中国足球,你怎么看? [美国媒体]


What do you think of Chinese football?


Paul Yih Sr., Creator of CBI -- China BrazilInstitute
Answered Nov 18,2015
I am from Brazil and I have beenboth a college soccer player, a semi pro player here in the US and over theyears -- I have been asked by Chinese to be of assistance of their footballprograms.  But I have found that football, or soccer in China has a greatdeal of glitch and extremely problematic -- Maybe early on, they have learnedthat from HK or any other group -- where many have used this sport to gambleand what not .
Yes, China for the moment doesnot have any comprehensive programs and to find ways to improve their performances– With all that is being said - the only hope is to develop good and solidyouth soccer and I hope this is that one way that maybe, just maybe that theyouth can find way to eradicate the old "wrongs".  That is justa hope.
On the other hand, the otherobstacle is that the limitation of space --but as of late, in how the US youthhad now grabbing on the smaller five men team soccer/football, in Brazil, wecalled it "futebol de Salon", subsequently, I guess it is now calledin the Anglo world -- Futsal ?
This will be good for moreChinese to use the Basket court to develop more of this five men team , with aball that is less bouncy -- and this will improve the dribbling skills of manyplayers -- as I can see the development and the expansion of FUTSAL can amplifymore of the players in China and the rest is just hopes and wishes thecorruption of this sport will not be permanent to hinter this sport's progressin China.






Fernando Dorarinho, studied at China
Answered Feb 21,2017
Sorry man, but be honest, CSL and their football teams are twodifferent phrases
The Chinese Super League can buy thousand of superstars fortheir clubs. Yup. They can invest for new and bigger stadiums. Their clubsconstantly turn entire of world’s football to chaos for their money power. Theyare so powerful
With thousand Chinese millionaires…
But, for their national teams? Nothing but shock anddisappointment
They have no basic youth ground and they don't care to investfor them. This makes China weak times by times. See the tragedy of 2014, or how they were lucky at 2018 qualifying, it is clear, China cannot win if they don'tunderstand what are they investing for
That's it




Matt Pollard
Answered Jan 8,2017
I think in about 10/15 years it's gonna be one of the bestleagues in the world, with very few actual Chinese players due to the amount ofmoney. It's like psg or rb leibzig just on a league scale, terrible but canattract players who just want money. Admittedly not psg now but still



Jacques Văn Khải,studied Football & Fédération Internationale de Football Association
Answered Feb 22,2017
A kind of… which is funded by the rich, the Government, the CFA,and still full of corruption.
I have been a supporter of Team China and their CSL (ChineseSuper League), not because I am just a silly Vietnamese who “pretend to be inlove”, but rather, it came from the soul of a person whose its blood, is fromthere.
But be honest?
You can have million superstars come to China. You can easilymanage a stunning Super League. You can, even say, the great era of Chinesefootball domination, is coming.
Yes, yes. It is exactly what they are looking for. Even Chinesefootball clubs now are nothing but huge giants which every other smaller teamsfrom Japan to Australia feel scared.
It helps nothing for Chinese football except the expansion oftheir richness and the CSL becomes an international destination. Have youlooked on Japan? South Korea? Iran? Australia? Even Saudi Arabia? Or Syria?They all have smaller in league budgets. They all have weaker club teams tocompare with China’s ones. Yet, their football systems mostly serve fornational teams in term to play any international tournaments.
It explains why the CSL is so powerful, the Team China, stillsucks in international game. Even a team who just joined the AFC over 10 yearsago like Australia also took the AFC Asian Cup trophy and play World Cupfrequently, something China has only got 25% success.
Chinese football is serving just like for those bureaucrats whohave no experience on football. They don’t work by honest, they work by theirown goods. You know Xi Jinping is a proud football fan. Yet, you used his lovefor your dirty works. No wonder why team China today is facing a totalelimination at the 2018 World Cup qualification. Not even say, Vietnam hasrisen to compete China in youth stage.
India is reforming and they will soon return to football worldwith a status of rising power. The Philippines to Kyrgyzstan are indeed, becomerising powers as well. Hong Kong is gonna come back soon. Thailand is now samelevel with China, and they are heading to Iran’s level. Meanwhile China stillstuck with CSL fits only. You have no clear strategy. This kills Chinesefootball.
That’s it. We all feel disappointed. Total mess. Sorry, but thetruth is the truth. No change, the more fallen China is









Alejandro Peralta, studied at Football
Answered Oct 26, 2016
Their football clubs and the CSL is very impressive but it doesgive minimal impacts of Team China
Currently, Chinese clubs are rich, having much abilities
But its national teams seem to be a disaster



Leo Feng, Product Manager
Answered Feb 1,2015
Total mess.



Greg Blandino,works at Beijing, China
Answered Nov 19,2015
Watching the national team is a recipe for depression. Lastnight I could have gone to any sports bar in Beijing and offered 快速安乐死服务 and made a fortune. However
......国安牛逼! 你跟丫死磕, 你来我们主场BB干什么,滚!哈哈。
The CSL is all right. I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of soccerbefore I came, and am thus a shameless bandwagon fan. However, if you're inBeijing, I recommend you try and watch a game. The fans are great, their ismuch less drunkenness and brawling compared to a European game, and theatmosphere is excellent.  No xenophobia or racism at all. Beijing's got agood rivalry with Guangzhou, and less of one withTianjin and Shanghai..
Though soccer throughout China faces accusations of being"black" (corrupt), the CSL seems to not let that affect play qualityas much as the national team. Europeans have told me the quality of play isn'tas good as European leagues, but to be honest, those are the best in the world.
As for the HK-China match this question is referring to, I'llleave the psychotic, dysfunctional East Asian politics to the East Asians.

然而,国安牛逼! 你跟丫死磕, 你来我们主场BB干什么,滚!哈哈。



