为何东南亚国家普遍不如东亚和东北亚? [美国媒体]


Why are East Asian countries generally more developed than those in Southeast Asia?


1.    Rahul Lingala, GS Intern 2016Answered May 31
It is because of thepolicies adopted by their leaders, as mentioned by Joe Studwell in hismasterpiece How Asia Works?Countries like South Korea, Japan, and Taiwanadopted very effective economic reforms and policies for their development.


North-East Asiancountries’ agricultural reforms divided the agricultural land into equal partsfor all the farmers in the country. In South-East Asia, there was hugeinequality with landlords lending out their lands to poor peasants. It wasstudied that the former model is more productive in the long run and motivatedthe farmers to invest their hard-earned money for further development.


North-East Asiancountries implemented ‘Export discipline’ in their manufacturing policies whichrequires the entrepreneurs to export a fixed percentage of their production tothe global market. This requires the entrepreneurs to adopt technology whichcan compete at global level. Hence, the exports of these countriessky-rocketed.


South-East Asiancountries on the other hand didn’t impose any constraints like ‘Exportdiscipline’ and hence, its entrepreneurs didn’t expand their business to aglobal level. The worse part is that each industry has only one company inthese countries creating a monopolistic nature. These entrepreneurs just soldtheir products in the local market and cashed-in a lot of money. But there wasno progress in the countries’ development.


Finance Policies:
The finance policies inthe North-East Asian countries are well directed towards export discipline andcreating local competition in the market. The situation was exactly theopposite in the South-East Asian countries. Since the South-East Asiancountries couldn’t produce any results, they went into deep debt.


2.    Renatus PeregrinusRenatus Peregrinus,civis mundi, ethnic Chinese citizen of Malaysia
Answered Apr 5, 2016
Some thoughts......
Sociopolitical culture -nations such as Malaysia, Taiwan and Korea had a socioeconomic culture whichfavoured trade over autarchy. Equally, this is why Korea prospers, Malaysia isfaltering, China is struggling to play catch up, and the Philippines is utterlycorrupted.
Inequal opportunity -Japan and Korea were industrialised first, while others such as the Philippinesand Burma had to face crippling insurgencies that stymied economic growth andinvestment.


In the case of Vietnam, it was thoroughlyNUKED to economic oblivion.
Economic opportunities -some nations like Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan benefitted from theirposition to conduct trade and industry, while others concentrated on resourceextraction (rubber, tin, palm oil for Malaysia, oil for Brunei and rice andtimber for Thailand).


The effects of UScontainment strategy in Asia - containment policies by United States and needfor military resupply meant that periphery nations like Japan and Korea had tobe self-sufficient to support the USA and suppress communism.


3.    Luong Manh Tuan (梁孟俊)Luong Manh Tuan (梁孟俊),East Asian researcher
Answered Nov 26, 2015
Personally, I think ithas to do with both a country's potential, culture and history. Let's comparefour countries: China, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore (I apologize for including andexcluding some countries, but these are just cases in mind).


China is an (North)eastAsian country with a communist political system since the 1950s and adeveloping economy from the late 1970s. China achieved land reform programwhich redistributed land to the poor farmers. 


It was economically poorand developed less back in the Cold War, but broke free of its communisteconomic system in the late 70s. Thanks to its large population, economicprivatization and attraction of investment and help from overseas Chinese, itis now a very quickly developing country.


Korea is a (North)eastAsian country with a youthful liberal political system since the 1990s and arecently developed economy from the 1990s. Korea achieved land reform programafter the Korean War which distributed land owned by Japanese to Koreanlandowners. 


It survived thedesolation of the war and developed quickly thanks to its economic policy,American investment and working productivity. Like Japan, it also benefitedfrom the Vietnam War, in which it shortly participated but mostly took on therole of logistics. The quick pace of economic development launched Korea to theplace of developed country.

韩国在一片废墟当中发展起来,这要感谢他的经济政策,美国的投资以及韩国人自己的工作效率。韩国也从越南战争当中获益,当时韩国也参加了越战,但是大多数时候,韩国承担的是后勤的角色。(译者注:韩军也参与了作战,韩军作战时,对有可能藏匿游击队的村庄,会集中火力彻底摧毁,极其惨无人道。韩军打了败仗会把怒气都撒在越南百姓的头上。韩国当时参战53000人,5099人死亡、10962人受伤,4人失踪。韩军对平民侵扰行为也非常厉害,韩军驻扎在越南的这几年里,至少给越南留下了十万韩越混血,这些人曾一度被越南人辱为:“Lai Dai Han”。)

Vietnam is ageographically Southeast Asian/culturally East Asian country with a communistpolitical system since the 1950s and a developing economy from the mid 1980s.Vietnam achieved land reform program in 1955 in the north and 1970 in thesouth, which distributed most land to poor farmers. 


It was economically poorand less developed back in the Cold War, and fought wars up until the 1980s,but broke free of its communist economic system in the mid 1980s. Thanks to itsprivatization and to foreign investment, it is now a quickly developingcountry.


Singapore is a SoutheastAsian country with a significant population of East Asian ancestry with aliberal political system since the 1960s and a developed economy.


Its place as an internationalport, investment from other countries and sound economic policy allowed it todevelop very quickly. It is also a major location for overseas Chinese andutilize this to many effects. Singapore was not much involved in the Cold Warand, being a small country, did not create any military threat.


So, comparing fourcountries, it could be seen that:
(1) they are all, forthe most part, East Asian in culture
(2) three out of fourachieved land reform, which should create a stable class of new landowners
(3) twoout of four are communist and the others liberal, but all embracedprivatization by the 1980s


Above, I have statedthat a country's development has to do with its potential, culture and history.Out of the four countries (two East Asian and two Southeast Asian), China got agood start, but its communist economy held back its potential until it brokefree of it, while Singapore got a good start and kept its pace throughout theperiod. 


Korea got a bad startbut escaped it early and got good conditions, so it caught up with the pace ina short time and prospered since, while Vietnam got a good start but sufferedfrom the communist economy and war until the 1980s. Vietnam is thus the last onthe list of the four.


I do not know much aboutThailand, Burma or the Philippines, but it seems they have their own start.Thailand was not touched by war for most of the period from the 1950 to 1990and made much of it in economic development. Burma never actually ended itscivil war and only recently made a move to a stable economy and privatization. 


The Philipines enjoyedsome economic development, but the recent dictatorship created many hardshipsfor the economy. Thailand and Philippines both gained from the Vietnam War butneither made the most of it like Korea or Japan did. And none of thosecountries seemed to have any measures of land reform.


By contrast, Japan andTaiwan, like Korea, did not have a good start. Japan and Taiwan was bothdevastated by World War II, and Taiwan faced threat from China, but both made acomeback by the late 1950s. Both enjoyed degrees of land reform whicheffectively created a class of free landowners. Their economic policy,technological acquisition and productivity were testaments to why they achievedtheir now developed economies.

