were no clearrules of succession.[7] The choice stood between twosons of Huayna Capac, Huáscar, and Atahualpa, born of different mothers.
Would Columbus have treated the Asians he encountered well? Not a chance.  Would he himself have survived and made it back to Spainwith a tale to tell?  Quite possibly no.  de Gama was able to survivein India by playing shrewd politics with local leaders, and even then there wasa degree of luck to Portugal's success (though probably not as much luck asencountering the Americas).  Suffice it to say, the power dynamic wouldnot have been nearly as uneven, and might even have been reversed.





在1524-1526年之间,西班牙人法兰西斯克·皮泽洛探险到达南美,只带了62个骑兵与106个步兵就给印加人带来深重灾难。萨巴·印加之后向北探险,虽然没有遭遇到西班牙人,但是他染上了天花,不就便死了。他的大儿子与继承者 Ninan Cuyochi在它死后不就也死了。因而导致了下一任印加国王王位不确定性,而且并没有明确的继承条例。只能在两个同父异母的儿子HuaynaCapac, Huáscar、Atahualpa中二者选一。

Andy Lee Chaisiri, 100% Human
Updated Dec 5, 2015
In order to give them to understand that they [Chinese]thought nothing of the Portuguese, so that the people might not talk aboutPortuguese. Thus our ships were captured through two captains not agreeing, andso all in the ships were taken, they were all killed,and their heads and private members were carried on the backs of thePortuguese in front of the Mandarin of Canton with the playingof musical instruments and rejoicing, were exhibited suspended in thestreets, and were then thrown into the dunghills.
-ToméPires, Armando Cortesão, Francisco Rodrigues (1990). Armando Cortesão,ed. The Suma oriental of Tome Pires:an account of the East, from the Red Sea to China, written in Malacca and Indiain 1512-1515 ; and, The book of Francisco Rodrigues : Pilot-Major of the armadathat discovered Banda and the Moluccas : rutter of a voyage in the red sea,nautical rules, almanack
In 1522, some Portuguese merchants/pirates like Simão de Andradedecided kidnapping Chinese children to sell as slaves overseas was somethingthey could get away with (as Japanese slaves had proved profitablealready). In response the Ming dynasty destroyed Portuguese forts on landand gunned down or boarded armed Portuguese fleets on the seas.
Portuguese were publicly castrated, had theirdicks stuffed in their mouths, and dismembered as Chinese citizens joviallyplayed music. 
The Portuguese who weren't slavers largely blamed the slaver'sfor bringing down the wrath of the Chinese on them and did not bear a grudgeagainst the Ming (because there's still money to be made!). Whenthey proved their good behavior for a few decades straight, theseprofit-oriented immigrants got to be tenants in rented land on Macau in 1557.
The Ming dynasty admiral and martial artist Yu Dayou (1503-1579)had this to say about the fighting ability of Portuguese when compared to hismarines:
"[Portuguese] people's only weapon is a soft sword,their naval combat ability is inferior to our soldiers, and on the ground, longspears would have subdued them. Only their muskets are sophisticated and theirlarge cannons are powerful."
The Ming were quick to adapt any advancements Portuguese cannonshad over their own, as well as add their own metallurgical expertise forimprovements. As for man portable firearms, Japanese-made muskets wereconsidered the highest quality.
two-meter long katana-like blades were also popular dueto Japanese influence
European forces were also having trouble withEast Asian pirates that were nowhere near as well equipped as an officialmilitary, like this letter from the Spanish colonies in Southeast Asia to KingFelipe II asking for more soldiers shows:
“This land suffers from a constant and pressing need of reinforcements, on account not only of its unhealthful climate, but of the many emergencies which continually arise when I must send aid. These occasions now are not so much a matter of jest as they have been hitherto; for the Chinese and Japanese are not Indians, but people as valiant as many on the inhabitants of Berberia [Barbary], and even more so. I entreat your Majesty to give careful attention to this, and to order that in all vessels as many men as possible be sent; for it is the key to what is necessary for the preservation of this camp.”
Portuguese also practiced the internationalslave trade in Japan, but it was met with government opposition:
“This isunbearable to me,” [Hideyoshi] said in 1587 upon learning from one of hisofficials that the Portuguese “buy hundreds of Japanese menand women. Their hands and feet are chained, and they are driven into thebottom of the ships. This is far beyond the punishment in Hell …”
-The rarely, if ever, told story of Japanesesold as slaves by Portuguese traders | The Japan Times
This lead to an association with European Christianity withslavery, as those Portuguese slavers were also trying to convert Japanese andhired Christian Japanese to work on their ships. The Japanese government wasable to pressure the Portuguese king to condemn slavery in Japan due to theirlucrative trade agreements, but a few decades later Japan just closed itselfoff from all foreigners.

----Tomé Pires, Armando Cortesão, Francisco Rodrigues (1990). Armando Cortesão, ed.《东方志:从红海到中国》
1522年,一些葡萄牙商人/海盗,比如Simão de Andrade就打算在离开中国的时候绑架一些中国小孩,然后带到海外当奴隶(因为在日本的奴隶贸易获利丰厚)。作为回应,明朝在陆地上摧毁了葡萄牙人的堡垒,并在海上摧毁了葡萄牙舰队。




“这真是让我难以承受” Hideyoshi在1587年听一位葡萄牙官员说道,“买了几百个日本男女,用锁链锁住手和脚,把他们赶进船底,这中惩罚简直比地狱还可怕”

Sagar Shirwalkar, hedonistic heretic
Answered Nov 26, 2015
Forcontext, Columbus' last voyage to the Americas was in 1502. The number of shipshe had on each voyage: 3,17,6 and 30
Let's take the Chinese, for example. Theydefeated Portugal in Battle of Tunmen in 1521, and whenthe Portuguese were dumb enough to pick a fight again, just a year later, theChinese won again - Battle of Xicaowan. Now, imagine thelaughter coming from the Ming court when they are told that some dude with 3/17/6/30or whatever ships was coming to .... um, "wipe them out?"
The 16th century Native Americans were for all intents andpurposes stuck in the stone age for a variety of reasons. Asia was mostcertainly not, and Europe was just beginning to pull ahead in technology,bureaucracy and banking
There were 3 reasons for Chris' easy victories over the NativeAmericans:
1. Disease - Christian Bergland explained thisso damn well.
2. No draft animal (There were no horses inPre-Columbian America) - If I came on a War Charger, would you like to fight mefrom the ground?
3. No metal weaponry (no guns either, obviously)- If I came on an armored War Charger wielding a musket, would you like tofight me with an Obsidian spear and a leather pelt?

Asian countries had - 
1. Resistance to European diseases, 
2. Outstanding horses, and 
3. Excellent metal and gunpowder weaponry –
China (Ming dynasty) -Musketry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Artillery (cannons), and  Dalianzhu cannons(Rocket Artillery)
India (Delhi Sultanate) -Musketry, Light and Heavy Cavalry, Heavy artillery(regular as well as WarElephant-mounted), rocketry, and siege mines.
The onlyserious disadvantages early 16th century Asian empires had weresocio-political.
Chris' voyages were well funded, but not funded well enough towipe out 50% of the World's GDP.
Conclusion:Chris was a good navigator, but he wasn't really wipe out half theworld's population and wealth material, savvy?

现在我们看看中国,在1521年的屯门海战中,他们打败了葡萄牙,当葡萄牙人惊掉下巴准备第二次战斗时,就在第二年,中国人又赢得了西草湾海战。来,咱来想象一下明朝朝廷传来的笑声,明朝朝廷被告知,他们派了3艘、17艘、6艘、30艘…..船…船!!   不管派多少船,给我全整死。
1. 疾病---前面的答主Christian Bergland已经解释得相当精彩了
2. 没有耕畜(前哥伦布时代的美洲没有马)--如果发生战争,你愿意在陆地上与我战斗吗?
3. 没有金属武器(显然也没有枪啦)---如果发生战争,你愿意穿着皮毛衣、拿着石矛与挥舞着火枪的人对着干么?

1.      欧洲疾病的抗性
2.      出色的马匹
3.  完美的金属以及火药兵器。
印度(德里苏丹国) --步枪,轻、重骑兵,重炮(与战象一同装备),火箭,地雷。



Brandon Li, I have enough of an education toknow how to use Google and the library
Answered Nov 27, 2015 · Upvotedby LourdesTrammell, PhD American Indian Studies, Native StudiesScholar
No,he would have been greeted as a quaint foreigner and then sent on his way afterthe exchange of a few goods.  If he tried any funny business, he and hiswhole crew would have been slaughtered, as would anyone who followed in hispath.
Crops, animals, and most importantly, diseases, flowedfreely across all the major civilizations of Eurasia.
Massive epidemics, including the Black Death, were not unique to Europe. As a result, people from epidemics to Mecca to Malacca had the same resistance todiseases.  In fact, East Asians were more equipped for dealing with somediseases than their European counterparts.  Inoculation against smallpox,the primary killer of Native Americans, became widespread in 16th centuryChina.  Meanwhile, this practice was not even first introduced to Europeuntil the 18th century after slowly spreading westwards.  There was areason why Asia was not colonized until far later, when Europeans gained adecisive advantage in military technology and doctrine.  
Meanwhile European treatments still consisted ofdying and dying indignantly

Then, there is the fact that Asian societieswere far more advanced and developed than American Indian ones as well. China and India both had populations and economies roughly equal to thatof the entire European landmass.  Their armies had asmany guns and steel weapons as their European counterparts.  These twofactors essentially made Asian states impossible for Europeans to conquer byforce.  Don't believe me?  There are examples from Columbus' time.

In 1521, in response to the Portuguese attackingthe Ming tributary of Malacca and kidnapping a few children to sell as slaves,the Ming fleet sallied to fight at Tuen Mun, decisively defeating thePortuguese.  Rematches occurred in each of the next two years, with thesame result.  The Portuguese came in, were defeated, and then had themajority of their prisoners tortured and executed.  Finally, in 1524, Mingleaders had enough and executed the Portuguese embassy in China as well as theremaining prisoners.  They were castrated, had their genitals stuffed intheir mouths, and then beheaded.  A few sailors were kept alive to carrythe remains of their compatriots through the streets of Guangzhou for theamusement of Chinese citizens.  After this macabre celebration, the lastPortuguese were killed.  For the next few decades, any Portuguese sailorwho landed on China was killed on sight.




Jens Böttiger, Ihave a degree in history
Answered Oct 12, 2016
There isa lot of talk of disease, but that’s not even the most important factor.
Asia had more advanced civilization than anything in Europe inthe 16th century.
Native Americans didn't even have steel yet, they had no horses,and they didn't have guns.
China had cannons and rocket bombs. Yes, explosive rockets.Also flamethrowers, land mines, and naval mines. These aren't things Europeansever even thought about until the 19th century. They had better steel and couldmore easily manufacture more of it. They also had VAST populations capable tofighting.
China’s population at the time was around 200 million. JustChina, not counting any other Asian countries of the time, like Japan, Korea,Vietnam, or any of the empires of the Indian subcontinent.
Europe, ALL of Europe, was around 90 million people.
So you tell me, how far do you think the Kingdom of Spain (˜6million people), would have gotten in an attempt to enslave the populations ofAsia on their own home turf, who had vastly superior weaponry, manufacturingcapabilities, and 30 TIMES as many fighting age men just in China alone?


Graham Clark, studied History
Answered Nov 27, 2015
The premise of yourquestion is flawed. Christopher Colombus, and even most of those who followed,didn't wipe out the Indigenous peoples they encountered; try as theymight. 
Columbus et all enslaved, dispossessed and subjugated indigenous peoples, andwarfare and disease killed an untold many of them, but very few dissapearedoutright. Even the Tahino, a people indigenous to Cuba and other Caribbeanislands, have come forward to show they weren't eradicated as previouslythought.


Andrew Houston Vaughan, Biracial
Answered Nov 26, 2015
Columbus did not wipe out the Native Americans.
Disease did.
Europeans had domesticated large amounts of livestock, resulting in morepathogens jumping species to humans. Native Americans had not domesticated asmany animals and thus had not contracted many plagues.
If Columbus reached Asia as he planned, he'dhave received his commission, Spain would have eclipsed the Middle Easternmonopoly of the Silk Road, and Spain may have become more influential inEurope.


Matthew Lohden, Imagining things for many yearsand making some of them.
Answered Nov 26, 2015
He didn't wipe outthe natives he conquered so much as he enslaved them. The large scale massacreswere much later. 
But no, he could not have imposed in the same way on the Asian civilizations asthey were far more advanced than the islanders he discovered.


Hernanday Oleary, Knows about Red people
Answered Jan 4, 2016
No, he wouldn't have been allowed to by the Europeans. Believe it or not, there were multiple European generals who wanted to invadeand take over China, China had enough population that it could hold its owninto the industrial period.  It is also of note that China was likemultiple different countries, that is why even Japan with tiny population couldconquer giant China.  The European states had an agreement that no onewould completly conquer China because the Europeans, English, Spanish, french,dutch etc were making so much money off of China that it would not have beenbeneficial to invade it.  Alot of the things of values were things likefine china, or porcelain.  The Europeans had nothing the Chienese wantedso they sold them drugs from colonies in afghanistan and india.  Thisworked out well for the europeans.  They sold drugs that grew wild in asiato Chinese for something worth lots of money in europe. The european money camefrom slavery in the america and stolen indian land.  There would have beenno logic in invading china for them anyways, they were taking out every dollarby selling opium that it wasn't necessary to invade it to control it.  Therest of Asia except Thailand which was a buffer and Japan got colonized andenslaved to some degree.  Genocide was out the question because theeuropeans were too outnumbered and it was unproductive.
Genocide worked well when you had a small population that hasnowhere to run to.  In the case of China and India, they were countriesmade up of dozens of smaller nations who would join together in times of war tofight off foreign invaders.  The natives ahd no such internal agreement sothey got conquered faster.  even the africans had a similar agreement andlarger population so genocide was much more difficult.  Asia is a giantcontinent, it would be hard to pull off。
For instance,Nigeria, a country with less than 1/10th of the population of china was able torepel european invasion until the 1900s.


Paul Smith, Trained by a Kung Fu Panda inTibet.
Answered Nov 27, 2015
alteca localwarriors who hated the Aztecs.
Also South America was conquered by more than 1 Spanish invasion and the Localswere wiped out as much by desease as the people killing them.
In North America deliberate policy of spreadingsmallpox by giving away desease ridden blankets, by later American settlers,was what killed off most North American Indians. Plus a deliberate policy ofmass genocide against the main food and material source of the North AmericanIndian, The Buffalo.
So in summary, a small population of peacefulArawaks killed by Columbus compared to taking on China? No chance in hell.


Byeonguk Yook, Korean and European history buff.
Answered Nov 27, 2015
He did not wipe outnative Americans and Spanish did not have a genocidal policy like Nazis. Thenatives did not have immunity to the disease Europeans carried, so contact withthem led to transmission. Asians had the immunity, how can you tell? Silk roadwas the means through which East and West came into contact but Asians did no sufferfrom mass die off due to it.


Soumen Rana, Indian History
Answered Dec 1,2015
Europe was muchweaker than the Asian Kingdoms before the industrial revolution. There was noway even an entire Europe could have combined to beat the Asians at war, letalone enslaving or wiping them clean.


David Hartill
Answered Nov 15,2016
Christopher Columbusdid not actually get to North America, only parts of the Caribbean, so he didnot do anything to Native Americans (Red Indians).
