在中国独生子女家庭里谁更想要男孩,是妈妈还是爸爸? [美国媒体]



and for what reasons?



The primary goal of Chinese life is marrying off your kids. The secondary goal is having grandkids so you can annoy your own kids and educate your grandkids with the wisdom that has been carefully conserved within the boundaries of your small farm village (being careful not to let any information from outside dilute it).


Since China has an excess of guys the girl's family is now setting the standards. And those standards include buying real estate regardless of wether it is a wise financial decision. It has been this way since somewhere between 5000 years ago and whenever we made it up. And in China traditions die hard just Iike the countryside yuemu that made them up.


So now that having a boy is so expensive it puts you at risk of him telling you to go fuck yourself leaving you with a though choice: you can either spend your life's worth on a small city apartment or your son will forever be wanking it to anime and you won't have any grandkids.


When you have a daughter however all you need to do is pull your guanxi and find her some bloke in the proud possession of a doctorate an apartment a sweet Beijing hukou and blue balls big enough to make him gloat over what a terrible deal he's getting out of it. If that doesn't work you can always print her pic + the requirements for her future husband on an A4 sheet and take it to the renmingongyuan to sit next to all the hundreds of other moms who's grandiose plans for her daughter's future backfired.


All in all a daughter is the safe bet nowadays.



you can either spend your life's worth on a small city apartment or your son will forever be wanking it to anime and you won't have any grandkids
Why not both?


You are wrong. Parents want a boy because that is who will besponsible for the family. Once the parents of the boy grow old he will take care of them if they have a girl the womans husband wont see them as his responsibility. Fortunately this is changing and not every man here is an asshole like this but there are enough of these traditionalist assholes that encourages this thinking. This is why families want males.


If you are expecting a child right no I would put my bets on a girl. Next generation will be skewed against men. I would say its not a question about what gender wants a boy but what social class. People from the village care more about the gender upper class cities folks wont care as much.


notviolence bu
Easy the Mother so she doesn’t get beaten up by the husband and husbands family for having a daughter.



Kid has to have a house and a car when he gets married. And housing prices are outta control. Girls are cheaper.


The mothers family


The mother. Because she will take the blame if it doesn't happen. It's not uncommon for a man's family to encourage him to divorce his wife if she cannot bear a baby boy.


Like the Y chromosome would be found in her ovule...


DragonSlave49United States  
This question is about as relevant to China today as whether principals or teachers are more ardent supporters of segregated schooling is to America today.


Boy to make China great again for imminent invasion of Taiwan


King Henry VIII
