为什么中国文化与西式民主“不兼容”,中国文化与日韩文化在此方面有哪些不同? [美国媒体]


What about China's culture makes democracy"incompatible", and how does Chinese culture differ from Japanese orSouth Korean culture in this way?


I have seen many Chinese quora users saythat Chinese culture and democracy are incompatible. Many have said lack ofChristian influence was a major part of it, but prospering democracies in SouthKorea and Japan had no Christian influence.


Robin Daverman, World traveler
Answered Jul 10 · Upvoted by Xinchun Li,lives in China
What about China's culture makes democracy"incompatible", and how does Chinese culture differ from Japanese orSouth Korean culture in this way?
I have seen many Chinese quorausers say that Chinese culture and democracy are incompatible. Many have saidlack of Christian influence was a major part of it, but prospering democraciesin South Korea and Japan had no Christian influence.
Sophistication. The averageChinese population are just a tad too smart for a simplisticsolution as represented by the current structure of “democracy”, as it ispracticed.

Robin Daverman,世界旅行者。

Contrary to what was presented in the OP,democracy is in fact a crucial element of the Chinese polity. It’s importanceis listed as the No. 2 of the Core Socialist Values. But the way it’s practicedright now, especially in the UK and the US, well, you have the same problem ashaving a 5-year-old buying a car - he doesn’t know how the car works, he hasnever driven a car himself, he can’t really see anything except the color andthe shape of the car, and he’s the one paying with his blood and treasure forit. Because he is handed a token, called a “vote”, and he must pay with hismoney and his life. So you have BREXIT and Trump.


The way the Election System was originallyset up in the UK, with Lord A against Lord B, might be fair for the Lords, butnot so much for the Commoners. China, in a sense, lucked out,because in 1949, the general population of China had a life expectancy of 36years, and literacy rate of 20%. There was no illusion that the average Chineseshould be able to read and judge for himself whether something like the TTIP (TransatlanticTrade and Investment Partnership) is going to be good for himor not. There was a big gap between expert knowledge and the common knowledgeof the people, and yet, the people must choose, because China was beinginvaded, half of the country was lost, together with 20 million lives. So theypicked the best way, the only way possible, under the circumstances. It’scalled -

现在的西式选举制度源于英国,A领主对B领主,可能对领主们来说很公平,但对平民来说可就不是了。中国从某种意义上来说很幸运,因为1949年的时候中国人的平均寿命只有36岁,识字率只有20%。普通中国人根本就读不懂也不知道TTIP(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系协定)对他到底好不好。有专家知识的人和只有普通知识的人之间是有巨大鸿沟的,而此时人们又必须做出选择,因为当时中国正在遭受侵略,一半国土已经沦陷,2000万人失去了生命。人们选择了最好的,在当时那种情况可能也是唯一的选择,叫做——

This is the most fundamental deal betweenthe CCP as a party, and the common people of China. The CCP will go first, andleave last. That’s the deal. By the time PRC was established, over 300,000 CCPmembers had been killed. 6 members of Mao’s own family were killed, includinghis wife, his brothers and sister, and his nephews. Zhou Enlai, the first PrimeMinister of China, lost his children. Zhu De, the first President of China, sawhis pregnant wife tortured and killed, and her head nailed on the city wall.When the CCP was forced to retreat from their capital in Yan’an, Mao himselfled a small guerrilla force to stay behind and attracted the main KMT force,and gave the main force the opportunity to retreat unmolested.


This is the main deal. In a fire, the CCPmembers are asked to go up first. In a flood, the CCP members are asked to staybehind. In a war, the CCP members go to the front. In a disaster, the CCPmembers are asked for donation first. And when they do something wrong, the CCPmembers will pay for it.
I’ll give you a random example: GrenfellTower fire - Wikipedia. The London firefighters were very good, gotthere in 6 minutes. The London police was very good. The London real estatemanagement sucks. The UK politicians suck. The end result is that 80 peoplepresumed dead, it took weeks to arrange for temporary housing for theresidents, and a month later, still nobody knows how many people died, and whatto do next. This is what it looks like now.
Silence over whether Grenfell Towermaterials passed safety test




Shanghai had a similar high-rise fire 7years ago. In 2010. http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=... 58people died from the fire.
The police and firefighters were not asquick as London but they made up with volume (1300 police and firefighters inShanghai vs. 250 in London). Beijing sent a Politburo member who rushed on siteat 1 am and held a coordination meeting at 2 am, Firefighters, police,hospitals, finance and insurance, housing, donation, psychological counseling,criminal investigation, local school district, etc., all arranged on the sameday. The fire was caused by unlicensed construction work, so afterwards, 26people, most of them government officials with supervisory responsibilities,were indicted (most of them got prison sentences, including 2 of them got 16years), and another 28 government officials got fired or demoted. New ruleswere implemented where you can’t do construction without a fire extinguisheron-site. Insurance started paying out in 3 days, and the residents startedmoving back a little over a month.

上海七年前也发生了一起高楼大火事件。链接:In 2010. http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=... 58 people died from thefire.

This is what happens if you are ultimatelyresponsible. You do everything to fix it!
So it’s not that the Chinese are againstdemocracy. It’s that they are more aware of the fact that “some people have theinformation that I don’t, some people have the expertise that I don’t, and Istill have to find a way to hold you responsible. Not me. Becauseit’s not fair for me to shoulder the responsibility when I don’t have theinformation and the expertise”. The way I hold you responsible is simply, “Yousay this is a good thing for all of us? Then you go first.” Democracy is vitalamong the informed people to get the right answer, but it’s not helpful toenable the snake oil salesmen to swindle thepublic and call it democracy. You say we have to have One Child Policy? Then Xican have only one child then. And he does. Who was the guy who saidNHS would get $300 million pound a week if UK did BREXIT? Then pleasemail in thecheck! What, nobody would? The difference is that the people inUK and the US are led to believe that they know everything, and the Chinesestarted with the belief that “I don’t know everything but I still want to get afair deal for myself”.


The way Democracy is practiced today, isbasically “I use somebody else’s money and blood to gamble. If I win, thebenefit is mine. If I lose, it’s your responsibility to pick up the tab.”The common people don’t have a choice to run away or move their money to someother tax heaven in time. They have to pick up the tab no matter what the voteis. And you even have people moralizing away with “they voted forit so they deserve it”! Well, then, I guess each got what theywant then. But the dirt-poor people in China, they actually got a fairly good deal.

