白宫声称特朗普有意摆脱所有的核武器。 [美国媒体]


White House claims Trump would like to get rid of all nuclear weapons


White House chief of staff John Kelly denied claims that President Trump wanted to dramatically increase the number of nuclear weapons in the United States arsenal, stating instead that the president was more interested in eliminating them.


“In spite of what someone reported the other day about President [Trump],” Kelly told a reporter during Thursday’s White House briefing, “What he’s said to me many, many times and to the group oftentimes I hear him most say about nuclear weapons: Wouldn’t it be great if we could get rid of them all, as opposed to we need 10 times more,” he added.


Kelly continued: “So even more than when he references maintenance of nuclear weapons, modernization, it doesn’t mean increase in numbers. I hear him talk more, ‘Wouldn’t it be great, how could we get rid of nuclear weapons?’”


Kelly was responding to a report from NBC News earlier this week that Trump had a July meeting in which he said he wanted a tenfold increase in the nuclear arsenal, surprising military and diplomatic officials. The comments reportedly happened in the same meeting that resulted in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calling Trump a “moron.”


During a Republican primary debate, Trump credited the power of nuclear weapons as being so massive it provided the United States with security that didn’t require the deployment of military forces.“With nuclear, the power, the devastation, is very important to me,” added Trump in December 2015.


Trump has fiercely denied the NBC report, even going as far as to threaten the network’s broadcast license.


“I never discussed increasing it,” Trump said on Wednesday. “I wanted it in perfect shape. That was just fake news by NBC.


“Right now we have so many nuclear weapons. I want them to be completely in perfect shape,” the president continued. “We won’t need an increase. I want modernization and I want rehabilitation. It’s got to be in top-top shape.”


He added: “I know the capability we have, believe me, and it is awesome. It is massive. So when they make up stories like that, that’s just made up, and the generals will tell you that. And then they have sources that don’t exist, they don’t exist. They make up the sources. There are no sources.”


In separate statement, Defense Secretary James Mattis said, “Recent reports that the president called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false.”


NBC stands by its reporting.


liberaltroll108 hours ago
I expected better from General Kelly than to LIE for Trump.


liberaltroll108 hours ago
I saw that press conference. Kelly looked informed, charming, approachable and even Presidential. Trump is definitely GOING TO FIRE HIM.


Nxhexx8 hours ago
I've said it before, Tillerson was correct, Trump is a moron


keidran8 hours ago
How do you make sure nuclear missiles are in tip top shape? How do you modernize a nuclear missile? God he's dumb.


SIngle7 hours ago
Lying in this WH apparently is very contagious!


hockey mom7 hours ago
The majority of Americans see right through Kelly's lies. After that press conference we have lost all respect for him.


Florida7 hours ago
Doesn't matter what he did or didn't say anymore. The truth doesn't matter anymore, and Trump is to blame for that. He lies constantly, so nothing he says can be taken seriously. That's on him. He failed.

