两名荷兰女学生为某臭名昭著的“社交”网站上新任的初夜拍卖价最高纪录女郎 [美国媒体]

最近,在一系列女子拍卖其初夜的在线交易中,两名荷兰女学生的竞拍价格刷新了记录。18岁的 洛拉(Lola)和20岁的莫妮卡(Monica)都来自荷兰,她们在臭名昭著的Cinderella Escorts网站上将自己的身体出售给最高竞价者。该网站专门搜罗全世界的童贞少女。


Two Dutch students have become the latest in a string of women to auction their virginity online.  


Lola 18 and Monica 20 both from the Netherlands have offered their bodies to the highest bidder on the infamous Cinderella Escorts website which hosts listings from virgins from all over the world.

18岁的 洛拉(Lola)和20岁的莫妮卡(Monica)都来自荷兰,她们在臭名昭着的Cinderella Escorts网站上将自己的身体出售给最高竞价者。该网站专门搜罗全世界的童贞少女。

Bids for both young women currently start at 20000 euros (£17682) and the website claims they have been 'verified' as virgins through medical testing.


Lola and Monica say they will use the money they earn to help cover the costs of a university education.   


【Lola(left) and Monica(right) 】


Schoolgirl Lola is one of the latest additions to the website which recently listed its first British virgin a student from London named Jasmin. 


Lola said: 'I want to sell my virginity on Cinderella Escorts because I want to pay for my school and live a life free of financial worries. I will also use this money to help my family with some various debts that they have.'

 洛拉说:”我之所以想在Cinderella Escorts上出售我的初夜,是因为我想补贴学校开销,过上没有经济压力的生活。我也会用这笔钱来偿还我家现有的一些债务。“

Lola explained that while many people disagree with her decision she added: 'Not many people actually stay with the person that they lost their virginity to for their entire life.'


She therefore decided to 'rather do something like this where I not only benefit but I also avoid getting my feelings hurt by someone who might leave me when he's finished with me'.



Meanwhile Monica 23 said she still had not found 'someone worth giving my virginity to' and added: 'Doing this would also help fund my studies due to the fact that university is not cheap.'


Monica went on: 'I like that we live in a society and time where we can decide what we would like to do with our bodies. It's important to me to feel in control of my body. 


'While some people may not agree with me I think that this is best for me and it will also help me secure my future.'


They follow 26-year-old student Jasmin from London who hit national news headlines this week after bids for her virginity already reached £100000.


She revealed her parents agreed with the decision to sell her virginity rather than wait for the right person.


Jasmin said: 'I really respect ladies who are traditional and want to wait for sex until after marriage. I was one of them. I really wanted to wait for the right one. But I don't want to wait any longer.


'So I chose another way which will make me happy. I am sure about my decision.'



Cinderella Escorts rose to worldwide fame after the auction in 2016 of Aleexandra Khefren a 18-year-old Romanian model who sold her virginity for 2.3 million euros (£2 million) to an unnamed businessman from Hong Kong.

自2016年来自罗马尼亚的18岁模特亚历山德拉·客弗南( Aleexandra Khefren)将她的初夜以230万欧元(200万英镑)卖给一名来自香港的匿名商人之后,Cinderella Escorts网站开始在全世界范围内走红。

Twenty percent of each auction goes as a fee to Cinderella Escorts according to local media.

根据当地媒体报道,Cinderella Escorts网站每场拍卖会收取拍卖费的20%作为佣金。

The man behind Germany's most famous escort website is 27-year-old Jan Zakobielski who runs the business from Dortmund and likens a woman's virginity to a 'very old wine' or a 'luxury car'.  

这个德国最着名拍卖网站的经营者是一位来自德国多特蒙德市的27岁商人——Jan Zakobielski,他把女子的童贞比作“尘封的美酒”和“豪车”。

Zakobielski said: 'No one makes these young women do anything they don't want to do. They have their own minds and their own opinions on sexuality.'


Selling their body to the highest bidder is legal under German law.
According to Zakobielski the meeting of each girl and the winning client must therefore take place in Germany with the buyer able to choose a hotel for the night. 

mercuryinaquarius NYC United States 15 hours ago
Very sad. Any man who would be interested in bidding on this would be the LAST man you'd want to lose your virginity too...


ftk67 Las Cruces NM USA 12 hours ago
They are doing this for the money not a lasting connection


Peter Jolly Manchester United Kingdom 15 hours ago
How do they prove they're virgins?


Scubaman Providence United States 14 hours ago


Thug Observer Boston United States 6 hours ago
They get a fake doctor who writes a fake report for money.


Marci lanesville United States 5 hours ago
Haven't you ever heard of a Hymen??



MGEP Corby United Kingdom 4 hours ago
True nevertheless very sad. Any man who is thinking of taking them up on their offer and has the money available should examine their conscience and simply give them the money anyway but how many other will jump on the bandwagon afterwards? Mmmmm.


pcm London United Kingdom 15 hours ago
The internet whilst it has so many positives. sadly the upsurge of this type of publicity verging on the pornographic is all to common. Sexual crimes on the increase can be directly attributed to the internet!


P6059 Falmouth United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Jack the Ripper and Fred and Rose West committed their horrific crimes before the Internet appeared.


watusayin seattle United States 7 hours ago
What you say is absolutely false merit-less drivel. Sexual crimes along with ALL crime has gone down sharply with advent of publicly available internet. Check here for statistics in the US: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm


Proudaussie Brisbane Australia 4 hours ago
They parents most be very proud



Gr8Dane Phoenix 5 hours ago
Here is some advice for you girls: If you want to become rich study work hard and strive for success. Don't sell your bodies. That rarely leads to anything good.


Fervent 0bserver Minneapolistan United States 5 hours ago
that should be made illegal.


Maynard1 Brighton United Kingdom 6 hours ago
These women will end up self loathing unless they are sociopathic.


ungdom budapest Hungary 4 hours ago
I heard sex doll are virgins too.


Albannach Oman Oman 6 hours ago
When I auctioned mine to fund my college course I got enough for one refectory lunch !


SpikedDurian Sunny Side Up Singapore 5 hours ago
Why on earth would they put an article like this does DM get a commission?
