90%的人都无法理解的事是?(上) [美国媒体]



What is something that 90% of people don't seem to understand?



Shanks Wang Just a writer upxed Oct 3 
Ok check out this ECG strip.


This is what we call a ‘flatline’ or asystole. There is no electrical activity nor contractions in the heart.


I’m sure you’ve seen a movie or TV show where the flatline appears on the ECG accompanied by a high-pitched beep. The doctor then takes out these defibrillator paddles that look dramatically like cloth irons before shocking the patient.




First of all we rarely use these paddles in hospitals anymore. They are being replaced by adhesive pads that allow the operator to stand further away from the patient thus minimising risk of injury to oneself.


Second and more importantly we DON’T shock patients in asystole. If it’s a flatline shocking will NOT help. We can’t just ‘jump start’ a flatlining patient like an old jalopy. Doesn’t work like that.


There are only two shockable ECG rhythms.


Pulseless ventricular tachycardia:


Where the ventricles of the heart are contracting at over 120 times per minute with absent atrial activity and no carotid pulse felt on palpation.


Ventricular fibrillation:


Basically a mess on the ECG as you can see. The ventricles of the heart are fibrillating (quivering) many times a second with no rhythm whatsoever.

基本上你在心电图上可以看到一片混乱。 心脏的心室每秒多次纤维性颤动(颤抖),没有任何节奏。

The vast majority of the public believe we shock the patient when the heart is no longer contracting. That’s not true. We only shock patients whose hearts are still contracting but in the wrong rhythms and have no palpable pulse.

绝大多数公众认为,当心脏不再收缩时,我们会电击病人。 这不是真的。 我们只会电击那些心脏仍在收缩,但节奏错误并没有明显脉搏的病人。

There is very little we can do for a flatlining patient. We can try to address the root cause continue our CPR cycles and inject adrenaline every few minutes. That’s all we have.

当心电图显示平线时,我们能为(抢救)病人做的事相当少。 我们可以尝试用心脏复苏法从根本上解决问题,并每隔几分钟注射肾上腺素。 这就是我们仅能做的事了。

The odds will be against the patient. Only 15% of these patients ever leave the hospital alive even with the benefit of an intensive care unit with the rate being lower (only 6%) for those already prescribed vasopressors[1].


Unfortunate I know. But rest assured we’re doing everything we can.



Loy Machedo Mentor Coach & The World's #1 Personal Branding Strategist upxed Aug 30
These are my top 10.


1.Spoken English is NOT the measure of Intelligence. And Spoken English with a Western Accent won't make you better


2.No one cares if you have a big sounding degree or if you are a college drop out


3.Being Patriotic will not pay your bills


4.Being nice doesn’t mean the world will be nice to you


5.Doing good to others will not guarantee you happiness


6.Praying to God Faith in God & Hope in God IS NOT a strategy for success


7.Just because Jack Ma did 14 things to succeed - doesn’t mean if you do the exact 14 things you will succeed


8.Network Marketing & Internet Marketing Courses will NEVER make you rich


9.Your Religion is NOT the true religion for everyone else


10.You can believe whatever you want - doesn’t mean you are right



Dipesh Poudel Reader. Thinker. Learner. Answered Nov 2
How to play Minesweeper.


Most of the people at some point in time had played this game. And most of them take it as a game of just luck so they randomly click at the square box and hope that ‘Mine doesn’t detonate’.


But the thing is this is a game of logic mixed with some luck too at the initial phase.And it can be cleared easily with the help of the clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field.


Play it. Master it. And Be Extraordinary.


Dikshita Gogoi A Medico Answered Oct 30
A doctor's prescxtion!


Mostly the handwriting is wavy. How much you try to read the prescxtion still you will fail to understand. :P


Now try to understand this sample of prescxtion! :P


Image source :Google


Thank you.



Swastik Dev Answered Oct 7
How lucky they are


People whom i have known often forget how lucky they are. I have seen people complaining about luxuries their needs but i would like to make people realise that some people are in a state unimaginable.


There was a south african photojournalist who was covering the famine that had hit Sudan. He had taken a picture which had later won the Pulitzer prize. His name was Kevin Carter. He had committed suicide after a fews years of taking this picture. His suicide note read:


I’m really really sorry. The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist...I am depressed...without phone...money for rent...money for child support...money for debts...money!!!...I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain...of starving or wounded children of trigger-happy madmen often police of killer executioners...I have gone to join Ken [recently deceased colleague Ken Oosterbroek] if I am that lucky”.


—Kevin Carter in his suicide note


So what was this picture depicting:


I was shaken to the core after knowing about this incident.


Just appreciate what you are getting some people would find paradise in a fraction of that.

