中国五星级酒店服务:两名女员工在晚上偷溜进客人的房间与赤裸的丈夫和妻子“不期而遇” [美国媒体]



Chinese 5-star hotel service: two female workers walk in on nude husband and wife by sneaking into t



–]mbx94 11 指标 3 天前 
It always happens in China even when you rent a room and the landlord will do such things if you don’t open the door for him.


[–]Polypinoon European unx 8 指标 3 天前 
First rule of renting a place regardless of where in the world: Change the locks when you move it.


[–]HakanAzeriWales 3 指标 3 天前 
Happened to me back when I lived in Beijing in 2013.


Girlfriend and I were at it landlord knocks we remain silent she knocks again silence we then naturally assume there will be no further action on her part upon naturally assuming we were not in. We stare at each other in wordless horror as we hear the sound of keys and the lock clicking out of place as the door opens and she wanders in.


We stayed in bed utterly silent as she came in checked something in the bathroom then wandered off out. Incredible. More so for the fact it was a 36sqm studio apartment meaning we would have been entirely visible in bed with eyes shut.


[–]xiefeilaga 5 指标 3 天前 
The two of you just lay there with your eyes shut pretending not to be there? Are you toddlers?


[–]HakanAzeriWales 4 指标 3 天前 
Not with our eyes shut just sort of lying there in a shock as she walked in picked something up then walked out. Without a word. This lasted for about 5 seconds.


To describe this experience as bizarre would be an understatement.


[–]ProtonotoUnited Kingdom 1 指标 1 天前 
should've told her to get lost


[–]pepperNlime4to0 1 指标 1 天前 
Should have told her to lose the clothes ;)
你应该叫她把衣服脱了 ;)


[–]Big_D_yup 4 指标 3 天前 
Put the chain on the door. I literally had this happen to me last week but the chain saved me.


[–]maosaysmiao 8 指标 3 天前 
This isn't exactly news. If you travel enough something like this is bound to happen.

这不算是新闻吧。 如果你经常旅行的话必然会发生这种事情。

[–]kulio_forever 3 指标 3 天前 
Sweet! My order did go through after all! Uniforms ftw!


[–]vilekangaree 9 指标 3 天前 
TLDR: lazy couple too lazy/stupid to hang "Do Not Disturb" sign on door like normal people throw typical hissy fit when walked in upon by hotel staff doing their job.

(译注:TLDR=Too long didn't read)

[–]zakazaw[S] 4 指标 3 天前 
Since when is it a thing for hotel staff to come clean the rooms at 6 pm? I've stayed in hotels across the world and my room is always cleaned by middle of the afternoon if not long before.

自什么时候起酒店工作人员开始在下午6点打扫整理房间呢? 世界各地的酒店我都住过,我的房间总是在下午中段时分之前就打扫干净了。

[–]vilekangaree 2 指标 3 天前 
"The manager of the hotel who also was not named initially refused to apologise saying the maids had been going about their usual nighttime business of turning down beds and replenishing fruit bowls.


Generally at higher end hotels they'll come around dinner time and get your bed ready for you to climb into and provide a snack/fruit on top of whatever cleaning they did earlier.


[–]zakazaw[S] 1 指标 3 天前 
You serious? That has never happened to me nor would I want that though I've only stayed in high-end hotels a few times. I mean that sounds incredibly annoying to have somebody come into your hotel room in the evening to fluff out your bed and provide a snack.

你讲真的? 这事从没发生在我身上过,我也不想体验这种经历。虽然我只住过几次高端酒店。 我的意思是,晚上会有人进入你住的酒店房间,为你抖平整理好床铺然后再给你供些小零嘴,这听起来很是烦人讨厌。

[–]asdfasdferqv 3 指标 2 天前 
Yup I’m at the JW Marriott across town and they do this too. Usually I’m out when they come by if not just say I don’t need anything.

是的,我住在镇上的JW万豪酒店时,那里的酒店工作人员也是这么做的。 通常他们会在我出门的时候进房间打扫,如果我提前说我不需要任何东西(服务)的话,他们就不会来。

[–]carpiediem 2 指标 2 天前 
It is silly but pretty common.



[–]vilekangaree 1 指标 2 天前 
Yeah. It's happened to me a couple of times but I was usually out of the room at the time. I think its a nice touch. They'll usually pull out the blankets in a neat manner and fold it at a 45 degree angle so you can just climb in and some of the snacks can be quite good.

是啊。 这事在我身上发生过好几次了,但我当时通常都是不在房间的。 我觉得这种服务挺好的。他们通常会很利落整洁地帮你铺平毯子,将其一角以45度的角度折叠,这样很方便你钻进被窝,而且他们提供的一些零食相当不错。

[–]zakazaw[S] 1 指标 2 天前 
Is this common worldwide or just a China thing. to be honest I wouldn't really care and would prefer they just not come in.

这是很普遍全世界都这么做呢还是只有中国这么做? 说实话,我真的不是很在乎,我宁愿他们不进来(帮我整理打扫)。

[–]vilekangaree 1 指标 1 天前 
I've seen it in the US as well. You could put the DND sign on the door if you don't want the service.

我在美国也遇到过。 如果你不想要服务,你可以在门上挂上“请勿打扰”的标示。

(译注:DND=Do not disturb)
[–]jonnysatan 2 指标 3 天前 
There wasn't much chance on them walking in on any action during the particular 45 seconds it took.


[–]worldcap 1 指标 3 天前 
So ya' sayin privacy is a thang now??!?


[–]Suavecake12Taiwan 1 指标 3 天前 
Happens when I travel especially if it's a large suite. No doorbell and they knock very quietly so not to disturb the guest.

这事在我旅行的时候也发生了,特别是当我住在酒店里的一个大套房里。 他们没按门铃,会轻声敲门,所以不会打扰到客人(休息)。

Thanks goodness never been caught in my birthday suit. Most of the time the staff look scare like they might lose their job over the incident. So I spend a lot of time reassuring them that everything will be fine and not to let it happen again.

谢天谢地,他们没撞见我一丝不挂的时候。 工作人员大多数时候都一脸惊恐的神情,像是害怕自己会因为意外事件而丢掉工作。 所以我花了很多时间让他们放心,说一切都会好起来的,只要别让它(意外)再发生就行了。