加拿大“教育家”称因“传统观念”性骚扰在中国不常见 [美国媒体]



Unless one is living on another planet one must have heard the latest sexual harassment scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein the Oscar winner and film mogul.Numerous women including Angelina Jolie Gwyneth Paltrow Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan came forward to accuse him of inappropriate behavior including unwanted sexual advances and rape.


One may wonder what causes these frequent occurrences of sexual harassment in the US and compare this to its limited incidences in China. One may pose an uncomfortable yet crucial question which is: "Does sexual harassment occur in Chinese society in general and in the workplace in particular?"


An honest answer would be affirmative yet one must be obxtive and state it is not as common as in the West. The follow-up question should then be: "What prevents sexual harassment from becoming a common phenomenon in China as it is in most Western societies?"


A frank and straightforward answer would be "Chinese traditional values and conservative attitudes tend to safeguard women against inappropriate behavior from members of the opposite gender."


It is a well-known fact that China is a traditional society based upon commendable values and virtues that respect the dignity and humanity of its citizens regardless of their gender.


Chinese men are taught to be protective of their women. Behaving inappropriately toward women including harassing them sexually contradicts every Chinese traditional value and custom.



During my residence in China I was able to affirm my preconceived notions — Chinese do possess conservative attitudes in their daily conduct including dealing with members of the opposite gender.


Having the opportunity to interact with the Chinese youth through my teaching assignments I discovered most of my male students were too timid to make sexual advances toward their female counterparts and the same stood true for young ladies in dealing with male students.


When discussing the issue with some of my Chinese acquaintances and students most of them were repulsed by the notion cases of sexual harassment might have happened to them or their friends.


They emphasized the fact they would not subject anyone to the humiliation of being regarded as a sex obxt taking care to mention they would not like to have members of their families receiving that despicable treatment from others.


Weinstein case demonstrates cultural differences

They stressed the Chinese authority deals harshly with those who disrespect themselves by behaving inappropriately toward others.


A few individuals asked me about my own experience considering that I have been residing in China for a long period of time. They wished to know if I noticed any inappropriate behavior toward me or toward others that could be interpreted as sexual harassment to which I replied negatively.



When I touched on the subject of Weinstein with them their views ranged from condemning his disgusting conduct to partially blaming the ambition of some women who were willing to sacrifice their dignity for lucrative positions or movie roles.


I emphasized the fact that regardless of the circumstances he had no right to use his powerful position to make advances toward them.


When I asked them about their views of the women who came forward they indicated they respect and admire their courage. And when I pressed further by asking them about the possibility of Chinese women facing similar dilemmas coming forward most of them indicated their doubt.


All women regardless of their nationalities must acquire enough courage to expose the despicable acts of their harassers to abolish the chauvinistic attitude of men who think they have the right to behave inappropriately toward women — a right they believe is granted by their status.


As for men who behave in that heinous fashion shame on you. Have the courage to seek help to avoid the embarrassment and humiliation of being exposed by your victims.


Lastly I must emphasize that my article reflects my own views and is not intended to offend anyone.



"It is a well-known fact that China is a traditional society based upon commendable values and virtues that respect the dignity and humanity of its citizens regardless of their gender."-This should be in a fucking Onion article.

“众所周知,中国是一个基于难能可贵的价值观和无关性别尊重其公民尊严、人性美德的传统社会。”——这应该是一篇哗众取宠的讽刺新闻。( Onion article:美国一个专门以讽刺和恶搞为噱头的假新闻网站)

Eat_the_PathHong Kong 
Traditional values like cheating on your wife with a mistress?


Not all Chinese men do that. Some just like to go to sing karaoke or get a massage or haircut in their free time!




mrgoodkat1707European unx 
Most "hair salons" are a front for prostitution. It used to be that the ones with the turning colorful spirals in the windows were legit and the ones where the spirals didn't turn had hookers. Those
Edit: Maybe that's why the delegates to the 19th Congress won't get free haircuts this year :D


Hmm I thought it's a Korean thing



Ask students in a nation that prizes face particularly the national face above all else and you get answers that Chinese people are too good for sexual harassment?
And she's asking students -- ie. those that haven't yet attended mandatory office dinner parties. Not that Chinese would ever admit anything happens at those.


office dinner followed by ktv until the boss passes out


Not before he licks his female employees on the face.


'its ok dear im with my 姐妹 they will protect me' she said. but then this became a weekly thing. lucky she was just a xiaosan.


"You don't understand our culture."


Sexual harassment is less reported in China because of "traditional values"

在中国很少报道出性骚扰事件是因为“传统价值观”。替你修改了一下。(FTFY是指Fixed that for you。)




My favorite part about this headline is that I had a Canadian coworker who was one of the sleaziest creepiest motherfuckers I've ever met. The amount of inappropriate shit I saw him telling young girls on a daily basis was staggering.
Shout out to Craig that herpes-infested Gollum!  


Traditional values means it's reported less often yes.


I only know that my fwb is a nurse in beujing who married her second ex-boyfriend


I promise you guys it wasnt me!


The only times I was cat called in China for being a woman it was by other foreigners. Sometimes Chinese people (men and women) harass foreigners simply for being foreign... but very rarely in a sexual way. Flip side now I’m back in freedomguo/poutineguo (I go between the two) and I legit don’t feel comfortable walking around in certain parts of town by myself. You guys can make your stupid chinarrr jokes and laugh about your western superiority but tbh the safest I’ve ever felt as a woman has been in China. Not sure how it works for Asian ladies or other women of colour. But for me that was one of the best parts of living there.
