Will I hate China if I live there?
I use HelloTalk appto try and learn Chinese and have found I am getting annoyed by people fromChina more and more.
I mentioned "My Favorite foods fromother countries is Thai and Italian" and most replies are like"Chinese is best!"
I mention I want to travel to Japan andTaiwan and they reply "Sorry but Taiwan is part of China"
The people seem so overly nationalistic andimmature. Is this what I can expect on a daily basis living in China?
The jobs are so plentiful there and as anAmerican, I'm sure I will have lots of opportunities. But n comparison, thepeople of Taiwan seem more in line with my thinking. I just wish the jobs wereas plentiful there
Overall, China is a cool place for a twentysomething bachelor to make some money, have some adventures, and learn aboutanother big part of the world. I wouldn’t want to try to raise a family orspend my whole life there though.
no, you will probably have a blast
but taiwan is probably a better bet
Honestly it depends on your mindset goingthere and what you are willing to compromise. A lot of people on this sub willcomplain about the government or public officials, as well as the people andpractices that would not really be OK in Western countries or places likeJapan. Some people go as far as completely shutting themselves out fromanything positive China has to offer, but as I said before, it's all about whatyou are willing to compromise.
Know what you're getting into. For example,there will be air quality issues, food safety issues, public order issues (i.e.the way people drive, or like public defecation, crowding, line cutting),internet freedom issues, etc. That's only at the local level. You might alsodisagree with the government, especially the way the current CCP StandingCommittee is headed, or how they are going to give people a citizen's scorelike you'd give someone a credit score. On the other hand, the food IS reallygood (also kind of depends on your tastes), WeChat Pay and Alipay make life aton easier, prices are cheaper (unless you are buying imported stuff), and soon.
As for the people, it's always a grab bag.Some people will be blindly nationalistic, while others may not be so ready tosupport government policies. That really shouldn't be so surprising, since youwill find a mix of people like this anywhere you go (i.e. the southern part ofTaiwan, where people aren't as ready to cooperate with Beijing as people are inthe north, or how some people will readily deny the Rape of Nanking in Japan).Just keep in mind that there will definitely be more nationalistic people,since it is part of the Chinese education system.
As for working in TW, I'd say you're mostlythinking of people who are from the bigger cities such as Taipei or Kaoshiung.Go to a smaller place like Tainan or Taitung, and the experience is pretty muchthe same, just with more fumes because the Taiwanese drive petrol mopeds whilethe Chinese drive electric ones (I kid). Many people find that it is prettysimilar in China as well. Go to a bigger city like Shanghai, and it'll be moreagreeable for them. My advice is do as much research as you can, and thendecide whether or not the pros would outweigh the cons. The decision matrix isdifferent for different people.
There is no definitive answer to this.You'll see a lot of people unhappy with China on here, but you'll also comeacross people who really enjoy living there. I think it will ultimately dependon your expectations, age, and level of patience. Especially the last one.China can be very frustrating at times, and as an expat, you will eitherdevelop patience for it, or leave... or stay and be miserable. I find Chinatends to reward patience. As hard as it can be sometimes.
I lived in Beijing for two years at BLCU. Ifound that amongst the foreigners, there was rarely much nationalism. The onlytwo instances I can recall is meeting a jew from Florida who kept bad mouthingPalestinians (I had no interest in his ethnicity/religion, but he would not letus forget he was a Jew, 24/7) and whenever I mentioned to a European I wasAmerican, I'd be vigorously reminded that I had inferiorly priced healthcare.Amongst the Chinese I did indeed find a lot of brainwashed folks, spouting manyof the same beliefs as you may have encountered online, however, that beingsaid, and as others have pointed out, usually does not dominate the day to dayconversations, and frankly my Chinese was not up to par to discuss politicalissues and so kept that amongst my foreign friends. But also don't forget thatthe ones who are online are usually the most vocal and opinionated ones. A lotof Chinese frankly just don't care or have too strong of an opinion. Frommigrant laborers to many generations in Beijing, most have the same "sure,good for you" attitude as they carry on with their day to day lives.
I've talked to chinese online for over 10years now, but in the past few years I have seen a huge increase of nationalismin the youth.
[–]PolypinoonEuropean Union
I found the more my language improved andthe more I understood, the more I disliked the country,
This is true, the more you know what peopleare saying the less you will enjoy being there.
Almost the same experience here. I workedreally hard on my Chinese, passed HSK 6 with a high score, all that stuff.
Eventually you realize you can't really fitin a group of average Chinese, you will always be the token laowai, youropinions will always be brushed aside because "foreigners can neverunderstand" etc. It's very grating in the end and does make you hate theplace one careless remark a day. If you stay in China long term, you willeventually start building walls around your life, because you can no longerstand all those people treating you like a tourist from another planet
And as for career opportunities, learningChinese as a non Chinese is almost detrimental to your career, both in China(now how ironic is that) and otherwise. Unless you become crazy good andinterpret at high levels, where you will be preferred by your home countrybecause of trust considerations. China still won't care too much about yourChinese ability unless you go for a media personality angle or something likethat. I mean, a white person talking about something very Chinese is so funny,totally absurdist humor. /s
You have about 2-3 years of honeymoon phasewhere China is the bomb. Cheap everything. Friendly locals. Great holidays. Ifyou have the chance to experience those 2-3 years I can't recommend it highlyenough.
People are immature when it comes topolitical topics because that is not how people relate to each other in China.The nationalism is real but there are plenty of reasonable people and theirnumbers are certainly growing. You might get some snide comments every now andthen but good people are generally conscious of your opinions and will likelywant to avoid conflict more than you do. You are also going to see massivedifferences between locations, people in Shanghai or Beijing will just seemlike your average Trump voter in terms of racism and nationalism whereas peoplein the country start getting a little crazy.
After 2 years you either learn to acceptthat China has a myriad of flaws that won't be fixed by getting mad at people.That, or you get bitter and start shitposting on r/CCJ2.
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