quora网友:世界上有三种非洲人:受过教育的非洲人、未受过教育的非洲人以及见多识广的非洲人。见多识广的和受过教育的非洲人通常高度敬佩及尊重中国。 他们视中国为一个通过辛勤劳作摆脱贫困而闻名于世、变得能够为其国民提供所需的富国,一个没有遵循西方旧路,独自探索并走上了经济繁荣之路的国家......
How is China viewed by Africans?
Idy Udoma-Udofa
Answered Aug 5
There are 3 types of Africans: The educated The uneducated and the well travelled
For the well travelled and educated China is viewed highly with Admiration and Respect. They see China as a country that was poor and through hard work has made a name for itself has become wealthy enough to provide for its citizens and they see a country that did not follow the dictates of the west on its way to economic success. Remember Africa might be independent but it still follows the dictates from the west if not then no IMF bailouts no economic support no trade etc. So the west still has a big influence on what goes on in the continent.
见多识广的和受过教育的非洲人通常高度敬佩及尊重中国。 他们视中国为一个通过辛勤劳作摆脱贫困而闻名于世、变得能够为其国民提供所需的富国,一个没有遵循西方旧路,独自探索并走上了经济繁荣之路的国家。请记住这点,非洲虽然有可能已经独立了,但它仍然遵从着西方的指令,如果不听从的话就会没有国际货币基金组织(IMF)援助资金,没有(西方)经济方面的支持,没有贸易(往来)等。因此,西方仍然对非洲大陆的发展有非常大的影响。
So how the Chinese are viewed is with respect Africans are very welcoming so they welcome everyone including the Chinese
Africans can also be divided into the city people and the hinterland dwellers. The city people thanks to the internet and education see what goes on in the world and make decisions for themselves. Understand that most Africans will prefer to live in the west but they are very well aware that the west won’t be happy to have Africans in their country. To get a clear view of this you can see how blacks vs whites react to issues in South Africa Zimbabwe etc. and the whole police vs African-American thing
非洲人也可以被划分为生活在城市里的非洲人和生活在乡下的非洲人。 城市居民感恩因为有了互联网及教育,他们能够知道外面的世界发生了什么,并且可以当家做主站起来。要知道大多数非洲人更愿意去西方生活,但是他们也非常清楚地意识到西方人可能不会欢迎非洲人进入他们的国家。要想对此有一个更清晰的认知,你可以看看南非及津巴布韦等国黑人及白人种族之间对抗的问题,以及美国警察对非裔美国人的态度。
So Africans admire the west but after 400 years of servitude they are very well aware that when it comes to the west you sleep with one eye open whereas when it comes to China you get treated as an equal partner.
China understands that governments of Africa are very different from the people of Africa so despite the fact that there are bad leaders on the continent China will still work with them when it comes to socio economic projects that help improve the lives of the people.
The Chinese President visiting a housing project Financed by the Anglolan Government and built by the Chinese contractors.
For the uneducated Africans that do not understand the complexity of the world around them it is usually viewed in a binary fashion of good vs bad friend or enemy this section of the population usually see China as the new imperialist.
Andreas Mihardja PhD from Georg-August University of Göttingen (1969) upxed Aug 17
For Africans China is somewhat better than their former warlord bosses the Europeans. From what we learn from history of this continent and from the present leaders in this continent we must analyse the reality and not the dream of the image of the “saviour” from the far east. Africa MUST stand on its own two feet before proceeding with China.
For the majority of them that are mostly not well to do China could be viewed as the future warlord of Africa after the present warlord - the African native warlords are paid off by the new Chinese warlord. The future warlord are viewed as a dragon in Santa suit.
Why ??? The majority of the African people have always received bad experiences from foreigners. The Arabs and whites brought them resp. the Muslim Christian religion but also slavery and genocide. This was now unexpectedly by their independence replaced by local warlords with all the ethnic cleansing. The Chinese are in their opinion more or less the same as any warlord. The Chinese will be tolerated because their present warlords tell them so. —- It will take a while before trust could become the standard of life.
For the few politician in African - China is another milk cow. The western white one is becoming old and unproductive. The local warlords are only thinking of themselves. So they welcome the new introduction from the far east. They enjoy the political climate introduced by China but that’s all they will do. They will try to speak in the same tongue just to please the new comers . They only think of their own well being. This is and was their life experience with their former and present warlord - they know how to please them.
The only hope that the African people have is from the well educated generation. It will take another generation to bring them into the political arena and become the leaders of the future Africa. These new blood of African will respect the Chinese input in Africa and will respect and learn from the Chinese achievements. They are mostly socialist minded and understand that the “gini” ratio of the African population must be lowered to avoid civil war. [My estimate this ratio is between .80 to .90.] Than and only than if these well educated people could become the leaders - will Africa be developing. At this moment these future leaders are oppressively controlled by the present political leaderships to avoid “civil” war or any event like the Arab spring.
非洲人民唯一的希望来自其受过良好教育的一代人。这需要另一代人把他们带入政治舞台,成为未来非洲的领袖。这些新鲜血液将尊重中国在非洲的投入,并将尊重和学习中国的成就。他们大多是社会主义思想,并且明白,必须降低非洲人口的“基尼”比例,以避免内战。[我估计这个比例是在.80到.90之间。]而不仅仅是这些受过良好教育的人可能成为领导者 - 非洲将会发展。在这一刻,这些未来的领导人被现在的政治领导人压制,以避免“内”战,或像阿拉伯之春的任何事件。
This warlord-phase has been endured by China for more than 80 years since 1911 after the establishment of the ROC and later the PRC in 1949. Only starting in the 1990’s did China overcome this warlord syndrome. This warlord-phase is still endured by all new independent countries on all continents so the African continent is no exception to the development. There is no exception since it is the evolution of the new created countries. These well educated African could learn from the 80 yrs mistake in China itself to bring prosperity into the region. They probably could do it faster than the Chinese.
Stephan Wortmann lives in South Africa
Answered Aug 7
Originally Answered: How is China viewed by Africans?
My perspective as a South African:
Similarly to how we view everyone else.
Africa is a continent made up entirely of third-world countries. Third-world as in the ideological and alliances sense.
As a byproduct we don’t have any predisposed biases because during the cold war nobody cared what we did and all we were good for to the first and second world was proxy wars. So now we look at what we’re offered and we judge based on that.
China offers great trade and investment to us we like them. China out-manufactures local businesses driving them bankrupt and creates a market for scrap-metal that damages telecommunication networks we resent them.
Same can be said of the US: Their franchises and technological advances help improve lifestyles we like them. Them coercing us to buy their sub-standard leftovers we resent them.
It’s always about finding a compromise.
The countries that are the most popular here are the ones with good football teams.
Bryan Schaaf MPH from The George Washington University (2005)
Answered Aug 7
Originally Answered: How is China viewed by Africans?
Not an African - but have been following China’s engagement in Africa with interest. China operates differently than many other governments in Africa. They ask African governments directly including the ones with shady human rights records what they need and then construct it. Most other donors shy away from major infrastructure projects but China is very good at building railways water systems roads stadiums hospitals and ports.
If you go to Nairobi a major road into the city was built by the Chinese. It is visible and a great many Kenyans use it every day. You can’t necessarily see an HIV/AIDS program not everyone will use an upgraded clinic but a road is there for all to see - which is why my driver said China was his favourite country.
In Djibouti China has been investing heavily for a long time. It built a railway from Addis Ababa to Djiboutiville to expedite the shipment of commodities through Djibouti’s port to other African countries. This helps commodities to be sent to Addis and then more broadly while helping China send resources out. China also built clinics invested in ports etc. In part because of these investments Djibouti allowed China to build its first overseas military base there despite the United States France and other western forces operating from the very large Camp Lemonnier. This was a big win for China.
Its a different model of operating one that is more transactional and doesn’t question the behaviour of the partner government ever. The only complaints I have heard from Africans are that Chinese tend to live separately don’t show any interest in the culture and Chinese companies can be exploitative. For example there have been a series of protests in Zambia over the way Chinese managers were treating mine workers.
To grow African countries need to improve their own infrastructure and to facilitate the flow of people and commodities between neighbouring countries. Roads and railways help to accomplish that so it is a valuable contribution China is making - not out of the goodness of their hearts of course as their efforts are very clearly lixed to China’s resources needs but still useful.
要增强非洲国家,需要改善的是其基础设施,并促进与邻国之间的人民和商品流通。道路和铁路有助于实现这一目标,这是中国做出的宝贵贡献 - 不是因为他们的努力非常清楚地融入中国的资源需求,而是仍然有用。
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