中国以外的其他亚洲国家是否认为越南是一个威胁? [美国媒体]


Do other Asian countries outside China see Vietnam as a threat?


Ken Khoa Ho-Le
Answered Nov 22
China does not see Vietnam as a threat because Vietnam is too tiny by comparison. Cambodia and Laos may see Vietnam as a threat because Vietnam has historically interfered with them. All other countries don’t care.


In the olden days every country fought with their neighbours. Hopefully everyone has grown up to see that trade brings greater benefit than war, even for bigger countries.


<<Chanathip Songkrasin
I mean Vietnam doesn’t have the ability to become a major superpower like USA or China or India so Vietnam shouldn’t be much of a threat to China.


<<Trung Ngô
The problem is Vietnam has a long coastline of 3,260 km cover entirely SCS and their sea trade passing though our shore water every minute


And China has 0 influence over Vietnam or the VCP party which run the country.


Thailand and Malaysia can hold joint drill with U.S. freely , while in this year Vietnam and the U.S hold 1st joint naval drill , China immediately threatened to attack Vietnam. China acts like a spoiled five year old girl who throws a fit when a country has a different stance.


     Will Charlie回复Trung Ngô

<<Duy Trung
As long as we let the American , India , Japan using our deep water bases , those Chinese still seeing us as their “ threat ” , their sea trade routes go through our water every single second. No matter what , those Chinese will always want to dominate Vietnam. Same goes with Japan , U.S and India seeking balance relies on for their economic survival.

Prasetyo Yudi, Civil Servant ( PNS ) in Jakarta (2009-present)
Answered Nov 22
Indonesia does not see Vietnam as threat. Both countries have same historical backgrounds to kick out foreign invaders of their country through bloody battles.


Several times ago, Vietnam top officials came to Indonesia to strenghten relations between two countries through trades which benefit both nations.


Indonesians knows Vietnam is a communist state but that does not matter because Vietnam does not intend to spread communism in Asia


Hung le Khanh, works at Hanoi, Vietnam
Answered Nov 22
China doesn’t see Vietnam as a threat!


But Vietnam does see China as a threat, as always.


Handong Zhang, Archaeology student
Answered Nov 23
Of course.Vietnam had invaded Thailand and Combodia during 1970s.And Vietnam had argument with Philippines , Indonesia and other neighobrs about The South China sea.


Suttichart Denpreuktham, I work in Vietnamese-Korean company, ASEAN denizen
Answered Nov 22
Possibly the only country who still do that today is Cambodia. The rest do longer make such a consideration (not even China)


Zhang Dayu
Answered Nov 25
I’m sure Cambodia Thailand and Laos do.


Hidesato Sakakibara, former Work and live in Japan at Japan
Answered Nov 22
I doubt it. If anything, we see them as allies against an increasingly aggressive China.


Cyrus Zhang
Answered Nov 22
Obviously, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand would not like to see a powerful Vietnam nearby.

