B-2轰炸机进驻关岛向朝鲜(还有中俄)传递出了某种信号 [美国媒体]


B-2 Bombers in Guam Send a Message to North Korea (and Russia and China) 


原文时间:2018-01-15 08:42:08
来源地址:http://nationalinterest.org/blog ... -russia-china-24073 

The United States Air Force has moved three of its stealthy Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit strategic bombers to Guam as tensions continue with North Korea. But while the Pentagon does not deny that the arrival of the stealth bombers on Guam is designed to send a signal to Pyongyang, the message is not aimed solely at North Korea. It is a message aimed at Russia and China, who are also in the region.


“I think, when we move bombers across the globe, we send a signal to everyone,” Joint Staff director Lt. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. told reporters at the Pentagon on Jan. 11.

联合参谋部主任肯尼斯·f·麦肯齐(Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr.) 1月11日在五角大楼对记者说:“我认为,当我们把轰炸机运送到全球各地时,我们向所有人发出了一个信号”。

McKenzie said that the bomber deployment was not in response to any particular crisis, but was pre-planned ahead of time. Moreover, McKenzie suggested that the presence of the nuclear-capable B-2s is not solely related North Korea, but the broader American presence in the Asia-Pacific region. “You would be wrong to view the bomber deployment within the single lens of what it means to the Korean Peninsula,” McKenzie said. “It affects allies across the Pacific.”

麦肯齐提到,轰炸机的部署不是针对任何特定的危机,而是提前计划的。此外,麦肯齐还建议,具备核渗透能力的b -2不仅与朝鲜有关,而且与美国在亚太地区的广泛存在有关。麦肯齐说:“片面的把轰炸机的部署只考虑为对朝鲜半岛的意义是错误的。”“它影响了太平洋地区的盟友。”

There are a number of U.S. allies in the region and the United States regularly deploys bombers to Guam as part of theatre security packages. “The bomber deployment's part of an ongoing planned deployment that affects not only the Korean Peninsula, but also a broader alliance structure in the Pacific,” McKenzie said. “So that's the reason -- the bomber deployment.”


Despite the fact that the bomber deployment was preplanned, McKenzie said that that fact does not detract from the aircraft's mission to signal would be adversaries. “I think scheduled missions deliver a message,” McKenzie said. “It doesn't have to be an unscheduled mission to deliver a message. So I would say that we are sending a message by executing scheduled deployments.”


McKenzie could not immediately say how long the bomber deployment would last. However, it should be noted that the B-2 is currently the only nuclear-capable penetrating strategic bomber in the American arsenal.The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, while nuclear-capable, does not have the ability to penetrate enemy airspace and instead relies on long-range cruise missiles. The Rockwell International B-1B has long since been denuclearized and it also lacks the ability to penetrate into heavily defended airspace. Thus, until the Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider becomes operational in the mid-2020s, America's fleet of 20 B-2s are its sole long-range penetrating strike aircraft.

麦肯齐不能立即确认轰炸机部将在此部署多久。然而,应该指出的是,B-2是目前美国核武库中唯一具有核能力的战略轰炸机。波音B-52轰炸机,虽然有携带核武器的能力,但没有能力穿透敌方领空,所以只能依靠远程巡航导弹。B-1B“枪骑兵”长期以来一直是无核化的,它也缺乏进入严密防卫的领空的能力。因此,在B-21“突袭”轰炸机在21世纪20年代中期入列服役之前,美国的20架b -2轰炸机是其唯一的远程穿透攻击机。

If push comes to shove, the Trump Administration would likely choose to rely on the B-2 fleet to conduct a strike on North Korea. Especially in the event that Donald Trump would choose to launch a nuclear strike, the B-2 is the best option because the trajectory of an intercontinental ballistic missile or submarine launched ballistic missile would pass over or very near Russia and China?which could have unintended consequences.

如果事态严重,特朗普政府可能会选择依赖B-2机群对朝鲜进行攻击。特别是在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)将选择发动核打击的情况下,B-2是最好的选择,因为洲际弹道导弹或潜射弹道导弹的弹道会在俄罗斯和中国附近通过或非常接近这两个国家,这可能会引发意想不到的后果。
