不同种族的外星人以及他们与地球人的基因混血工程(二) [美国媒体]

这个外星人看上去有点老,满脸皱纹, 有点像矮人。 这是可萨拉根据一位星际体验者的描述画出来的。 他在某种程度上和怀特斯椎伯提到并描述的那种外星人很相似。

芭芭拉兰姆在国际UFO大会上分享了与外星人接触的独特故事 (二)

This being, looking kind of old, wrinkled, rather dwarf like. This is very similar, this is drawn by Kisara from an experiencer's description. And it's very similar in a way, to one of the beings that Whitely Strieber took, and he talks about and depicts.

这个外星人看上去有点老,满脸皱纹, 有点像矮人。 这是可萨拉根据一位星际体验者的描述画出来的。 他在某种程度上和怀特斯椎伯提到并描述的那种外星人很相似。


This particular ET woman is probably at least 8 feet tall, maybe taller. And yet here she is, holding a little child in her arms. The little child grew up and she has been one of my clients. She remembered a lot consciously about her ET experiences, and of course, much more details came out when she did the regressions with me. But she loved this woman. This ET being may not look particularly kindly and loving, but she is, and she's treated children and even adults very very kindly, considerately and lovingly. 

这个外星女人大概至少有8英尺高,可能不止。 在这里她怀抱着一个小孩子。 这个小孩子长大后成了我的一位顾客。 她清楚地记得很多接触外星人的体验。 当然,我给她做了催眠之后她记起了更多的细节。 她很爱这个外星女人。 虽然这个外星人看上去不像很善良有爱的样子, 然而实际上她真的是这样。 她非常友善、细致、充满爱心地对待小孩子,甚至对成人都如此。


This is a man named Marcus Pizzuti and I think he is located in Las Vegas. And he used to live in Southern California, where I live. An he drew a lot of pictures. He knew a lot and he, at the time I knew him in the early 1990s, he was not in touch with the fact that he, too, was having these extraterrestrial encounters. But I think this is a very clear and nice description about an implant being put into an abducted man up through the nose, usually into the middle of the forehead, the third eye area, or sometimes behind an eye. And of course, we know that implants can be placed anywhere in the human body by these beings. 

这幅画是一个叫马科斯皮祖图的男人所画。 他住在拉斯维加斯, 以前和我一样都住在南加州。 他画了很多这种图, 知道的东西很多。 不过当我在90年代认识他的时候,他并不知道自己也有着接触外星人的亲身体验。 我认为这幅画很清楚、很好地展现了某种设备是如何从鼻子往上植入了这位被挟持的男人的身体里。 它们通常会植入到前额的中央位置, 第三眼那里, 有时也会植入到一只眼睛的后面。 当然,我们都知道这些外星人可以把设备植入到人体的任何部位。


A nice simple clear depiction of the mindscan that many many experiencers go through, usually on a craft, occasionally in their own room at home, with the being putting his face right there, almost touching noses, eye-to-eye. And the being seems to peer way into the person. People have describled this experiences to me, as if someone is in there knowing everything that is in their mind, even everything in the subconscious mind, and the higher knowing. And some people feel that all that information is not only seen but actually removed and yet, it's not really taken away. They retained their memories and all the information they've learned, anyway. 

这张画很清楚很好地描述了很多体验者经历过的心理扫描。 这种扫描通常在飞行器上进行,有时也在这些人的家里,自己的房间内。 这些外星人会把自己的脸就贴在体验者面前,差不到要碰到鼻子的位置,眼睛对眼睛。 然后他们直直地看着这个人类的眼睛里。 这些人对我描述这些体验的时候说,就好像有人在那里看到了他们心里的所知的一切,甚至包括潜意识里的一切和高意识里的一切。 有些人觉得这些信息不仅被外星人看到了,而且感觉上被他们移除了。 不过其实信息并没有被移除。 他们仍然保留着这些记忆,以及学到的所有信息。


And then the reverse  process happens sometimes. That ET will be looking into the eye of the experiencer and will be downloading information, filling that person with all kinds of information. And when a person regresses to this, and they say: 'Gee! I don't remember that information now even in the regression.' Because they were told by the being that they don't need to go around remembering all of this, but they will be activiated to remember when THE TIME comes. I've never heard any ET so far, saying exactly when that time will be. But there will be a time coming and all that person has learned in these ET experiences will be accessible to his mind to know consciously.

有时也会发生相反的操作。这个外星人直直地看着体验者的眼睛, 并向这个人下载各种信息。 当这个人接受催眠的时候,他们说到:“天哪!我不记得这些信息了,就算在催眠的状态下也不记得。”因为这种外星人告诉他们,不需要记得所有的一切。 但是当“那个时刻”到来的时候, 他们的记忆将会被激活。 到目前为止, 我从来没有听到任何外星人说这个时刻究竟是什么时候。 不过会有这样一个时刻到来, 届时这个人从外星人接触体验中学到的一切都可以在神志清醒的状态下记起来。


Here's another type of being. Almost transparent, or at least translucent in the head and skull area. You can even see a suggestion their of veins.

这是另外一种外星人。 他们的头部和头骨部分基本是透明的,至少是半透明的。 你甚至可以隐约看到他们的血管。 


Some beings particularly, when they come and interact with children, they want the children to be ok. They don't want to come and terrorize people, at least a lot of them I think don't. They sometimes will disguise themselves, disguise themselves briefly, at least temporalily as a clown. Now I've actually met a lot of these experiencers who from early childhood have been terrified by clowns, and don't even want to go to the circus. So maybe it's not really working so well. But they were passing themselves off to comfort the child passing themselves as clowns.

有些外星人, 特别是当他们过来和人类的孩子们互动的时候, 希望孩子们能好好的。 他们不想过来吓到人们。 至少我认为很多外星人不希望如此。 他们有时候会掩饰自己, 简单地掩饰一下, 比如暂时装扮成小丑。 其实我遇到的很多体验者在孩童时期非常害怕小丑,有些甚至不愿意去马戏团。 所以,这个主意可能没那么有效。 不过他们掩饰自己的目的是为了安抚人类孩子,所以才会装扮成小丑。


Here's another one of the older types. The very wrinkled forehead. And sometimes these beings seem to be very wise.

这位是一个老年型的外星人。 他的前额布满皱纹。 有时这种外星人貌似非常有智慧。


This type, I'm personally very fond of. They tend to be very tall, at least 8 feet tall, maybe more. Very thin, very white skined, paper white skin. And very probing eyes. Not the big black eyes. Often they are blue. And what we consider the whites of the eyes are blue as well as the pupiles. And this guy's type tends to be a mentor for people. Some people will begin their experiences in infancy or even when they were still in their mother's womb. And then they will have repeated experiences through their early childhood, mid childhood, early teen years, teen years, young adult life, midlife, and even into older life in some cases. And along with them, right from the beginning, will be a being like this, a mentor, who will do a lot of teaching and training of the person. Teaching and training of various skills. 

这个是我个人非常喜欢的一种。 他们一般很高,至少有8英尺高,可能不止。 很瘦, 皮肤很白,纸一样白。 目光炯炯。他们的眼睛不是那种大大的黑色,通常是蓝色的,不仅瞳孔是蓝色的,就连我们认为应该是眼白的地方也是蓝色的。 这种外星人通常作为人类导师的形象出现。 有些人在婴儿时期,甚至仍然在妈妈子宫里的时候就开始了外星接触的体验。之后, 他们会在童年早期、中期、少年早期、中期、青年时期、中年时期,重复这一体验。 在有些案例中,这种体验甚至延续到老年时期。 在一开始的时候,就会有这样一位外星人作为导师陪伴他们,教导、培训他们各种不同的技能。


This being, very different looking than what we usually see, but one of my clients whom I regress many times would occasionally see this type and liked this type. You know, as we looked at this picture, or at least as I do, I think gosh I don't know if I'd feel good in the presence of that being, espeically taken away from home to be with him. But the people who have experienced this type say oh this is a very gentle loving type. He does helpful things. He even heals me, sometimes of my physicial problems.

这种外星人和我们通常见过的有很大不同。 我催眠过很多次的一位客户有时会见到这种外星人,而且很喜欢他们。 你们从图片中看到的他的时候,至少当我看到他的时候,会想天哪,我不知道自己看到这样一种外星人的时候,尤其是从家中被带过来和他相处的时候会不会感觉还好。 不过和这类外星人有过接触经历的人们说他们是一种非常温柔的类型。 他会帮助人们。 有人说他甚至治愈了自己的健康问题。


This is another mentor being. This being channeled through one of my clients. For about the ten years that she was coming to me, we had many sessions and I would talk to him, in my office, through the channeling that my client did. And he said we could call him Ohana. He said we, the extraterrestrials do not need to have names, because we know everything energeticlly, we know everything telepathically about each other, anyway. So we don't name things. We don't name each other. We don't label things. But we know that you human being have a name for absolutely everything, and certainly for each other. So you can call me a name if you'd be more comfortable. And he said why don't you call me Ohana? And we found out later, the client and I, that Ohana is a very nice idea, because in Hawaiian it means family. So that isn't it nice? We are in his family and indeed as these experiences keep coming to light, espeically through the regression, we realized that many of these beings out there in the cosmos, consider that we are all in one family, as much as we look so different from each other. But we are and we need to be able to get together more and communicate more, as many of these species out there do.

这是另外一种导师型外星人。 这个外星人通过我的一位客户作为通灵媒介和人类联系。 这位客户拜访我已经长达十年之久了。 我们做了很多次催眠。 我在自己的办公室里也通过客户作为通灵媒介和他交谈过。 

他说我们可以称他为奥哈那。他说,我们这类外星人不需要有名字,因为我们在能量的层面上了解万物,在心电感应的层面上了解彼此。 所以我们不需要对事物命名,不用名字称呼彼此,也不给事物贴标签。 但是我们知道你们人类对所有的一切都会命名,彼此之间当然也需要名字来称呼。 所以如果你觉得叫我一个名字能感觉更舒服, 那你可以这么做。 他说不如你们叫我奥哈那?后来我和客户发现, 奥哈那是一个很好的名字,因为在夏威夷语里它的意思是家人。 

这很好是不是?我们是他的家人。 实际上当这些体验浮出水面,特别是在催眠之后,我们意识到宇宙中有很多这类外星人。 他们认为我们都是一个大家庭,尽管我们看上去彼此不同,但我们的确是一家人。 我们需要像很多这类外星人那样彼此之间有更多的联系和更多的交流。


So here's a crowd of people. One of the drawings by Kisara. And down there towards the bottom, there are these two other little beings. This one an this one walking amongst the crowd of the city, trying to be not very noticable, trying to go incognito, but there they are, actual ET visitors from somewhere else. Only one woman in the background seems to be aware of that. Oh my godness I just saw something really different, and the others are just seem to be not particularly notice.

这里人来人往。 这是可萨拉的一幅画。 在靠近底部的地方,有两个小外星人。 这个和这个在城市的人群之中穿行, 尽量不引人注意, 试图掩饰自己的身份。 但他们的确是从别处来的外星访客。 背景的人群中只有一位妇女注意到了他们。 “我的天哪, 我刚刚看到了非常奇怪的东西!” 而其他人看上去并没有注意到他们。


A couple of years ago, Charles Hall was here giving a wonderful lecture about the tall white beings that are near area 51 groom lake, whom he actually personally met with consciously awake many times, so they would glow. And I remember one thing he said which was that, one of that beings told him that they love their children even more than we humans love our children.

几年前, 查尔斯霍尔对51区格鲁姆湖畔的“高白人”发表了很棒的演讲。 他在清醒的状态下见过他们很多次。 他们会发光。 我记得他曾经说过, 其中一个外星人告诉他他们对自己孩子的爱甚至超过了我们人类对自己孩子的爱。 


Donald Smith, who did so much research and still is on the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, drew these pictures from people's descriptions. The people who were there who actually saw the beings. And this is what he determines that beings look like.

唐纳德史密斯对1947年罗斯威尔UFO坠毁事件做过很多调查,而且至今仍在继续这些调查。 他根据人们的描述画了这些画。 这些提供描述的人真的见过这些外星人。 他认为这些外星人长得这个样子。


And Bill McDonald, a wonderful forensic artist has done so much good resarch over the years, and he drew this picture of the beings in the Roswell crash and how they must have piloted the ships, being very integrated with their seat and their hands pressing into indentations. And their whole biological system, and their thought, their mental activity is what actually activitated the craft to fly. 

比尔麦当劳是一位优秀的法医艺术家。 他在这些年里做了很多非常好的研究。 他画的图展示了罗斯威尔坠毁事故中的外星人。他认为他们一定使用这种方式驾驶过飞船——飞行员的座位应该非常紧凑,他们的手按住推进器。 他们用全身的生物系统,以及思想和心理活动来控制飞行器的飞行。 


Now this is a little dim, this picture. A few months ago, with my monthly experiencers support group, we were sitting outside, at one of the members' homes, sitting on the patio and they asked me to guide them into meditation, to have a ship come we can see a ship or maybe if we were lucky to see a being. Now I'd like to say that the people who regularly attend to my monthly support group, which has been existing since 1994, that they have long gone past their trauma and their fear, and just at this stage where they are more fasinated, then they want to intiate the contact with many of the extraterristral beings. So that's what we were attempting to do. And even before I finished guiding this meditation, the woman there on the lower left, you can just see part of her felt that the back of her chair she was sitting on with being gentlely rocked back and forth. An she looked around and she saw this being, a very talll being, tall, thin. His face cann't see it very clearly. They are kind of protruded out in front and he had this big shock of hair, straw like, kind of wild-looking hair, and sort of tannish brownish skin. And then when we finished that meditation, she said guess what happened? And I saw him right here. We didnt see any craft coming, but he was there. And then the other four people sitting in the chairs next to her on this patio said :'I felt that, too! I didnt open my eyes as she did to see what was there, but I too felt a gentle rocking on the back of my chair.'

这张照片有点模糊。几个月以前,在我举办的一次体验者支持小组的每月活动里,我们坐在一位组员家的庭院里。 他们让我引导他们进入冥想状态, 希望会有一艘飞船过来这样大家可以看看飞船, 如果幸运的话说不定还可以看到外星人。 我想说这些人定期参加我自1994年以来每月举办的支持小组活动, 都已经摆脱了曾经的创伤和恐惧, 在这个阶段他们更加充满兴致, 然后他们想主动邀请很多外星人前来接触。 这就是我们当时希望做的事。 

在我引导他们进入冥想状态的活动尚未结束的时候,画中左下角的女人(你可以看到她部分入画)觉得有人在轻轻前后摇晃她的椅子。 她向四周看了看, 发现了一个非常高的外星人,又高又瘦。 不太能看得清他的脸。 他的脸部有点向前突出, 留着稻草一样的爆炸头, 头发看上去非常狂野。 他的皮肤有点呈古铜色。 当我们结束冥想的时候, 她说:“猜猜刚刚发生了什么事?我刚刚看到他了,就在这儿。” 我们没有看到任何飞行器飞过来,但是他来过。 然后庭院里其他四个坐在她周围椅子上的人说:“我也感觉到了。 我没有像她那样睁开眼睛看, 但是我也感觉到椅子在轻轻摇动。”


This type, bright red eyes and very wrinkled forehead. Bright red eyes are described on some of them.

这种,明亮的红眼睛, 额头有很多皱纹。 根据体验者的描述,有些外星人有红色的眼睛。


A wonderful woman in England named Elaine Thompson said with many many life-long experiences has drawna series of pictures of the being that she has seen, and typically any one person will see a variety of beings on different occasions and a variety of beings seem to be collaborating together on the same experience. Though this one has a very unusual cranium from our point of view, unusual. 

有位女子名叫依莲汤姆森,住在英格兰,是一位非常棒的女性。她一辈子有过很多的外星接触体验, 并画了一系列画作展示她所看到的外星人。 通常一个人可以在不同场合看到不同种类的外星人, 很多外星人似乎在某个体验过程中彼此是合作者的关系。 不过这个有一个非常奇怪的颅骨, 在我们看来非常奇怪。


And this kind of being, extraterrestrial has blue beams coming out of his eyes, because he does healing with this blue energy, radiating from his very intense blue eyes.



And she drew these pictures too, with the huge heads projecting out and back. And I cann't help but wonder if some of the Egyptian figures that we know about, Akhenate and his wife and even Nefertiti and some others might have been, as some of us suspect, extraterresterial beings from elsewhere, with a very large heads. That's why they wore those headdresses that stand way out in back and up. 

她还画了这张图。 图里面的外星人有着向后突出的大脑袋。 我不仅想到我们所熟知的一些古埃及人物,比如阿肯纳顿和他的妻子,甚至纳芙蒂蒂和其他的一些人物都有可能如我们所怀疑的那样,是来自别处的外星人,有着长长的头颅。 所以他们会带上那种朝后上方倾斜的头套。


Elaine also had experiences with this kind of being, whom she called a cat being. But this one actually came from Andromeda, according to what the being said.

依莲也有和这种外星人接触的体验。 她说这是一种猫族外星人。 但这个外星人告诉她, 他们其实来自仙女星座。


And we've all heard I think of the mothman being. We don't know whether a mothman being is actually from a different planet, but it certainly seems to be from somewhere that we are not familar with, and a type we are not familar with. 

另外, 我们都听过天蛾人的故事。 我们不知道天蛾人是否来自别的星球, 但他们肯定是一种我们不熟悉的物种,来自我们不清楚的地方。