墨西哥发生7.1级地震,超过200人死亡 [美国媒体]



t least 248 people are dead after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake rocked central Mexico Tuesday afternoon hitting on the 32nd anniversary of the biggest earthquake to ever strike the country's capital.


More than half of the fatalities are in Mexico City the country's civil defense agency said.


The earthquake caused extensive damage to Mexico City leveling at least 44 buildings including homes schools and office buildings according to President Enrique Pena Nieto who did a flyover of the city Tuesday afternoon.

据墨西哥总统总统恩里克·培尼亚·涅托(Enrique Pena Nieto)周二下午在该市上空俯瞰,发现地震对墨西哥城造成了严重的破坏,包括家庭学校和办公楼在内,至少有44幢建筑垮塌。

PHOTO: People react as a 7.1 magnitude earthquake rattles Mexico City on September 19 2017. An earthquake drill was being held in the capital at the time that today's quake struck. (Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images)

Among the dead are at least 22 people including students and at least two adults from a collapsed primary school in the south of the city. Pena Nieto visited the school late Tuesday. He said those 22 bodies have been recovered but that 30 children and eight adults are still missing.



Rescuers were clawing at the wreckage looking for survivors late Tuesday pausing to listen for voices. The Associated Press reported relatives said they had received Whatsapp messages from two girls inside.


The more than 200 deaths occurred in Mexico City and the states of Morelos Puebla and Mexico said Carlos Valdes director of Mexico's National Center for Prevention of Disasters.


Preliminary numbers show about 3.8 million customers are without power Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission said.


Meanwhile the city's airport descended into chaos as the ground rippled and chunks of plaster fell from the walls Dallas resident George Smallwood told ABC News. “I felt the ground shaking and I heard everyone screaming and starting to run” he said adding that at first he thought he was in the middle of a terror attack.

同时,地面的晃动以及大块的墙面脱落让该市的机场陷入一片混乱。达拉斯居民George Smallwood告诉ABC新闻。“我感到地面在晃动,然后我听到所有人尖叫并开始跑”,他补充说道,起初他还以为他置身于恐怖袭击的中心呢。


PHOTO: An earthquake registering 7.1 magnitude struck Mexico City Sept. 19 2017. (ABC News)

Smallwood had stopped in Mexico City for a long layover after a vacation in Medellin Colombia and had spent the day exploring the capital. He was getting ready to go through security at Mexico City International Airport for his 3:35 p.m. flight back to Dallas when the earthquake hit.


Parts of the ceiling were "swinging back and forth" he said and the panicked crowd took off "running in every different direction."


The tremors lasted for about six to seven minutes he estimated. Once the shaking subsided first responders swooped in to help the injured and a fleet of military and police helicopters buzzed overhead he said.

他估计着地震持续了大概六到七分钟。当震动停止时,急救人员冲进来帮助伤者。一队列的军用和警用直升机在头顶上方轰鸣飞过。他这样说道 。

Smallwood’s flight was rescheduled for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday so he will need to find somewhere to stay for the night he said.


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cordelia3 hours ago
A reminder to cherish every moment. We are temporary passengers here on this Earth.


Daisy R3 hours ago
So sad to see all these idiots taking advantage of such sad event to make such idiotic remarks. I sure hope you never experience or have someone you love go through something like these. Such a shame


Arnette3 hours ago
That's terrible. There sure hasn't been a shortage of bad news lately. My condolences to the victims families and I hope the rest will be ok. Our thoughts are with you and be safe.


leyla3 hours ago
Such heartless people here using the tragedy as podium for politics or nationalism. This here is devastating; exespecially since it's been a wave of disasters hitting same area in just two weeks. Prayers and best wishes to this wonderful country that has encountered and survived through ell of European invasion and natural disasters. Stay strong and prosper Mexico!


Kyle3 hours ago
How does an earthquake that killed hundreds of people have to do with American politics. I get that we are a polarized country but damn these comments are crazy.



brian3 hours ago
Why do the innocent suffer while the guilty remain safe in thier ivory towers? Mexico our hearts go out to you!! These earthquakes will not stop your warmth and hospitality and faith! You have endured so much! Your day will come to be recognized for all your goodness!!!


Arnette3 hours ago
Is there anything somebody won't make political? This happened in another country but people still have to drag American politics into it.


karen3 hours ago
Prayers are nice but donations are helpful too. Make sure to hug and tell your loved ones how much you love them. My heart goes out to my fellow Mexicans.


Critical4 hours ago
They can't seem to catch a break poor people.


Guru Jay3 hours ago
The surprises that every second holds is so abundant and unknown. So be in the present and chresish everything...love and be loved. Our journey on Earth every second is so pretty and could vanish in thin air like that.


Oyoyo3 hours ago
I swear this could happen to any place. So let's be nice and have sympathy to the people affected. Estamos contigo Mexico!



Adrian2 hours ago
Can't remember that dumb blonde actresses name who was in Hunger Games that said the hurricanes were mother nature's way of punishing America for electing Trump.... but I wonder what reason she thinks mother nature is punishing Mexico?


Consider3 hours ago
There are some real sick individuals posting nasty stuff on this thread. Please seek professional help.


SleeplessInSeattle3 hours ago
Many prayers for the people of Mexico! May God protect them from any further disaster.


steve3 hours ago
Hope we can return the favor of them helping us during the floods


PappyStu3 hours ago
This number changes every time the page is scanned. Can't help but suspect it will be far worse by morning...


zulumilkshake3 hours ago
Prayer for all of our neighbors in the south! Hope you all came out well minus those identified!


Sandra3 hours ago
My heart goes out to the great people of Mexico. You are all in my prayer.



Jeffrey3 hours ago
may god have mercy on these people and their families!


Moua3 hours ago
6-7 mins? 7.1 ? Damn!!! That feels like forever would not want to go through what these people went through


JASON3 hours ago
Stay strong Mexico!


RodK3 hours ago
Very sad ...folks imagine if it was you or your family...very sad...my prayers for all.


trent3 hours ago
We can help our neighbors...beyond prayers and thoughts.


Mike2 hours ago
Really weird that it took place on the 32nd anniversary of another major earthquake in Mexico City. First an 8.1 earlier this month now this. Maybe there really is something to that Sept. 23rd date everyone's talking about.


Bloodthirsty White Devil3 hours ago
What a Terrifying Tragic Event and Loss Of Life Condolences To those that lost Family and or Friends Your homes businesses etc. The United States With Help You God Bless You and Stay Safe !



Phong3 hours ago
2017 is a year of crazy curly hair man rocket man eclipse moon dozen of strong hurricanes and earthquake. What next


Joe3 hours ago
This is a terrible time for the people of Mexico and I wish it was over but I have a feeling that it isn't as there will several aftershocks that will last for several days . Just look at the aftershocks that happened after that 8.1 earthquake earlier this month and this is why I am saying that they will have many more after this earthquake with some in the magnatude of 5 or greater . I hope I am wrong but we have no idea of how long this will last .


Jim3 hours ago
Some of the comments just show the level of ignorance the core supporters of this administration have.


Mike1 hour ago
Mexicans are seriously some of the nicest most welcoming people I have ever met. Sure I've met some bad ones too but I've met some bad white black and asians as well. Fact of the matter is the vast majority of Mexican people in the US are good people. It's too bad so many Americans are too blind ignorant ARROGANT and stuck in their ways to see and accept that.


Jack3 hours ago
I really hope the people on here making these negative comments are not parents because if they are the next generation is gonna be be a bunch of low brow knuckle draggers

