Destinycalls upon Russia once more to face the West – or so Russians might believe.
Americais not alone in projecting itself as an exceptional power and indispensable forcefor good in the world. Russia makes the same claim. That sentiment is builtupon centuries of defeating invaders, as I explore in “Russia: The Story ofWar.” And it plays a key role in how Russia sees itself in its increasinglytense relationship with NATO and the West.
《俄罗斯:战争的故事》(Russia: The Story of War),哈佛大学出版社出版
The birthof Russian exceptionalism
ForRussia, its triumph over Nazi Germany in the Second World War is a pillar ofnational identity. Yet outsiders don’t often realize that Russians’ belief intheir special role in saving civilization from history’s villains actuallypredates the war.
In 1812,Napoleon, a tyrant bent on world domination, invaded Russia only to see hisarmy destroyed. It was a tremendous victory and propelled Russia to lead acoalition of allies to liberate Europe from his grip. That campaign ended in1814 with their occupation of Paris. While Napoleon’s final defeat came atWaterloo in 1815, Russians insisted that they had inflicted the mortal wound.
After theNapoleonic Wars, a volcano of patriotism erupted across Russian society. At itscenter was the widely shared belief that Russia had saved Europe. Moreover, noother country on its own had repelled an invasion by Napoleon or crushed hisarmy, which had once seemed invincible. Commonly disparaged by WesternEuropeans as savages or barbarians, Russians could now turn their reputation onits head. As Denis Davidov, a flamboyant leader of partisans, declared: “Atlast, with head lifted proudly, one can say: ‘I am a Russian.’”
拿破仑战争后,在整个俄国社会中爱国主义如火山喷发。这场大爆发的核心是一种被普遍接受的信念,即是俄罗斯拯救了欧洲。此外,没有其他国家能凭一己之力击退拿破仑的入侵或粉碎他那曾被认为是不可战胜的军队。通常被西欧人诋毁为暴民或野蛮人的俄罗斯人,如今能够在声誉上完成大翻身。如同浮夸的游击队长Denis Davidov宣称的:“最终,一个人可以骄傲地抬着头说:‘我是一个俄罗斯人。’”
(译注:Denis Davidov译自Дени́с Васи́льевич Давы́до,即杰尼斯·瓦西里耶维奇·达维多夫,俄法1812年战争中的游击战代表人物,出身莫斯科的贵族家庭,喜好诗歌创作,在1812年是骠骑兵团的军官,为了保卫祖国,这位诗人换上农民服装,带领130名哥萨克起家袭击大军团的侧翼和补给线,在11月9日(俄历10月28日)的利雅科沃村合围并俘虏法军一个2000人纵队,是当年俄国游击战的代表作。)
Suchpride caused many writers and intellectuals in the 19th century to look deeperinto history for more evidence of this exceptionalism.
Roll callof invaders
Thatsearch led back to the 13th century, when the Mongols invaded Europe. Known as“God’s scourge,” their forces advanced no farther than Eastern Europe, allowingRussians centuries later to claim that they had shed their blood to protect therest of Europe from this dire threat.
Intellectualsadvanced subsequent invasions to bolster the argument of exceptionalism. In the16th century, the Crimean Tatars rode north, leaving Moscow in ashes. In the17th, the Poles did the same while also deposing the tsar and murdering thehead of the Russian Church. In the 18th, the Swedes invaded only to be defeatedby Peter the Great.
WithNapoleon’s invasion in the 19th, belief in Russia’s indispensable role wassecure, and it enjoyed solid currency across the political spectrum. FromFyodor Dostoevsky , an arch-conservative, to Lenin’s idol, the radicalrevolutionary Nicholai Chernyshevsky – all awarded their nation pedigree statusfor serving as a shield to defend civilization.
Themilitary, to no surprise, took this idea as an article of faith. At century’send the head of Russia’s equivalent of West Point, General Nikolai Sukhotin,embraced it as “the key to understanding the special nature of Russia’sexperience of war” – something to which, he also added, no other Western nationcould lay claim.
Hitler’sattack in the next century – the greatest threat Russia has faced – hascemented its myth of exceptionalism. Just as no country has done what Russiahas done to protect others from aggressors, so runs the belief, no othercountry has itself also been such a frequent target of aggression.
What warmeans today
More thananything else, Russia’s experience of war has profoundly shaped its worldviewand self-image. That legacy also feeds a national narrative, one nurtured overcenturies, not just of epic proportion but of epic persuasion that can servemultiple purposes.
First,and perhaps foremost, it can be invoked whenever Russia is painted as anaggressor. It ensures a presumption of innocence and just cause, no matter theaction taken. It even allows for a defensive gloss to burnish Russia’scampaigns of conquest that, by the end of the 19th century, made it the largestcontiguous empire, encompassing one-sixth of the world’s landmass.
Defensiveexpansionism, for example, can be invoked to explain Russia’s annexation ofCrimea – both times. The first instance was at the end of the 18th century inorder to eliminate the threat posed by the Crimean Tatars who for centuries hadraided Russia in pursuit of its most lucrative resource: Russians themselvesbound for the slave markets of the Middle East. The second time, of course, wasin 2014 when Russia argued it was protecting Russians on the peninsula from anostensibly hostile Ukrainian government.
Second,it helps underwrite Russia’s suspicion of others that is often decried asoverly paranoid or pathological. Here, too, one can go back to the Mongols.When they invaded, how did Russia’s western neighbors respond? By attackingRussia as well.
Alsodriving this suspicion of the West, besides the sheer number of invasions, isthat the invaders have often been coalitions of nations, as if engaged in acollective conspiracy against Russia. Napoleon’s army included, among others,Poles, Italians and Germans, whereas Hungarians, Romanians and others joinedHitler’s ranks. In this reasoning, this is why NATO – especially after itsexpansion right up to Russia’s border – can be seen through the lens of dejavu, as if Europe once more is ganging up on Russia. Not for nothing dostate-sponsored advertisements replay a joke favored by Tsar Alexander III inthe late 19th century – but no longer in jest. He would ask, “How many alliesdoes Russia have?” Two, was the punch line: its Army and its Navy.
Third,calling on this legacy plays into the Kremlin’s drive to centralize power. Andin the hyper-patriotic climate it has caused, political opposition can betagged as treason, and foreign entities on Russian soil easily rebranded asforeign agents.
In fact,the legitimacy of the office of president is inseparable from the aura of war.It is no coincidence that inauguration day is May 7, thus pairing it with May9, VE Day, and the massive celebrations marking the end of World War II. To addeffect, the presidential honor guard wears uniforms recalling the Napoleonicage. What else but the backdrop of Russia’s two greatest triumphs to cement theauthority of the state with the sacrifices of the people?
Here wesee the true function of this civic religion: showcasing a sense ofexceptionalism that unites Russians behind an all-powerful center and unifiestheir turbulent and bloody thousand-year history along a single continuum asthe perpetual victim of foreign aggression. This mythic narrative is high-octanefuel for the engine of Russian nationalism, and today is pumped through allvenues of culture and society. And precisely because of its deep rootsextending back centuries, it enjoys widespread domestic support.
Nothingbut war teaches Russians better that, while at the center of world-shakingevents, they are on the side of the good and always come out on top. Nothingraises the ideological scaffolding higher than seeking to make Russia greatagain following the breakup of the Soviet Union.
“We are history’s makers,” the popular historian Vladimir Medinskydeclared shortly before becoming minister of culture. And in this telling,Russians certainly are.
Thanks !!.. my German grandmother talked down on “The Russians” in somewhat hushed tonesbased on her experiences in Berlin in the ‘40’s and until the '80’s moredetailed stories ala alexander solzhenitsyn gulag archipelago all still behindthe 'Iron Curtain’ .. as a young man in my 20’s i remember vividly Chernobyl asit played out .. “we interrupt this evenings TV broadcast with a news flashthat we detect radioactivity but have no idea whats happening … ‘over there’ …”… nowadays i tell my 20somethings that Vladimir is popular .. with only a hunchas to why .. soo .. Thanks again !! Sincerely
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The mainproblem caused by Russia is their doctrine of “defensive expansion”.
Left totheir own devices, they will inevitably start invading and annexing theirneighbors. They’ve done it for two centuries and they’re doing it again, soit’s clearly not just an isolated thing.
“We can’t have enemies on our borders. Ukraine must be neutral”“We areinvading Ukraine to ensure it’s neutrality”.“Ukraine no longer exists. It isnow indivisible part of Russia”“We can’t have enemies on our border. Polandmust be neutral…”
Gene H.Bell-Villada
Accordingto polls, only half of the American public knows that the USSR was an ally inWW II. And barely a fraction knows about the 20 million dead.
Given theterrible destruction endured by Russia from the German invasion (with Hungarianand Rumanian troops), they have reason to be paranoid about “the West.”Moreover, throughout the 1930s, Western conservatives defended Hitler preciselybecause of his anti-Communist stance–again, something conveniently forgotten inthe US today.
Face it:Russia suffered the greatest number of war deaths, and then defeated NaziGermany on the battlefield. They are seldom credited for this in official USdiscourse.
“The problem is that they are constantlytrying to impose their standards and decisions on us with no regard to ourinterests, In essence they say: ‘we are better’ as if the US knows better whatis good for us.
Let usdecide for ourselves what our interests and needs are as dictated by ourhistory and culture.”
“问题是,他们不断地把他们的标准和决定强加给我们,毫不考虑我们的利益,本质上呢他们是在说’我们是更好的’,好像美国更知道什么是对我们好的。让我们为自己决定,取决于我们历史和文化的利益和需求是什么。” —— 弗拉基米尔·普京
Ростислав Иванов
and dontforget all Turkish invades all 18-19 centuries and 1854 - English-French invadeto Crimea
Wlad Wlad
‘The Russians are the only nation that haspreserved God within the soul.’ (Creator of the Universe)
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