“猫头鹰人”:某14岁巴基斯坦男孩能扭转头部180度,直视其身后 [美国媒体]



This is Pakistan's 'human owl' teenager who can turn his head 180 degrees to look directly behind him.


Muhammad Sameer from the southern Pakistani city of Karachi uses his hands to help rotate his head back over his shoulders.

来自巴基斯坦南部城市卡拉奇的穆罕默德·萨梅尔(Muhammad Sameer)在其双手的帮助下能把他的头旋转到肩膀之上。

Now the 14-year-old is hoping his unbelievable flexibility will land him a part in a Hollywood movie.


Footage has emerged of a 'human owl' teenager who can turn his head 180 degrees to look directly behind him

The teenager who trains constantly to keep up his elasticity said: 'I would have been six or seven when I saw an actor in a Hollywood horror movie turning his head to look behind him.


'It fascinated me. I started practising for it and within few months I was able to it.


'My mother slapped me when she saw me doing this and told me never to do it again as I might end up hurting my neck but with time she realised that I'm God gifted.


'My dream is to work like that actor in Hollywood horror movies.'



Sameer quit his studies and became part of a dance group Dangerous Boys to earn a living and help his family run the household affairs after his father fell ill.


His father Sajid Khan 49 had suffered heart strokes twice and left working.

他的父亲Sajid Khan今年49岁,曾两度心脏病发作已经不再工作。

Mother Rukhsana Khan 45 said: 'Sameer's father was working in a textile mill. But he had to stop working after he suffered heart strokes twice in a year.

其45岁的母亲Rukhsana Khan说道:“萨梅尔的父亲原本在纺织厂工作,在一年内经受了两次心脏病发作后,他不得不停止工作。”

'Since then he not keeping well and the whole responsibility of the family came on Sameer's shoulders.


'He is only a kid but we have no other option. I wanted him to study and make a name for himself but destiny had something else in store.'


Sameer along with eight other members of the dance group performs at dance shows across Karachi.


For every show the talented boy earns between £6 to £10.



Sameer explained: 'I can make around £100 to £120 every month.


Sameer (pictured) 14 from Karachi Pakistan  can perform various unusual acrobatics moves

'I work so that I can support my family. I don't want that due to lack of resources my four sisters do not have to quit studies.


He has found several fans in his dance group and never shies away from showing his incredible talent.


Asher Khan lead dancer of Dangerous Boys said: 'I was shocked when I first saw Sameer's ability to rotate his neck and shoulders. He is incredible.

危险男孩的领舞Asher Khan说:“当我第一次看到萨梅尔将脖子扭转(180度)使其能直视身后时,我感到相当震惊。他简直是不可思议的。”

'He is extremely flexible and I am sure he will go a long way if he gets proper training.' 


Sameer added: 'I am working on my dance skills gymnastic stunts and acting skills as well in order to find better work opportunities to support my family and fulfil my dream. I hope to show my talent in big screens someday.'



Grassroot Swindi United Kingdom 16 hours ago
It's the women that need that ability over there


SN UK United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Twisting head with his arms like that can't be good for his neck.


AyJay Derby 11 hours ago
It's all fun and games until you end up with a damaged Carotid or Cervical artery...


Lychee4U Sepang Malaysia 11 hours ago
he need a doctor and surgery fast...


STUNNlNG London United Kingdom 7 hours ago
The article says he's the breadwinner of his family which is why he doesn't go to school anymore. His performances are their means of survival.



Smiley_corner Norwich United Kingdom 12 hours ago
AND who¿s fault is it when he aciddentally kills himself or injuries himself? Parents needs to stop him doing it and docotors help.


Resedit Manchester United Kingdom 11 hours ago
That's just wrong!


Jocks Wahay Glasgow United Kingdom 15 hours ago
He's going to twist it too far one day !!


E-K Exeter United Kingdom 13 hours ago
Just how do you find out that you can do that ?


jacqui London United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Goodness I've heard the expression Rubber Necking but this takes the biscuit

天呢!我曾听过这么一个说法叫“因好奇而伸长脖子(Rubber Necking)”但这(脖子扭的)简直是荒唐可笑。

Catherine Reynolds Southampton United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome possibly.


(译者注:Ehlers-Danlos syndrome一种罕见的结缔组织的先天性疾病。又称皮肤弹性过度症。其特征为皮肤与血管脆性增加,易擦伤和形成萎缩性疤痕;皮肤弹性过度,皮肤可牵拉很长,超过正常数倍,放松后迅速恢复原状;关节活动过度;骨骼、眼和内脏也有病变。偶尔可因内脏畸形所致的并发症而死亡。)
