人们在Quora撒谎说中国好话是为了以最短的时间获得点赞吗? [美国媒体]


Do people lie on Quora by saying that China is good, in order to get the most upvotes in the shortest amount of time?


Roopesh Kumar
Really China is good no one is lying,expect sometimes it has issues with India.
Everyone admires China for hard work ,in Quora you get upvotes for only truth.Why are we gonna act?
Sometimes we Indians feel Chinese are acting by saying China is bad and India is good.
Which creates this.
Which also makes me to remember “The art of war by Sun Tzu”.
This might be the truth.

Roopesh Kumar(住在印度,2017年毕业于圣婴耶稣升学高等中学)



Gordon Miller
Given that the user population of Quora has a very small Chinese population, I don’t think that would be the case. Given that Quora users are 42% from India, then you can likely say something good about India and get a lot of upvotes pretty quickly! Maybe something like this:
“India, at least we are not China”. Hahaha.

Gordon Miller(住在美国弗吉尼亚,赫芬顿邮报出版作家,1996年毕业于弗吉尼亚理工学院)

Larry Park
Answered Aug 30
why do we need to lie to say that China is good ? When I said China is good I am just telling the truth because i have lived there for long time and I know what is going on there. I also told people what is not good about China . I don’t need to get upvotes , I just say what is true.

Larry Park(曾在美国加州南部生活)

Rachael Williams, Teacher (2014-present)
Updated Aug 25
B.A. Chinese & Marketing, Furman UniversityGraduated 2014
Lives in China
No? I answer that China is good in particular areas when it really is good in those areas. I answer that it needs improvement when the question refers to something that needs improving. I think my most upvoted answer is about ice cream. This is a heavily biased question. Go to China with an open mind, there is a lot to love here.
But not the stinky tofu…
Never again stinky tofu….
To all my Chinese friends telling me to just “hold my nose and enjoy the taste,” Ireally don’t want to work that hard to make my food taste good. Also it’s literallycalled 臭豆腐. If your mom comes in with a delicious dish she just prepared and I say 哇!好臭啊!Will your dear mama be happy? No! If it was yummy it could be called 香豆腐!
Obviously we all grow up with different tastes and I’m just teasing <3
(But seriously…)

Rachael Williams(住在中国,教师,2014年毕业于弗尔曼大学,中文和市场营销专业)

Donald Ariande
No, saying good things about India usually gets you a lot more.
For example I once wrote a anonymous answer saying a ton of lies like: China’s GDP in 2017 is now lower than INDIA (That’s sort of how Indians like to talk, always capitalize India) or the Vietnamese army will beat China in WW3 and that India will become sole superpower in 2025.
I got over 10 upvotes in less than an hour, after I removed the answer and I face palmed at how damn gullible nationalists are some times.
I posted similar claims about China and many of those same nationalists accurately pointed out how my claims were entirely false, like how India’s economy is smaller than Pakistan’s. I received only 1 upvote and after an hour my answer was collapsed due to downvotes LOL.
This comment is a good case of this syndrome, I call it the praise-India syndrome.
youtube . com / watch?v=V-aNH8IROfM&lc=z12mxh0g5orpgphhx04cfjf5klaxcrj5ir40k

Donald Ariande(住在美国新泽西州)

Viligas Tom
I'm glad to see such a wise man who raise a profound question! Most of Chinese in Quora are greatly poisoned by “eifht-part essay”-style education ruled by the CPC which is infested with traditional and fixed paean. The phenomenon you mentioned are very familiar throughout China.
Well, nonsense ends here.
Chinese lie on Quora? You must be kidding me. I've never seen Chinese people exaggerated achievement made by China. By the way, Chinese are usually regarded as modest and restrained people. On the contrary, in view of a certain group which accounts for the 43% users of Quora. It's obvious that who and how to lie on some fact and get more upvotes. (•̀ω•́)✧

Viligas Tom(住在中国,曾在加拿大卡尔顿大学学习国际关系)

Gwydion Madawc Williams
China is currently the closest thing to the Keynesian system which the West had after 1945, and mindlessly damaged from the 1980s.
It also gets grossly misrepresented by the Western media, which have predicted disaster ahead for Red China, every year sine 1949.

Gwydion Madawc Williams(住在英国考文垂,1974年毕业于威尔士大学)


Darbie Vinic
When you say bad words about China, you’ll get many upvotes from Indians on Quora.
see FOO you agency
Maybe their members will show up under this topic, don’t forget to upvote.

Darbie Vinic(住在加拿大,机器学习开发者,曾在旧金山上学)
