国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)运动员们在全国多地的比赛中抗议总统川普与种族主义 [美国媒体]


All eyes are on the NFL today ― but not just for what happens after the kickoffs.


NFL players throughout the country are expected to demonstrate before today’s games in defiance of President Trump’s harsh criticism of athletes who kneel during the national anthem. In a Friday speech in Alabama, he called such players “sons of bitches,” and then doubled down on his criticism in a series of follow-up posts on Twitter.


The first such protest occurred Sunday morning in London, and even included the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, Shahid Khan. He linked arms with his players — several of whom were kneeling during the anthem — despite having donated $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee.


Trump’s comments have already sparked a large social media response from a variety of professional athletes and celebrities, including singer Stevie Wonder, who took a knee during a performance Saturday night.

在NFL系列事件发生之前,川普总统的话已经在社交媒体上产生了巨大的反响,并收到了来自各领域专业人士和社会名流的回应。这些人中就包括歌手Stevie Wonder,他在回应是在周六晚上的一场演出中上演单膝跪下的剧目。

Bruce Maxwell, a catcher for the Oakland Athletics, became the first major league baseball player to take a knee during the national anthem Saturday night.

Bruce Maxwell, 一位奥克兰运动家队(译注:全美职棒联盟的一支队伍)的捕手,是周日晚上第一位在奏国歌时单膝下跪的职棒联盟主要运动员。

It’s anticipated that players on many NFL teams will link arms, hold flags and kneel as shows of unity, rather than walking out, NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reported. Several players announced their intentions on social media before the games, encouraging others to demonstrate with them.

据NFL新闻网记者Ian Rapoport报道称,许多NFL球队的队员都表示不会直接退场,而是会手挽手结成人墙,高举标语,并单膝跪地,将此作为一种展示团结的手段。有几位运动员在比赛前将他们的目的通过社交网络广而告之,并鼓励其他运动员也参与到这场示威活动中来。

Trump responded to the demonstrations Sunday afternoon. He supported the shows of solidarity of players linking arms, but still disapproved those who chose to kneel, calling it “not acceptable.”



Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Baltimore Ravens

杰克逊维尔美洲虎 对阵 巴尔的摩乌鸦

Players and staff on both teams kneeled and linked arms during the national anthem. An estimated 27 individuals took a knee on the field.


Future NFL Hall of Famer Ray Lewis, who visited then-President-elect Trump in New York in December, also kneeled. In the past, though, Lewis has spoken against Kaepernick’s protests.
“But I am against the way he’s done it,” Lewis said.

未来将会被挂上NFL荣誉墙的运动员、在去年十二月曾拜访还是总统候选人的川普的Ray Lewis,同样也在其中。在过去,他曾经发声反对Kaepernick的抗议。“但是我更反对川普总统回应的方式”,Lewis说道。

Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Chicago Bears

匹兹堡铁人 对阵 芝加哥灰熊

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin announced that his team would be staying in the locker room during the national anthem during Sunday’s game. 

铁人队的教练Mike Tomlin宣城在周日的比赛中,他的队伍在奏国歌时讲待在更衣室里不会出席。

“We’re football players, we’re football coaches. We’re not participating in the anthem today. Not to be disrespectful to the anthem, but to remove ourselves from this circumstance,” Tomlin told CBS News. “People shouldn’t have to choose. If a guy wants to go about his normal business and participate in the anthem, he shouldn’t have to be forced to choose sides. If a guy feels the need to do something, he shouldn’t be separated from his teammate who chooses not to. So we’re not participating today.”


As it turned out, almost all the Steelers declined to come out on the field for the anthem. Offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva, an Army veteran, broke with the team to stand on the field for the national anthem. When the Steelers emerged, many in the Chicago crowd booed them.

正如他所讲到的,几乎整个匹兹堡铁人队都拒绝出席国歌仪式。只有进攻截锋Alejandro Villanueva,一位退伍老兵,与队友决裂并站在赛场上向国歌致敬。在匹兹堡铁人队随后出现时,芝加哥的观众们对他们报以嘘声。

Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets

迈阿密海豚 对阵 纽约喷气机

Miami Dolphins player Julius Thomas announced that he would be taking a knee with his teammates. Both teams linked arms during the national anthem.

迈阿密海豚队的队员Julius Thomas宣称自己将在比赛时和队友一起下跪。两支队伍在揍国歌时都结了人墙。

New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles

纽约巨人队 对阵 费城之鹰

Philadelphia Eagles player Malcolm Jenkins announced his team will be locking arms during the national anthem. In the past, Jenkins has raised his fist during the national anthem as a form of protest.

费城之鹰的队员Malcolm Jenkins宣称他所在的队伍将会在国歌仪式中结成人墙。在过去,这位队员曾经在国歌仪式上高举拳头以表示抗议。

Both teams locked arms during the national anthem and several Eagles players raised their fists. The Eagles owners stood with the players.


Atlanta Falcons vs. Detroit Lions

亚特兰大猎鹰 对阵 底特律雄狮

The owner of the Atlanta Falcons Arthur Blank stood on the sideline with his team.

亚特兰大猎鹰队的老板Arthur Blank与自己的队伍站成一排。

Several Lions and Falcons players kneeled during the anthem, others linked arms in solidarity. 


Rico Lavelle, who sang the anthem at Ford Field in Detroit, joined the demonstrations as well, finishing his rendition of the anthem by kneeling and raising his fist in the air. 

在底特律福特体育场上唱国歌的Rico Lavelle同样也加入了示威。他在国歌结束后单膝跪地并向空中举起了拳头。

Lions’ owner Martha Ford expressed support for players’ right to protest in a statement on Sunday.

雄狮队的老板Martha Ford在周日的一份声明中对队员的抗议权力表示支持。

“Our game has long provided a powerful platform for dialogue and positive change in many communities throughout our nation,” she said.


Houston Texans vs. New England Patriots

休斯敦得克萨斯人 对阵 新英格兰爱国者

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, who was considered a potential Trump supporter during the election, was seen linking arms with his fellow teammates, but also had his hand over his heart. 

新英格兰爱国者队的四分卫Tom Brady曾经在大选期间被认为是以为是一个潜在的川普支持者。在赛场上他也同样被人看见与队友结成人墙,但同时也把手放在胸口致敬。

New Orleans Saints vs. Carolina Panthers

新奥尔良圣徒队 对阵 卡罗琳娜黑豹队

The Panthers were not seen kneeling, but one player, Julius Peppers, was not on the field for the national anthem and later appeared.

黑豹队并没有下跪,但是有一位运动员,Julius Pepper,在国歌仪式上缺席,并随后出现。

Denver Broncos vs. Buffalo Bills

丹佛野马队 对阵 野牛比尔队
The Broncos were booed as many players chose to take a knee during the national anthem.


Seattle Seahawks vs. Tennessee Titans

西雅图海鹰队 对阵 田纳西巨人队

The Seahawks’ players announced before the game at LP Field in Nashville, Tennessee that they would not be participating in the national anthem to “protest the injustice that has plagued people of color in this country.” The team’s players revealed their decision in a statement to ESPN correspondent Josina Anderson.

海鹰队的队员们在位于田纳西州纳什维尔市LP体育场的比赛开始之前做出声明,称他们不会出席国歌仪式以此“抗议这个国家中对有色人种的不公”。队员们将他们的意向透露给了ESPN的记者Josina Anderson。

The Titans announced that they too will not appear on field during the national anthem in order to remain united as a team. Unlike the Seahawks, the Titans emphasized that the gesture would not be a protest of racism.


“As a team, we wanted to be unified in our actions today,” the team stated. “The players jointly decided this was the best course of action. Our commitment to the military and our community is resolute and the absence of our team for the national anthem shouldn’t be misconstrued as unpatriotic.”


Cincinnati Bengals vs. Green Bay Packers

辛辛那提孟加拉虎队 对阵 绿湾包装工队

Three Green Bay Packers players ― Martellus Bennett, Lance Kendricks and Kevin King ― sat during the national anthem, marking the first occasion when any member of the team protested during the song. Other players, including quarterback Aaron Rodgers, stood and locked arms.

三名绿湾包装工队的队员——Martellus Bennett, Lance Kendricks 和Kevin King——在国歌仪式上席地而坐。这也是这支队伍首次在国歌上抗议。其他运动员,包括四分卫Asron Rodgers,站立着结成了人墙。

Kendricks went on to catch the Packers’ first touchdown of the game, performing the iconic “Lambeau leap” into the stands, where the fans received him warmly.


None of the Bengals players took a knee during the national anthem, choosing instead to stand and lock arms.


“Football and politics don’t mix easily. Fans come to NFL games to watch great competition on the playing field and that’s where our focus should be,” the team said in a statement.


Steve Elliott ·University of Nebraska Medical Center - UNMC
Let them. It's not like they're waving torches and chanting "Blood and soil".


Diane Perry PerkettIsn't the real issue here TRUMP trying to dictate who does what and when? He's the biggest offender of showing disrespect and insulting many people with his bullying ........it's daily. DAILY. What about that don't people understand? Sure can't make any sense of any of it.


Lindsay Rose LewisNorth Korea threatens us harm, but Trump is worried about a peaceful protest, that happens to be a constitutional right. Smh


Miguel Garcia Jr. ·Danbury, Connecticut
Of course he wants everyone distracted with this. Health care vote coming up. Dude is predictable.


Debbie Dey HastedtHe's trying to distract us from yet another healthcare bill and Mueller's rapidly expanding investigation of his crimes.


Courtney Harralston ·Riverside High School
I stand by their right to kneel. Just as every TRUE patriotic American should.


Jan V. Farris ·Everett, Washington
Exciting! America comes together to oppose Trump our biggest offender!
Football is back, people of all races kneeling together in unity and respect of all lives matter!

