北京的超级通勤反应了一座膨胀中的城市 [美国媒体]


Beijing's super commutes reflect a citybulging at the seams


BEIJING, (Reuters) - The commute for millions of people living in and around Beijing is a daily grindthat is ever more time-consuming, costly and crowded as residents dodge, pushand elbow their way onto buses and subways.


And thereis no immediate relief in sight in a city that has more than 21 millionresidents and is growing fast.


Indeed,expansion over the next 15 years will put the Chinesecapital at the center of a new mega-city, as it integrates with theport city of Tianjin and neighboring Hebeiprovince, officials say. Current estimates of the population in thecombined area is around 110 million.


By thetime it is completed, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei project will span 212,000square kilometers (82,000 square miles), or more than twice the size of South Korea.


Infrastructurehas not yet caught up with the population growth - rail lines and highways arestill under construction and road traffic is often gridlocked.


J M 1 day ago
I once worked in Hangzhou Linping. Eventhough it was at the outskirt, going to work & back is always a hassle.Initially there was a company driver to fetch me. Then he resigned & myproblem started. Getting the taxi during the peak times was a big headache.Travelling by bus is cheap but then you need to walk quite a distance for therest of the journey as the destination is out of the way. That's one of thereasons I quitted after working for less than 3 months.


Global Force 1 day ago
Every Chinese who has an opportunity to getout of China, would not givea second thought about leaving Chinaand never looking back.


CoreOverflow 1 day ago
A crowded polluted garbage can


Carlos 1day ago
I lived in Shanghai and you needed a taxi app to get ataxi, which all were in the Mandarin. If I saw a taxi I would open the door butthey would yell and yell that I needed to order the taxi through the app. Don'texpect service in China.


ku 1day ago
I hate this why'd the rich Chinese investin the own country infrastructures, transportations, services......insteadtaking out billions and billions to invest in foreign countries like USA, Australia,Africa and Europe.


Daniel F 1 day ago
I hate Beijing. Pollution, people generally ok, butthere are a number of them looking to cheat you out of your socks (figure ofspeech). If there's money in it, there are those who look to scam you at everyturn.


Eagle 1day ago
To laugh at Chinese's public transportationis a bad topic for US media. Poor people in US have no transportation and couldNOT get out of their own town, if not home, when they could not afford a car.Patients from downtown Detroitcomplained to a doctor it would take 3 hours to get to the doctor''s suburbanoffice, that is accessible by bus. Then, another suburban office of the samedoctor is not accessible by bus. Patients have to pay their friends andrelatives to get a ride there.
People in Beijingactually could use public transportation to go to places very easily, althoughwhat is said in this article is indeed largely true.


stme 1day ago
as any busy and moden city around the world,at Chinese capital, Beijing,commute to work is a challenge.
China already has one of the most advance, effective, and cost effective publictransportation in the world, continue improvement, better city planning,relocate and diversify functions to other cities instead of all in Beijing..
best wish


matt 1day ago
Well beijingsucks. Like shanghai. Like Chinain general. I hope the Chinese government blow up and release the world from theirevil . Then maybe the Chinese people will be free from the police state ofchina


m 1 dayago
Beijing isn't the only one. Two hour one way commutes are normal insouthern Californiaas are commute costs which are 1/5 of rent. We also move to outlying cities dueto lack of affordability. City designers never intended for the populations todouble, triple, quadruple.


chueng 1day ago
i ride bike to my company every day, thedistance is 13 km, about 1 hour. I pass by BeihaiPark, the Forbidden City and pretend that i'm a tourist.


Fortune Favors The Trolls 23 hours ago
traffic in Beijing is awful because theyhave built the neighborhoods (小区)first without a thought on how the people will get in / out of theneighborhoods. by the time more people moved in and they have to add more roadsand mass transit networks (subway, bus stop, etc), it was already too late.that's why most of Beijing'ssubway stations are really out of the way from neighborhoods.
this topic has been explored on many urban planning text books. most of theblame went to Mao, who designed most of the city layout, but had no urbanplanning experience or a vision of an industrialized, prosperous future.

