【 Quora 】:你怎么看待朴槿惠被弹劾? [美国媒体]


How do you feel about Park Geun-hye's removal from the presidency?


Well, she's an unfortunate idiot, so good riddance! Perhaps the president of the luckiest era, an era where Korean economy was booming and advancing technologically, she's a complete idiot for screwing it up!
Let’s examine the one glaring reasoning every Korean is exasperating in relief of her impeachment shall we?
Yes, she gave away government information such as military, economy, and many other things to a bystander. Not only that, but she also took advice from her! Yes, South Korea, one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world has been taking advice from a mere fortune teller.
Yes, the parents of the soothsayer did take care of her since she was a child after her parents were assassinated. And yes, they did brainwash her. But still… Does she not know about common sense?
Not only did she give information, but she did massive favors for them! She helped the soothsayer’s daughter get into a prestigious college through threatening! I’m glad her diploma and acceptance were annulled!

她不仅提供信息,而且给她们提供了大量的帮助!她帮助这位算命的女儿,通过威胁使其进入了一所着名的大学! 我很高兴她的文凭和接受被取消了!

Yes, she helped major corporations so much giving them leeway! One major corporation being Samsung, whose CEO was indicted as well as Park Geun-Hye!
She ignored the SEWOL Ferry incident in order to gain votes to retain her seat in the government! Despite pleas from the citizens to dig it up, she refused and completely ignored it!
She was horrible at communicating her ideas! She read prepared answers and could not think for herself!
She did not care for the public that much! She ignored the SEWOL Ferry and it’s sinking!
Lot of people think she rigged the election!
She and her party more or less got rid of democracy in her country! Korea was pretty much ran by a dictator and her group of posses!
All in all, I’m glad she’s impeached!

她在表达她的想法的时候很可怕! 她读的居然是准备好的答案,她无法为此独立思考!
她和她的政党或多或少地在国家运行里离开了民主机制! 韩国几乎是由一个独裁者和她手下的一群人统治的!


Mixed feelings. The woman herself was an imperious princess who showed contempt for the legislature and voters, and pushed foolish vanity legislation—biased history textbooks, for example—while doing nothing to solve the problems of the country, such as the Sewol sinking and chaebol domination of the economy. Whether or not she is actually guilty of her accused crimes, it’s satisfying to see a leader with such haughty and corrupt incompetence brought down. And ironically, I was proud of Korea when the president was impeached—their system is now mature enough so that its laws and institutions can work without violence. they do not validate the ‘country is split’ narrative the western media are trying to drum up for ratings.


On the other hand—now I’m gonna get it—I’m a centrist-bordering-on-conservative in Korea. I came here to get away from progressive social justice nonsense. I’m a hawk’s hawk on North Korea: no talks. no aid. no cooperation. I support biting sanctions, information infiltration, a tough line with China, and military aggressiveness.
No one will miss Park, but I hope the conservative parties in the country can survive her and do okay in the next election. They won’t win, but I’m hoping they can make enough showing to restrain the next government’s worst impulses.



I was so happy with the result of Park Geun-hye’s impeachment and I had tears in my eyes when I heard the announcement of the Constitutional Court’s decision. The reason is that the former president Park was an incompetent president, her administration was corrupt, and she didn’t completely do her duty as a president. The most upsetting thing for me was the Sewol Ferry disaster. According to the Korea Times, the disaster first happened at 8:45am and the ferry capsized at 10:31am. Instead of taking direct action and meeting with officials in person, the former president Park ordered the National Security Office to start rescuing people over the phone. She finally made an appearance at the rescue headquarters at 5:15pm after the ferry was completely submerged. The timing of the rescuer’s response is really important in this kind of disaster. As a result of Park’s leisurely approach, 304 innocent people died in the Sewol Ferry disaster. She also didn’t fully take responsibility for the disaster and she didn’t make a public apology to the people or to the victim’s families. She is furthermore accused of corruption involving her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil. I think that Park Geun-hye’s removal from the presidency is just the beginning of the people’s judgment, and I hope to bring her to justice for her crimes immediatly.



Sorta happy because I saw democracy in Korea reinvigorated. My family is more conservative so it was a bittersweet topic for them but they all agree that Park Geun-Hye had to go or the whole country goes.
As a Korean I want whats best for everyone and I wish for union more then anything so we can move on to a better future.

