女子声称刺死怀孕的闺蜜是出于自我防卫 [美国媒体]


Bronx woman who stabbed pregnant friend claims she acted in self-defense, cut child from womb to ‘save the baby’: cop sources  


A baby-obsessed Bronx woman who stabbed an expectant mom to death claimed she killed her former pal in self-defense and cut the baby from her belly to save the newborn’s life.


The accused killer’s defense emerged on Saturday, along with bizarre details of her fascination with babies – and grisly details of the savage murder.


Ashleigh Wade, 22, was sitting on the stoop of her building, her hands dripping with blood after the knife attack. She told cops she stabbed Angelikque Sutton “as many times as she could,” a police source said.

警察发现年仅22岁的Ashleigh Wade坐在她的住宅前,她刚用刀袭击了被害人,手上的鲜血不断滴落。她告诉警方,自己在Angelikque Sutton身上刺了“无数次,直到精疲力尽”。

Inside Wade’s apartment and surrounded by a sea of red, Sutton was barely alive, police said. She had been stabbed repeatedly in her neck and body and had a deep gash across her stomach, police said.


The baby’s placenta was found on the bathroom floor, officials said. And the bloody knife used in the killing was found nearby. Both mother and baby were rushed to Montefiore Medical Center, where Sutton, 22, died a little after 3:30 p.m.


After initially claiming she had just given birth to the baby herself, Wade later changed her twisted tune and said it was her pregnant victim who attacked her inside her home on Monticello Ave. in Wakefield.


Ashleigh Wade (pictured) is accused in the stabbing death of expecting mother Angelikque Sutton in the Bronx on Friday, and attempting to cut Sutton’s unborn child from the womb in order to save it.

(上图)Ashleigh Wade,本周五被指控在布朗克斯区刺死了即将为人母的Angelikque Sutton,并且将胎儿从Sutton子宫中剖出,声称是为了救胎儿。

Wade claimed Sutton lunged at her with a knife, but she wrestled it away and jammed it into the pregnant woman’s neck. She then cut open Sutton’s stomach to save the unborn child, she told cops.


“She said she wanted to save the baby,” a police source with knowledge of the case said Saturday.


Wade, who remained at Jacobi Medical Center Saturday undergoing a psychiatric evaluation, was arrested and charged with murder, manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon. She had never been arrested before, police said.


The Facebook page of the unhinged woman’s boyfriend, Angel Praylow, 27, who walked in on the bloody scene, offered a glimpse into Wade’s baby crazy ways.

这个精神失常的女人的男友Angel Praylow今年27岁,曾进入那个血腥的犯罪现场。从他的Facebook页面上,可以一窥Wade对婴儿痴狂的那些行为。

Praylow had been posting pictures of baby clothes and sonograms on Facebook in recent months and Wade had registered for gifts at Babies “R” Us, claiming a due date of Nov. 16.


Angelikque Sutton (pictured) was eight-and-a-half months pregnant when she was attacked Friday. She was rushed to the hospital, where she died. The baby is recovering.

(上图)Angelikque Sutton在周五遭到袭击时已有八个半月的身孕。她被赶送至医院,随后在医院去世,她的婴儿正在康复中。

The sonograms appear to be lifted from an unrelated blog. "u stole my pic," Wade even jokes under one image.


When her family inquired about the big day, Praylow wrote, “. . . today her due day but she not ready to come out yet.”


Police said they have no knowledge that Wade is pregnant or has ever been pregnant. She refused to consent to a medical exam as of early Saturday.


According to sources, Wade told her estranged family she “had a baby” that died shortly after being born in 2014.


But when pressed for further details, she clammed up and wouldn’t say what hospital she had given birth in or provide any other details.


Crime scene officers carry evidence into the 47 Precinct in the Bronx. Wade was found at the scene of the knifing, and admitted to stabbing Sutton "as many times as she could."


“She seems obsessed with babies,” the police source said.


Neighbors could barely believe the bloodshed that unfolded Friday afternoon about 2 p.m.


“She was very quiet,” Taneka S., 33, said of Wade. “It’s just sad. The situation is very sad. Young girls, whole life in front of them.”

“她非常安静,”33岁的Taneka S.描述Wade说,“太惨了。这件事太惨了。年轻的女孩们,人生才刚刚开始。”

Angela Parris, a nurse and Wade’s landlord, believed her tenant may have been pregnant at some point.

护士Angela Parris是Wade的房东,她相信自己的房客可能是怀过孕的。

“She probably was pregnant in the beginning and lost the baby,” she said. “She had me fooled terribly.”


Detectives from the NYPD Crime Scene Unit bringing several bags of material gathered from the scene of the earlier stabbing death of Sutton.


Sutton’s grief-stricken family declined to talk Saturday as they left Montefiore Medical Center, where the baby, named Genesis, was recovering.


Wade told police that she and Sutton went to the fifth grade together, lost touch, then rekindled their friendship recently on Facebook.


In the days before the murder, Wade said she and Sutton dined at an Applebee’s in Co-op City and even went shopping for baby-related items at Toys R’ Us.

在谋杀发生前的几天里,Wade说她和Sutton曾在Co-op City居民区里的Applebee’s快餐店一起吃晚餐,甚至还一起去玩具反斗城购买婴儿用品。

But their friendship soured Friday when they started “talking about the past,” Wade told police, according to sources.


After the explosion of violence, Wade called Praylow and told him to come over right away “because she did something really bad,” police sources said.


When police arrived Praylow was standing outside with two friends, holding Genesis swaddled in a jacket.


Cheryl Wilson knew Sutton, her next-door neighbor and St. John’s grad, when she was just a child.

Cheryl Wilson认识Sutton,小时候她俩曾是邻居以及St. John’s学校校友。

“No one deserves to die like that, have your baby cut out of you,” Wilson said.

