Not trolling but trying to understand and didn't know where else to ask this...
After another odd experience spending time with a white male/Chinese female couple my husband and I were wondering about the nature of the cross cultural relationships that we see here.
We're both western and during our 5 years in China we've spent time with other foreigners and their Chinese partners. Almost all of these relationships seem to be characterized by both parties adopting these strange roles where the guy is almost paternal in the way he speaks to his girlfriend/wife. Talking down to her in an infantalizing way with the tone of a father or at least how an adult would speak to a child.
The girls play this obedient role and play up the whole 撒娇 thing. Western men often seem to speak for their partners or cajole them into saying something (or even eating/drinking something if we're in that kind of setting). Again like a parent telling their child to speak up or eat their dinner/make sure they have something to drink.
Additionally this is often coupled the with man being really touchy-feely with quite possessive touching and body language. It's quite uncomfortable for me to witness at times.
This doesn't seem to change if the guy is fresh off the boat or if he's been here for many years. One western colleague grew up here and we thought that might result in a different dynamic but he and his wife are exactly the same. It actually makes us feel uncomfortable spending time with them.
These often seem like really imbalanced frankly unfulfilling relationships. Nobody seems particularly happy or in love in the way that perhaps couples in our home country do. Is it purely a physical thing for most couples? Is that enough?
Cross-cultural relationships have a unique element that same-culture relationships don't. They aren't based on sharing similar cultural references and jokes nods to old activities and shared experiences. They are more based on breaking through the differences in culture and finding a middle ground on which to stand and build from. They build from nothing instead of from a common foundation.
For example in Chinese culture the women don't talk when men are talking at a gathering. Men sit around the table smoking drinking and conversing and women typically play with their phones or break off into their own conversation. In the West everyone's opinion and voice is treated equally. So in these situations when the company is mostly Western (I'm assuming).. the man takes more of a role of fostering the woman into the conversation and speaking for her (if her English isn't good enough to cut into a conversation) and making sure she is comfortable (as she is probably way out of her comfort zone)
Another thing to realize is that their relationship is probably NOTHING LIKE what you see in public. When two people have the privacy of their own home the whole dynamic can change.
I'm sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable but I imagine if the roles were reversed it might be something along the same lines. You would be fostered into conversation because your Chinese isn't quite good enough and they would take care to make sure you aren't put on the spot or embarrassed in front of company.
To you it might not seem "fulfilling" but I guarantee you many people are fulfilled by the seemingly "cutesy" "撒娇“ type of attitude.
Different strokes for different folks.
(Also aside from everything I've said. Some men are just dicks. They are control freaks who treat their girlfriends like a toy and laugh and patronize them every chance they get. They feel like because they don't share a first language they can take advantage of them and humiliate them in public for their own gain. Fuck those people)
Yeah I remember when I asked my buddy if his girlfriend was alright because she never spoke when we were out. But he pointed out that when they go out with her friends he's the quiet one.
[–]ponyplopGreat Britain
'Talking down' could just be your interpretation of them negotiating the language barrier- unless I know I'm talking to a native or 100% fluent speaker I slow down my speaking and simplify my sentences for most people that I meet here.
As for touchy-feely I don't know I don't really subscribe to PDA but each to their own.
以居高临下的口气说话” 可能只是你单方面对他们沟通中出现的语言障碍的解释—除非我知道自己是在和一个母语者或说(某种语言)100%流利的人说话,否则我会放慢我的语速,对这里遇见的大多数人我会简化自己的用句。至于腻歪的情感表现,我不太清楚,我是不太赞成秀恩爱行为,但还是看个人喜欢吧。
(译者注:PDA = Public Display of Affection)
I've never had a relationship with a Chinese woman but I dated a Thai woman for almost fourteen years and I spoke almost fluent Thai before we ever met. The gender roles are somewhat similar so I'll put my two cents in.
(译者注:put my two cents in是美语中表达自己意见的习惯开场白)
I was the first westerner she'd dated. She was a very traditional Thai woman so she didn't want to wash her underwear with mine wanted to put her head below mine as she walked by and wouldn't step across me to save her life. "Docile." Yet she was the pick of the litter when it came to standing up for herself. I tried dating done others and they were all much more docile than she was.
When we met she knew written but not spoken English and most of our interaction was in Thai. When we rarely met foreign friends I needed to help her along and make sure she understood what was going on and either straight translate for her if I didn't care about including the others or speak in slow simple phrases of I need the other English speakers to know what was going on.
That was all true while we stayed in Thailand even after years. It wasn't until she started living abroad with me that she felt she could step out of the traditional Thai woman's role. Over the next few years she became an expat in several countries keeping what she liked about her culture and adopting things she liked from others. Her media input moved from mostly Thai to mostly American.
Within a few years she was an awesomely sassy woman who wouldn't take shit from anyone.
So my takeaway from this is that like many expats she couldn't break free of the parts of her culture that she didn't agree with until she was outside her culture and even then it took years to unlearn those bits. All the time I supported her psychologically (possibly babying her in OP's eyes) because that transition is hard. I wanted her to follow me less but you can't just dump someone in the deep end of the pool and tell them to swim.
And in the end there were parts of her culture that she loved and didn't want to give up. And reverse culture shock was a bitch when we went back to live in Thailand. So much so that I think it was a major factor in our breakup.
I thought about this but my colleague for example grew up here and his Chinese is at a native level but the roles still persist. It was actually having dinner with him and his wife last night that prompted this post as we presumed that their relationship would be different due to there being no language barrier. Also language fluency doesn't seem to correlate with my other experiences of this.
It's more relevant whether she's native level English.
I've also observed this but it's not just couples. I think some people have a subconscious shift in attitude when they know they need to speak clearly.
Maybe these peopleare more likely to end up with a partner who speaks another language ("he's always so helpful and easy to understand")
I lived in a small town so there weren't too many foreigners but the four WMAF couples that I knew behaved just like couples back home. The guys treated their wives as equals and there was no sajiao'ing that I noticed. Similarly with the AMAF couples.
I lived about 3 hrs south of Shanghai where the men tend towards be handbags rather than boorish. Maybe that affected it?
Many Chinese women have told me that they are seeking a man that treats them like a daughter or at least how they think a father should treat a daughter.
Spoil them do everything for them love them unconditionally etc.
My guess is that many Chinese women have unfulfilling or disappointing relationships with their own father so they are seeking a substitute.
Guys that have dated Shanghainese women have probably encountered women that expect them to do everything for them. Cooking cleaning washing etc. Her expectation is that her "job" will be shopping.
Probably not the PDA but if you spend time around Chinese-Chinese couples then you may have seen the same expectations that the man treat the woman like a princess.
Many Chinese women may appear submissive in public but they can be real ball-breakers in private don't let stereotypes cloud your thinking.
Probably just your looking glass perspective. There's also the possibility that these couples have found what is suitable for them in each other. Or maybe theyve developed their own cute habits. Regardless its impossible for anybody who'snot them to know the important details.
I dislike touchy feeliness especially in public. I find the Europreans much more open in this regard. Anyway theres a lot that goes into a relationship. The couple as described seem to have mor of a Chinese style relationship if you ask me nothing to do with intercultural.
[–]oneLpUnited States
Nobody seems particularly happy or in love
I think it's a mistake to judge the relationships of others from your own perspective of happiness. Everyone has different needs and desires and your definition of a fulfilling relationship doesn't work for everyone.
But it's also possible you are hanging out with shitty people.
I've got a Chinese fiancee and we act just like any other western couple back home act. Can't really say I've noticed it being any different with the other FM/CF couples I've known.
我未婚妻是中国人,我们的相处模式就跟其他西方夫妇是一样的。我真的没有注意到我认识的其他外国男人 / 中国女人组成的夫妇有什么不同。
Maybe it's just access to a small sample size (though after five years one would think that you would have had enough contact by now)?
If they're both happy whatever.
Just because it isn't your idea (or mine just so you know) of a relationship doesn't mean it's not fulfilling.
I should introduce you to my wife she's Chinese and she definitely does not take well being talked to like a child. She's the Chinese version of Linda in Bob's Burger with a Nanjing accent. Some of her friends are also married with Westerners and same pattern. Honestly I didn't see the docile wife cliche very much. Maybe it's a generational thing ? People I know are in their late twenties to early forties.
(译者注:开心汉堡店,是指在Fox新动画剧《开心汉堡店》(Bob's Burgers)中,Bob Belcher在妻子和三个孩子的帮助下经营的家族餐馆(鲍勃汉堡店)。)
Yeah dude WMAF are the worst.
Can't say I ever noticed any of that in several decades in Greater China.
I'll share something from our relationship. My wife is very outgoing and doesn't fit the daintsy girly stereotype of Chinese girls at all. But when we first started visiting my friends and family in the states she suddenly adopted this cutesy deer-in-the-headlights persona around them. Part of it was being out of her element (and not speaking English well) the rest I don't know. It gave them a very different first impression of her. I think they're still trying to wrap their heads around the woman they're getting to know now.
It's not cross cultural. It's that the white male wanna show 'dominance' and expect Chinese female to be 'submissive.'
China is the last place I would go if I were seeking a submissive woman.
This post is hilarious. Loving people assuming things about other relationships when they can't even attempt to consider different cultures means different relationship dynamics.
Well yeah this is what happens when the loser back home finds a woman desperate enough for him.
What you’re seeing isn’t a product of “cross culture” but simply a guy finding a downtrodden woman with a lack of confidence because he’s domineering and perhaps a bit of a cunt. I’ve seen plenty of white couples like this.
Maybe you spend too much time around dumbass teens or college students.
I have not noticed that among most adults.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...