After the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, why is banning all guns in the United States a bad idea?
1.Matthew Moore, 10 years as an NRA instructor, 30 years owning guns, much reading
Try a few variations on that question:
After the 2016 Nice attack, why is banning all trucks from France a bad idea?
After the 2016 Nice attack and many others, why is expelling all Muslims from France a bad idea?
After <the latest horrific airplane crash>, why is banning commercial air travel a bad idea?
After the Oklahoma City bombing, why is banning fertilizer a bad idea?
< /毒舌>
Banning guns is a bad idea because self-defense is a fundamental individual right, and guns are what make self-defense practical for most people.
After every gun crime that makes a big splash in the news, variations on this question are asked. The answer is always the same.
Americans are not ready to give up on individualism yet. We analyze these questions at the level of the individual, not on the level of social utility. On an individual level, owning guns is cost effective for me. I have no intention of committing crimes. I might be selected by a criminal as his next victim, and I value the option of defending myself if that happens. Having a gun makes that option much more favorable on average (i.e. it wouldn’t improve my odds in all cases, but it would help more often than it hurt).
For those who favor a social utility argument: gun murders run around 9000 per year in the USA, but most of those are criminals murdering other criminals over criminal activities. Truly innocent victims are in the low 1000’s annually (mostly robberies and some proportion of domestic violence). Self-defense via firearms run in the low 1,000,000’s annually. Banning guns would throw out millions of self-defense uses in the hopes of preventing thousands of murders (an unfavorable ratio of around 1000:1), and most of those murders wouldn’t be prevented anyways, just shifted to illegal guns or other weapons.
People intent on murder are not deterred by weapons bans. They find the weapons they need or make creative plans based on the weapons available. All sorts of useful things can be re-purposed as weapons. Banning weapons to prevent violence is fundamentally misguided, like banning hotels to prevent adultery.
2.Frank McCown, lives in The United States of America 住在美国
Governments are far far more dangerous than terrorists, criminals and insane people. In the 20th century governments killed 262,000,000innocent people. These are not warriors opposing one another but non combatant civilians. Homicides totaled8.5 million that’s 3% the number killed by governments. The second amendment was not created so we could protect ourselves against intruders it was created so we could defend ourselves against tyrannical governments. Before any government tries to kill off a portion of its population it will try to disarm them first. In America there are about 300 million guns in private hands, more guns than adults. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Weather or not the quote attributed to Isoroku Yamamoto was genuine the sentiment is valid. Fire arms are deeply ingrained in our culture and heritage. The right to bear arms and form militias is enshrined in our constitution and shall not be infringed. That does not mean you can infringe a little here or there regardless if liberals assert it to be “common sense”.
3.Daniel Sokol, President 总裁
Many Americans live in sparsely populated areas where there is a limited police presence. I have a friend in Oregon, their Sheriff's office is closed from 1700 on Friday to 0900 on Monday. Monday through Friday they average a 1 hour response time.
I am in NE Florida, near Daytona Beach I own and use guns for livestock management. I work on a ranch, I have had to protect our horses and property from coyotes, feral dogs, and hogs. Police response time is 30 minutes or more.
I don’t like shooting coyotes and dogs, it saddens me, but the livestock is part of my livelihood.
So in many places in the US having a firearm is a necessary fact of life. The fact that city slickers and suburban soccer moms dont like our lifestyle is more than a little humorous. You don't like us, or the way we live, but pay us to give little Suzie riding lessons.
For a great many of us, this is our backyard ( for the record this is Glacier National Park in Montana).
This is Billings, Montana, what many of us call a city.
And the people who live here want to tell us how to live and what we need. The condescension is strong, just look at the comments by M. Bloomberg, H. Clinton, N. Pelosi. “No one needs a semiauto or more than 10 rounds”. How do they know?
而住在上面这里的人想告诉我们如何生活和我们需要什么。他们的态度是那么的傲慢,只要看看M. Bloomberg, H. Clinton, N. Pelosi的评论就可以了。“没有人需要半自动或者超过10发弹药的枪。”他们怎么知道的?
4.Patrick Gibbs, Amateur smart-ass
Originally Answered: How does the US feel about their gun laws now, after the Las Vegas mass shooting?
Which law? Murdering people, if I am not very much mistaken, is still illegal. Modifying semi automatic weapons to fire automatic? Also illegal. Having weapons someplace that prohibits them? Yup…illegal. So what are we missing? We could make all that stuff more illegal-er, I suppose. Or propose a bunch of feel-good legislation that isn't going to change anything, but will allow the political battle lines to sharpen and for the "It's a step in the right direction" folks to show that they're fighting valiantly against the big bad NRA. That's pretty much what's in play: Bad thing happens, so gun control enthusiasts chant "Gun Control NOW!" And if anyone has the temerity to suggest that the proposed legislation is highly unlikely to work at all, much less as advertised, they are branded a heartless thug at best, and usually some form of terrorist. So what about the usual proposed legislation? Five round magazine limits and assault weapons bans historically have not done a thing. Registration? There's around 400 million guns in this country, so you'd better get cracking. Start with the criminals, please. I'm sure they will meekly comply with any and all registration requirements, as their dedication to a safer society is the stuff of legend.
There's two problems this sort of thing always dances around, and I alluded to one already. Pandora's box. Gun powder was developed in the 13th century, and it was all downhill from there. Fast forward to today and 400 million firearms in the USA. What are we going to do about it? They aren't just going to be wished away, no matter how many politicians vote for it to be so.
The second is this: What problem are you trying to solve? Gun Violence? The EU has all the gun control any hand-wringing alarmist could wish for. So what do they get? Knife violence. Mass killings with vehicles or explosives. And yes, shootings. So what then? Stigmatize knives, motor vehicles, and ammonia based fertilizer? Start giving chefs, car owners, and farmers the stink-eye even though they've done nothing wrong? How's that going to play out? Or does it really not matter how someone is murdered, as long as they are not shot? Forgive me if I disagree with that particular sentiment.
The reality is, and has always been, that gun control is bunk. It is closing the barn door after the horses have got out, and that's putting it kindly. It is also focusing on the wrong problems. Because of that, the problems will remain, even if every single firearm vanishes tomorrow. Maybe, at that point, politicians would realize that working for a disarmed society was a dead end street, and what we need to be working for a peaceful one.
5.Paul Theodoropoulos, Constitutional Scholar and legal expert. 宪法学者和法律专家
Originally Answered: What are the reasons why guns aren't banned in the US? The Las Vegas shooting alone should be enough for a gun ban.
(The little banner indicating merged questions is something I routinely overlook, so in the interest of clarity, the question I answered was:
What are the reasons why guns aren’t banned in the US? The Las Vegas shooting alone should be enough for a gun ban.
The _reason_ guns aren’t banned in the U.S. is because gun ownership is an enumerated civil right in this country. Nearly half the homes in this country have at least one firearm in them. That’s hundreds of millions of guns that are NOT being used to murder people. And those people - who are not violent, and who do not commit crimes - take serious umbrage at the notion that they should be disarmed, while leaving the violent criminals armed (which is precisely what would happen if pixie dust fell and guns were magically banned in the U.S.)
But for reasons that I cannot fathom, people seem to believe that disarming the hundred million people who are precisely NOT the people who are murdering people will somehow make the world better.
Jesus. Look, I know from the outside looking in, banning just makes all the sense in the world. It’s a simplistic idea, fit for those who cannot see beyond their own nose. But the reality is that *guns are not going to be banned in the U.S.*. Period. Not this century. Probably not in the next. You can wish for it, you can pray for it, you can stomp your feet and yell all you want, but they aren’t going to be banned.
So, instead of whinging about how America gotta ban guns, How about thinking just a little, teeny bit further down the problem and try and contemplate things that *can* reduce homicides and suicides.
There *are* steps that can be taken, that *will* reduce both homicides and suicides. They aren’t far-fetched, they are politically possible. But narrow minds seek narrow “solutions”.
6.Taj Manohar, High School Student 高中生
1)It’s a complete violation of the 2nd amendment. Denying people their constitutional rights is a bad idea .
2)There are at least 300+ million guns circulating throughout the country right now. The Federal government will fail miserably trying to go after guns already on the black market.
3)Most gun-owners are not going to willingly hand-over their guns. You are going to start a civil war.
4)There are approximately 115,000 defensive gun uses (conservative estimate) per year.
5)Most crime is committed with “illegally obtained” guns. Banning them will only affect abidding citizens.
6)Guns themselves are not particularly difficult to manufacture. You can build these weapons with tool that are obtainable. Once a ban is put forth, the demand for these black market gun-smiths will skyrocket. Ammunition is even easier to make.
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