亚马逊《三体2 黑暗森林》读者书评 [美国媒体]




5The Universe and Us
ByXluo6  on September 1, 2015
Format: Hardcover
If you know about "Axiom System", you would understand how great this Sci-fi novel is. It is more like an extension of an academic paper, based on several simple but solid (assumed to be) Axioms. However, academic paper is boring to the non-scientist and this novel is wonderful to read. The imagination in the book would usually strike your mind and make you wonder what just happens? The extreme strategy of desperate human, the human's group reaction to the disaster in a historical view, the playing hand of politicians and the beauty of humanity, all of these lead you to think about the universe and ourselves.
I bet after reading this book, you would stare the stars again, thinking over the old question: what is there? Hopefully, the answer would be different.

五星       2015年9月1日
《宇宙和我们》                 精装版

5Masterpiece but the translation errors need to be corrected
ByNan Xiaoon August 30, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This book itself is indeed a masterpiece, but this English version is dotted with some translate errors. For example:
Page 364.
“Too bad I never met her… How old were you when your sentence ended?” “Nineteen”
The original Chinese version is “Too bad I never met her… The year that you come out prison was which year since you were jailed?” “The 19th year”
Page 459.
Blue Space and Quantum had come from a world of light, but they had become two ships of darkness.
The Chinese version is “Blue Space and Bronze Age had come from…”
Page 469.
Like Zhang Beihai two centuries before, Luo Ji suddenly found himself hating that he was an atheist.
The Chinese version is “Like Wu Yue two centuries before…”
Wish those errors could be corrected in the next edition.

《杰作,但翻译错误需要纠正》      2015年8月30
ByNan Xiao   【中文名,应该是国人。】
2015年8月30日bynan xiaoon

Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase


This book itself is indeed a masterpiece, but this English version is dotted with some translate errors. For example:


Page 364.


“Too bad I never met her… How old were you when your sentence ended?” “Nineteen”


The original Chinese version is “Too bad I never met her… The year that you come out prison was which year since you were jailed?” “The 19th year”


Page 459.


Blue Space and Quantum had come from a world of light, but they had become two ships of darkness.


The Chinese version is “Blue Space and Bronze Age had come from…”


Page 469.


Like Zhang Beihai two centuries before, Luo Ji suddenly found himself hating that he was an atheist.


The Chinese version is “Like Wu Yue two centuries before…”


Wish those errors could be corrected in the next edition.



5The writer's description of main character's love affair is superficial
ByDave C.on August 30, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
I must say I was overwhelmed. I read the book during the night and from time to time I got goosebumps on my back reading -- I actually developed the urge to shout out loudly. The plot and main theme of this book were dark, deeply thoughtful, yet chilly and threatening. The cosmos picture presented by writer was choking yet powerfully convincing. The writer's description of main character's love affair is superficial, but the underlying theme -- that the cold survival logic in this dark universe is solid and refreshing. It doesn't offer any light-heartedness as we see from many sci-fi books, and yet it is not evil -- just the plain dark facts.
I read both the Chinese and English version, and I found the English translation to be the top-notch. In any cases, the 2nd installment of this series is hardly Chinese at all (unlike the 1st one), It is meant for whole humanity.
The pace of the book is extremely fast -- in fact, there are too many brilliant thoughts in this book, many of them could become a perfect main plot itself for a short sci-fi story.
I can't wait for the 3rd and final installment of this series. When would it come out?

五星  《作家描写的主要人物的爱情是肤浅的》  ByDave C.on August 30, 2015

Best SC ever read
ByHaokuan Luoon August 30, 2015
Format: Hardcover
Full of surprise, can't put it down. The book has some deep thoughts about the essence of both science and sociology. The main character, Luo Ji, is much better developed than the characters in the Three Body Problem

五星  《我所读过的最好的科幻》


4Four Stars
ByStefan Grebeon August 30, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Almost as novel and clever as the 1st installment of the trilogy.

《四颗星星》2015年8月30日bystefan grebeon

5Sequel to the Hugo Award winning Three Body Problem just out
ByStella Mather "BookRaves"on August 29, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
As soon as I finished the first volume in this trilogy, I was delighted to be able to read the second. Like Aurora and Seveneves, this book imagines humanity's search for a way to survive a certain apocalypse. Here, the people doing the imagining are Chinese, but the future will exist only with the cooperation of all human beings. Can that happen when every time the Earth believes it has found a solution, the mysterious "enemy" planet who has made first contact calls "checkmate."

五星  《刚刚出版的雨果奖三体1续集》
我看完第一部后,马上看了第二部。像 Aurora 和 Seveneves这两本书一样,三体想象的是人类为了从天启中生存下来而作出的探索。在这本书里,作出想象的是中国人,但是只有全人类合作起来,未来才会继续存在。每次当地球认为自己找到解决方案时,神秘的“敌人”星球就使出致命的绝招,这是有可能发生的。

Four Stars
ByKlobbereron August 29, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Story was great, I thought the translation wasn't as good as The Three Body Problem.


Simply the best. Even better than the prequel
ByZ Hon August 28, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Simply the best. Even better than the prequel. Pace is slow at the beginning, but you will be fully rewarded by your patience later.


Well worth the effort
ByMichael R Hon August 28, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
This is a complex story built on good science and engineering, speculation and suspense. It focuses on human nature and human reactions to crisis and provides a variety of well-rounded characters. I enjoyed both books in the series very much and respect the science and science fiction roots of the epic. Unlike most modern science fiction, it's length was appropriate and not the result of weak editing.

五星  《值得阅读》

5Buy this now.
ByRickyon August 27, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
The best hard science fiction book I have ever read. It didn't leave my side for three days and I haven't slept to finish it. I've read thousands of books, and this stands above them all.

五星 《快买吧,立刻》

5and thought this book definitely is among the best, and exceeds all others in its scope and ...
ByMinminon August 27, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I read this in Chinese a few years ago, was awestruck. I have read all winners of Hugo and Nebula awards, and thought this book definitely is among the best, and exceeds all others in its scope and imagination.
But what resonates really deeply is Liu, who spent his life as an engineer in a power station in a small remote city in China, did not let his environment constrain his genius and imagination. Imagination and the desire for a broader horizon were what drove many of us Chinese growing up in small cities and towns in China in those decades, and our lives are better for it.
Amazon should have 6 stars!!

五星 《认为这本书绝对是最好的,在它的范围内超过所有其他人…》

5As good as the first one OR even better
Byama_p_001on August 26, 2015
Format: Hardcover
Almost perfect. Mr. Liu should really improve his character delineation (the "dream girl" part is boring people to death). Other than that, this is a great book. The Dark Forest idea is a brilliant answer to Fermi's paradox. The dynamic interaction of Wallfacers, Wallbreakers and human society makes the story progress so compelling. And things like the battle of darkness, doomsday panic, future underground

五星  《和第一本一样好,甚至更好》

Five Stars
ByAl Pelloton August 26, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Fantastic, creative story!!!!!!


5Five Stars
ByE.Cheeon August 26, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Thank you, Liu.


5My personal favorite in the trilogy series
ByKuanwei Shengon August 25, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
My personal favorite in the trilogy series. I read both the Chinese version and the English version. The translated one preserve most of the original writing. The only major change compared to the original one is the plan of Tyler-- one of the wallfacers. In the Chinese version, Tyler plans to use so-called "Quantum Ghost Worriers" to beat the alien fleet, which, in my opinion, is definitely a flaw in this fantastic work. The plan Tyler has in the English version, which I am not going to spoil the fun of your reading here, is much cleverer and more reasonable.
On the other hand, I do not fully agree with the "Dark Forest" scheme of the universe Liu proposed in this book. I do not think the technology explosion is necessarily true. But this tiny doubt will not affect the joy of the reading at all.
Overall, five stars recommendation!

五星  《我个人最喜欢的三部曲系列》


ByWei W.on August 25, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Best of the best, believe me.


5Even better than Three Body Problem!
ByChris K.on August 24, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
Fantastic book- even better than the first book in the series "The Three Body Problem". This sci-fi epic is gripping and imaginative and I highly recommend it!

Philosophy and Action
ByDanielon August 24, 2015
Format: Hardcover
Liu presents a non-stop narrative that switches gears between thoughtful exposition and non-stop action. Just when you thought you had the plot in hand, Liu switches gears with surprising results! If you liked The Three Body Problem, you'll like this one too. A great sequel, fun to read, funny and profound.

五星  《哲学与行动》

Five Stars
ByS. Jion August 24, 2015
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
"The Three-Body Problem" got the Hugo Award?
Then this book deserves a dozen...

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