YouTube视频翻译——中国:神话,宣传和现实 [美国媒体]


China: myths, propaganda and realities




1.    Yonghe LiuThank you for foolingothers.  We Chinese are very happy foryour job.

1.1       ShidiwenNucifer1 个月前
Chinese think everyoneelse is a boogieman out to kill chinese people. You live in a dream world whereChina will be always be successful.


1.2       Eryk Pyts1 个月前
this is the propagandathat Chinese government keeps telling them, to make them support theirgovernment; and it works, they believe it: "the world is full of evilWhite men, only the Chinese are good" - the same retarded hype that Jewswrote in their Bible three thousand years ago "we, Jews, are the chosen people,and when we encounter foreigners - our god lets us slaughter them" .


2.    morrischiutw2 个月前
I trust in my eyes  saw lots of theft, robbery again and again in Paris, London...New York....  and I live safe , very safe in China and HKand TW...   SO  THIS BEARD MAN IS A JOKE


3.    Levine Levine3 个月前
Western Media, especiallythose from the USA, demonize China. US Media are owned as subsidiaries of andcontrolled by larger corporations. US media publish fake news whenever itadvances their corporate owners. Early on many of these large US  corporations have failed to make significantinvestment in China and in their domestic market, and hence, must resort tobad-mouthing Chinese products to stay competitive.


US labor unions have fordecades lost membership due to Made-in-Japan products and later, Japanesedomination of certain domestic industries. Fearing China will be the 2nd comingof Japan, US labor unions have jointed the anti-China chorus, spreading therumor that all Chinese products are inferior and consumer should only buyMade-in-USA products.  


Some leaders within theUS government have the Green Eyes and view China's  rapid economicdevelopment as a national security threat and thereby launched anti-Chinapropaganda as well as dispatched a naval task force to the coast of China.These political and military posturing are part of the US 'tilt' in South EastAsia, called the 'rebalancing' of American forces.  


While each of thesespecial interest groups independently seeks to contain China's economic growthin order to advance its own agenda,  theover-all effect is an orchestrated propaganda machine aimed at demonizing Chinaso as to handicapped trade with China.


4.    Marhaba Mustafa3 个月前(修改过)
free press this guy ismentioned means Zionist corporate control western media, I don't think anyonecan denied that, there is no free press in Western world,that's what populationof western world face nowadays, but in internet age everything is out of hand,evenFacebook call its users uploading content fake news which is absolutely nottrue!

这个家伙居然提到了自由媒体,他大概也不会否认,美国的媒体都是被一些犹太财团控制了吧。在西方世界,并没有什么自由的媒体,这就是西方世界的基本现实,然而,在互联网时代,想宣传虚假的信息是很困难的,甚至于连Facebook 都打电话给他的用户,让他们上传假新闻。这绝对不是真的。

5.    Mr. Cosmos2 个月前
This guy,Louis Gave,isgood! At least he helps to cut through the fake news about China's economy andrightly put into perspective of Sun Tze's principle of "misleading yourenemy" if you want victory which is what the Chinese Propoganda Ministryis doing. Viva la China!


6.    TheMighty Chabunga3 个月前
Why so many Chineseleave China? And they say they will never go back?My love is a Chinese womanand she says China is a beautiful country but the Chinese government ishorrible.She says she would rather die than go back.


6.1       Star Worshiper3 个月前
She is just lying. InChina unless someone has a political ambition which was hindered, they mighthold a grudge against the government. The Chinese women don't migrate to seekbecoming the next president of your country. The reason is usually economical. Ifshe makes an excuse out of the government, she is exploiting your weaknesses.She saying that just to gain your sympathy so you can marry her to help her getthe green card. Asian women don't care or even know what is politics ingeneral, they are submissive which is precisely why white men love AF.

我要告诉你,你的对象在说谎。在中国,如果一人没有politic 野心的话,他基本上不会遇到什么麻烦。中国的女性移民海外,他们是不能成为你们国家的总统的。也就是说,他们移民海外不是因为政治因素,而是因为经济因素。如果她以politic 为借口的话,那么这个女人通常都在说谎,她正在利用你的弱点。她说这些东西只是为了获得你的同情,让你能够与她结婚,这样他们就能够得到绿卡。亚洲女性通常都不关心政治,他们甚至不知道政治是什么东西,这就是为何亚裔女性被白人男性喜欢的原因。

7.    Chavdar Naidenov1 个月前(修改过)
The analysis of realitybehind the official Beijing statistics was smart and illuminating.  Nevertheless the "mercantilist empirehypothesis" is too strong. The strategy is obvious - China needsalternative trading partners, besides the US. So it is developing the Eurasianvector.  Also, the Africa and SouthAmerica connection. Additionally, it's finding a market for it's constructionovercapacity.


The significantdifference in comparison to the US strategy is that China is bringing transportinfrastructure and higher value-addeed industries to regions where developmenthas stalled for 50 years. It is helping trade partners produce more in order tohave goods to exchange with China. 

中国和美国有显着的不同,中国正在为各个地区带来大量的基础设施,同时,中国也为各个地区带来了一些高附加值的工业,而这些地区已经停滞了有50年 之久了。这样将会为潜在的贸易伙伴带来大量的利益,他们将能够生产更多的产品,如此一来,便可以与中国展开更大规模的贸易。

This is a non-hegemoniccourse. An empire would do quite the opposite: it would doom it's partners tothe role of raw materials exporters and importers of finished goods.  I would bet, if I had to, on countries whereChinese investments are bringing long-term development.

