中国各省和城市的外国人口分布情况 [美国媒体]




97000 for all the other provinces combined seems too low to me considering that number includes places like Sichuan Chongqing and a few other cities with fairly large foreigner populations (Xi'an Zhengzhou Tianjin Wuhan etc).
Also does this include workers and students? Seems a bit low to include students too.


Liaoning has a lot of Japanese and Korean too


Koreans and Japanese make up a pretty large percentage of all the foreigners in China actually. They just don't stand out much.


Yea that's my point. Often times they are overlooked because they aren't foreign enough due to the looks.
So when I see Liaoning having 24k foreigners as a total number it seems kinda low. I've been on a work trip a few times and there are tons of Japanese and Korean companies. One would assume there would be a higher number of Koreans and Japanese in that region. Anyway just talking from my perspective don't have any data to back up the claims.



Maybe most of the Koreans and Japanese are not actually working in China just go over here on frequent business trips. It is just a short flight from South Korea or Japan after all.


Most long term South Koreans are students learning in Chinese universities and businessmen who either own or run South Korean factories. But right now there's a mass exodus of South Koreans out of China.


It does seem pretty low but there's only Shenyang and Dalian as really big cities. Can't imagine there'd be many foreigners in the more rural parts


Clearly missing the North Koreans in and around PORT OF DANDONG.


They are classified as illegal immigrants by Chinese government while the rest of the civilized world think of them as refugees in hiding.
They are not legal residents of China (which this study is about) however you cut it.


True that true that Shenyang doesn't seem international much either



Chongqing does not have a large foreign population. Around 10000 or so. Very small expat scene with very few foreign restaurants and expat bars. Maybe a bit more now with all the African and Middle Eastern students here now on the Chinese government stipend. Xian would probably seem more international but that is only because Xian gets tons of international tourists compared to other cities in China. Chengdu has a larger foreign population compared to Chongqing and Xian.


I've heard the number for ChengDu is 25000. I'm assuming that number doesn't count those on tourist visas either...


I’m not sure about that 25K number because I believe the same source for that said there were more foreigners living in Beijing than Shanghai which I find unlikely.
It’s probably 15K to 20K and didn’t get specified here because it was just under an arbitrary cut-off of 20K. I suspect Chengdu expat population is growing faster percentage-wise than almost all other large cities.
This data is probably only useful for relative comparisons since who knows how old it is.



This might of just shown how the "Chinese" are Han Chinese. They have very little diversity and ur right these already pathetic numbers this coastline has cities all up it as large as NY or larger.


Those numbers are way too low all around! Probably Chinese government data. When you consider that half of the educators live there illegally without registering it's no surprise. Anyone else remember what a shitshow it was during the last census when they were going door to door and everyone was freaking out that they would get deported?
Btw: Most of you guys are underestimating it too because you think of foreigners only as white and black people. But because the majority of foreigners is actually Asian or Asian looking (like ABC BBC aso) you wouldn't even know when you pass them on the street.

那些数字太少了! 可能是中国政府的数据。当你考虑到一半非法生活在那里却没有登记的教育者时,你就不会觉得奇怪了。 任何人都记得上次人口普查期间,当调查人员一家家拜访时,所有人都很惊慌怕自己会被驱逐出境吗?
顺带一提:你们中的大多数人也低估了,因为你一想到外国人脑海中就只出现白人和黑人。 但是因为大多数外国人实际上是亚洲人或长得像亚洲人的人(像美籍华人(ABC)和美国黑人(BBC)等等),当他们在大街上在你身边走过时你甚至不会知道。

Pretty hard to count illegal immigrants don't you think? Also how do you figure that "half" the teachers in China are here illegally? Maybe it's like that in tier 1 cities but I'm not sure I've ever even met anybody working on a tourist visa where I live and I know a fair number of foreigners here.

你不觉得很难计算非法移民的数量吗? 另外你怎么得出在中国任教的老师有一半是非法过来的? 也许在一级城市可能会那样,但我不确定在我生活的地方我曾经遇到过任何用旅游签证工作的人。而且在这里我知道认识相当多的外国人。


“Pretty hard to count illegal immigrants don't you think?”
Didn't say it wasn't. My point was it's not surprising the numbers are too low when you consider that fact.
Many countries do release estimated numbers on illegeal immigration but China doesn't obviously because that would be unharmonious and just confuse their subjects citizens.
Of course that half figure isn't backed up by anything there are no official numbers. So these numbers OP posted are just as useless.


They probably include the ones with residence permit which should include workers and students. I can't really uate whether the numbers seems low or enough but feels like they are a bit underestimated. In Shanghai downtown you meet more foreigners than local Chinese! It's crazy sometimes feels like you're not in China at all!


“In Shanghai downtown you meet more foreigners than local Chinese! It's crazy sometimes feels like you're not in China at all!”
That's just one city (possibly the richest and biggest in China) in one area which has a lot of tourists and business people. Go beyond that to the rest of China and it's a big black hole.



Those numbers in Fujian seem way tooo high. Outside of Xiamen I havent noticed that many foreigners and I refuse to believe 63000 live there unless 60000 of them are Koreans.


Most of the foreigners come from other Asians country hence you will not see if the person is a foreigner or not on the streets. Yeah there are FEW foreigners in Fujian. I remember I went to Fuzhou and wherever I went people stared and yelled hello at me. Way fewer foreigners there compared to any second-tier city in China.


I remember visiting Fuzhou for two weeks to visit my girlfriend of the times family. I saw two foreigners (and I walked and drove the length and breath of the city) three if you count the five year old ABC that I found who was the first native English speaker I had talked to in forever. Little guy probably had no idea why I was so eager to talk to him.


Foreigner numbers in China are all bullshit. And never upxed. They have no interest in t

在华外国人人数全都是胡说八道。 别幻想了,他们对这个根本没有兴趣。
