德国潜艇部队全体趴窝 [美国媒体]

德国科隆 — 在仅有的一艘可堪使用的潜艇周日于挪威海岸发生事故后德国海军由6艘强大的潜艇组成的潜艇部队已彻底趴窝。Facebook网友:在自家潜艇瘫了的时候他们还指望其他国家买这玩意?我们才订了两艘!现在我们感到非常担心。

The U-33, U-34 and U-36 submarines are seen at the Eckerfoerde German Navy base Oct. 10, 2016. (Morris MacMatzen/Getty Images)


COLOGNE, Germany ― The German Navy’s six-strong fleet of submarines is completely out of commission after the only operational sub had an accident off the coast of Norway on Sunday.

德国科隆 — 在仅有的一艘可堪使用的潜艇周日于挪威海岸发生事故后德国海军由6艘强大的潜艇组成的潜艇部队已彻底趴窝。

The U-35 was moved into ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems’ shipyard in Kiel after a rudder blade was damaged during a diving maneuver, the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten reported. The submarine was scheduled to participate in exercises in the Skagerrak, the strait between southern Norway, southeast Sweden and Denmark.

根据报纸Kieler Nachrichten的报道,U-35潜艇在潜水演习中舵叶受损后已进入位于基尔的蒂森·克虏伯海军造船厂。它原本要前往位于挪威南部,瑞典南部和丹麦间的斯卡格拉克海峡执行训练任务。

The U-35 is a 212A-class boat, the same type that TKMS will build for Norway under a multibillion-dollar deal announced early this year. Italy also operates two boats of the class.


Exactly how long the U-35 will be out of service was still unknown on Friday. Service officials hope to make an assessment next week about the extent of the damage.


The submarine joins three ships already being overhauled at the Kiel shipyard. German military news service Augen Geradeaus, citing sea service data, reported that the U-31 will be in the yard until December, and the U-33 and U-36 are undergoing maintenance until February 2018 and May 2018, respectively. Additionally, the U-32 and U-34 are out of service and awaiting maintenance spots at the shipyard.

德国军事新闻网Augen Geradeaus报道指出已有三艘潜艇在基尔造船厂进行大修,U-31将会维护到12月,U-33与U-36更是要到明年2月与5月才能重返海洋。此外U-32与U-34已经脱离战斗序列在船厂等待维护。

Navy officials blame bottlenecks in the procurement of spare parts for the submarines’ downtime. While a comprehensive package of spare parts was a key aspect of any new acquisition during the Cold War, cost-saving measures adopted since then have resulted in parts no longer being kept in reserve, German Navy spokesman Capt. Johannes Dumrese told the newspaper group SHZ.

德国海军发言人Johannes Dumrese 回应媒体时将其归咎于潜艇零部件采购上的限制。冷战时靠着富余的零部件尚可安然无虞,但之后的经费缩减导致无零部件(貌似是因为采购流程问题导致零部件不能及时到位)可用。

According to a statement by the sea service, the most recent acquisitions of the U-35 and U-36 will usher in improved maintenance policies. Irrespective of the U-35′s fate, the Germany Navy expects to have three or four submarines ready for service in mid-2018.



Eddie Garrido
Keep spending money on the refugees. One day the USA won't pull you out of a problem with another country. Europe can't expect the USA to come to their defense every time.


Brian Hess 
Germany's military is a joke these days and they want it that way. They have all the money they need they just don't give a shit and expect others to pick up their slack.


KC Schipper 
Time EU countries wake up and start repairing the armed forces contribution to a level of responsibility that can defend their territory and not only rely on the US.


Vincent Chia 
And they expect other countries to buy their subs while theirs are in disrepair? We just ordered two! Now we are worried


Robert Schilling 
Too funny....so how do they keep their commitment to NATO Defense Posture?


Per Wahlstedt 
Time to buy quality submarines from Sweden instead...


Madhumangal Mishra 
Sad to hear....Germany invented submarines and once superpower in Europe during WW1 and ww2


Nivre Loco
Toronto has inflatable rubber duck for rent.


Earle Long 
Don't worry the good old boys in the US will throw money to over produce subs to to cover their butts.


Doug Briggs 
They sound like the British!


Brian Alden 
Nows your chance, Poland!


Eric Powell 
Das Boot!

Gavin Copland 
What a joke.

