东京议定书签订以来地球变得更野蛮和高温 [美国媒体]


Earth is a wilder,warmer place since last climate deal made


PARIS(AP) — This time, it's a hotter, waterier, wilder Earth that world leaders aretrying to save.


Thelast time that the nations of the world struck a binding agreement to fightglobal warming was 1997, in Kyoto, Japan. Asleaders gather for a conference in Parison Monday to try to do more, it's clear things have changed dramatically overthe past 18 years.


Somedifferences can be measured: degrees on a thermometer, trillions of tons ofmelting ice, a rise in sea level of a couple of inches. Epic weather disasters,including punishing droughts, killer heat waves and monster storms, haveplagued Earth.


Asa result, climate change is seen as a more urgent and concrete problem than itwas last time.


"Atthe time of Kyoto,if someone talked about climate change, they were talking about something thatwas abstract in the future," said Marcia McNutt,the former U.S. Geological Survey director who was picked to run the NationalAcademies of Sciences. "Now, we're talking about changing climate,something that's happening now. You can point to event after event that ishappening in the here and now that is a direct result of changingclimate."

“当时在东京,如果人们谈论到气候改变,他们只能说一些未来可能发生的很抽象的事件。现在,当我们谈论到气候变化时,有些事情就是在现时发生的。你能从现在正在发生的事情推测出以后可能发生的一系列事件,都它们都是气候变化产生的直接后果。” 美国前国家地理探勘主管Marcia McNutt如是说,Marcia McNutt后被选调去国家科学院任职。

William4 minutes ago 
Ifthe climate didn't change, we'd be meals for dinosaurs.


daveb4 minutes ago 
".....sincethe last climate deal made" --- Well then, brain surgeons,the CLIMATE DEALS are a waste of time and money, apparently. Earth is much morepowerful than your INTELLECTUAL meetings and will do whatever the heck it wantsto, When it wants to. YOU, my BRAINIAC FRIENDS, areobviously not in charge!


JMB6 minutes ago 
ScienceFlies Men to the Moon
ReligionFlies Men into Buildings......


steve8 minutes ago 
ThankGod for Al Gore.


DexterChan 13 minutes ago 
earthhave evolved, humans remain stagnant.


Harold14 minutes ago 
Sadlythe uneducated republiNUTs still deny the REAL facts!!!


Becky20 minutes ago 
Sea-level2 1/2"higher than 1997? Really? NASA had it at .23mm annually in a recent report.

海平面比1997年高了2 1/2?真的吗?NASA才在一份报告里说,海平面的高度是23mm。

BOBTURKEY 20 minutes ago 
TheUN study reported it is animals that release the most damaging gases into theatmosphere


Vlad21 minutes ago
Icould use some Global Warming right now,,,, I'm freezing my balls off in Northern California...


Feather23 minutes ago 
Howmuch are those who are attending this meeting from far far away contributing tothat which they protest against by traveling to Paris.
Seemsthat if they stayed home and did the meeting via internet they would accomplishmore.


tim23 minutes ago 
Itis nice that all the bigwigs talk about it but if they were serious why nothave solutions? I am in the construction trade, why doesn't the governmentallow 100% deduction for people putting solar panels on their roofs? I beteveryone that could afford it would do it.


steve23 minutes ago 
Wemay be able to wipe out all life on the planet in 4 days but we can't affectthe weather.


JMB24 minutes ago 
It'snot true as Fox News and Rupert Murdoch say so.You silly Liberals are just trying to trick us Conservatives with all thosefancy Scientists and Mathematical Equations.

事情并不像Fox News 和 Rupert Murdoc说的那样。你们那些愚蠢的自由党人只是想用这些科学和化学伎俩骗我们保守党而已。

Commonsense2 minutes ago 
ifyou believe this your an idiot.


Trade11 minutes ago 
Thepaid commenters respond in force whenever there is an article about climatechange. Fossil fuel companies have been funding efforts to deny the science andincrease uncertainty. The American public overwhelmingly believes that humanscontribute significantly to global warming, and that something should be doneabout it by us. In other parts of the world, those feelings are even stronger.

