【 Quora 】:“东方和西方”叫法的起源 [美国媒体]


Given the Earth is an oblate spheroid in shape, what is the basis to say that the USA is in the West and some other country is in the East?

【 Quora 】:“东方和西方”叫法的起源

Do you know the real name of Japan?
Nihon / Nippon (日本) means The Land of the Rising Sun. In other words, the Eastern country.
Việt Nam (越南) means the land of the Southern Viet people. The Southern country.
China is named Zhōngguó (中国), the Middle Country.
In the realm of Chinese culture, China is in the centre. Vietnam is in the south, and Japan is in the east. By the way, the traditional name of Korea is Joseon (朝鲜) and one of the possible translations is the Land of the Morning Freshness.
Sinosphere as it looked 900 years ago.


If Chinese culture dominated in today’s world, USA and Brazil would be seen as Far Eastern countries. On the contrary, they would call Afghanistan and Iran Western countries. And the maps of the world have been absolutely different. Something like this one.


Or like this one.


But the modern world is dominated by Western culture, the West meaning Europe and North America.
Wait a minute? Why do they call themselves Western? Isn’t it strange? If their culture is dominating, they could call themselves the Middle Countries, right? Nobody would oppose their right to do so. But no, they persist to call themselves Western, despite the fact that in most traditional cultures the east was revered and the west was seen in a pejorative light.
I think there can be two explanations. First is simple and geographical. Oblivious of lands beyond the Atlantic Ocean, the English, the French, the Portuguese and the Spaniards were used to live in the extreme west of the known world. When they discovered America, they were already accustomed to be ‘the West’ so they just adopted America in their family of Western nations. And, seeing themselves as leaders of Europe, they finally persuaded other Europeans that they were westerners, too.
But I have another explanation. The Western culture is based on the Roman Empire. Latin is still extensively used in various domains. French have Pantheon. Americans have Capitol and Senate and such cities as Cincinnati. Russians had pretended to be the third Rome. One Roman Empire was destroyed in 1806 and another one in 1922. We may be not aware of it, but our culture is still based on Roman Empire.
Here’s the map of Roman Empire in 395.


Here you are. The distinction is obvious. There is only the West and the East. There is no middle. Not even Italy can pretend to be the Middle Country.
The Western Europe and the Eastern. Only the border moved a bit westwards since 395. That’s why Yugoslavia was considered an eastern European country. 
Everything eastwards of the Eastern Europe is also East - Near East, Middle East and finally China and Japan which are Far East. Everything westwards of the Western Europe is also West - up until USA which are Far West, the super-West. Of course, as the planet is round, Far East lies westwards of Far West. Well, it is not the strangest of the paradoxes of our worldview.



The distinction between East and West is based on the prime meridian, a concept originally developed for astronomy. The earliest known prime meridian in the western world (or its antecedents) was located at Babylon, going back at least to 12:00 noon (local time) February 26, 747 BC. That date and time was also the starting point astronomers used to count the exact number of days that elapsed between different astronomical events.
At some point they moved the prime meridian to Alexandria, Egypt, later to Baghdad. At one time it was at the headquarters of the Teutonic Knights in East Prussia, where Copernicus had his observatory.
In the Age of Exploration, various countries struggled for control of the prime meridian, putting at Tenerife (Canary Islands), Faro (Portugal), and various other places.
Finally the British won and put the prime meridian here:


You can’t see it in the picture, but there’s a vertical hairline in the lens of the eyepiece in this telescope, Airy’s Great Circle Transit Telescope.
That’s where East meets West, and where all the world’s times zone get coordinated.



Mainly for historical reasons. The world culture has been dominated by what is know as the Western civilization, that more accurately should be called European civilization. Thus the name referring to a particular country or region depends on the point of reference, so China is in the East from Europe and USA is in the West, although USA is typically included in “the West” more as a label for the group of countries that are part of the European civilization and share the same cultural and historical heritage.



The choice of prime meridian (the meridian at 0° used as the reference from which longitude east and west is measured) is entirely arbitrary because there is no physically definable starting point like the equator. In the fourth century BC Eratosthenes selected Alexandria as the starting meridian for longitude, and in medi times the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa were used since they were then the westernmost outpost of western civilisation. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, many countries used their capital city as the prime meridian for the nation’s maps, including the meridian through the centre of the White House in Washington, D.C., for early nineteenth-century maps. You can imagine the confusion that must have existed when trying to locate places on maps from several countries. The problem was eliminated in 1884 when the International Meridian Conference selected as the international standard the British prime meridian—defined by the north–south optical axis of a telescope at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, a suburb of London. It is is called the Greenwich meridian.
So, since that time everything on one side of the Greenwich meridian is west, and everything on the other side is east.
Then, to further establish what is east and what is west we have the International Date Line (IDL).
The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on Earth's surface defining the boundary between one day and the next.
The International Date Line is located halfway around the world from the prime meridian (0° longitude) or about 180° east (or west) .
The Dateline Is Not Straight
The dateline runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and marks the divide between the Western and Eastern Hemisphere. It is not straight but zigzags to avoid political and country borders and to not cut some countries in half. On timeanddate.com's Time Zone Map, the IDL is shown as a black line.
What Happens When You Cross the Dateline?
When you cross the International Date Line from west to east, you subtract a day, and if you cross the line from east to west, you add a day.
Depending on which time zone the country follows, the time difference on either side of the line is not always 24 hours. For example, if you travel the 1061 kilometers (659 miles) across the dateline from Baker Island to Tokelau you have to add 25 hours, or 1 day and 1 hour.
Drawn up in 1884
The 180° meridian was selected as the International Date Line because it mostly runs through the sparsely populated Central Pacific Ocean. It was decided at the International Meridian Conference in 1884 in Washington, D.C. where 26 countries attended.





The known world until 1492 was Europe and Asia (and Africa, but it’s not relevant to an East-West discussion).
Although we refer to Europe and Asia as separate continents, they are not, it would better to refer to the one continuous continental land mass as Eurasia, a well-known term used in geology.
There is an arbitrary division of the land mass along the Caucasus mountains, which divides western Russia into Europe, and eastern Russia into Asia. Imagine if North America was artificially divided into two continents in this way using the Rocky Mountains as the dividing line. That would put Cheyenne, Denver, and Sante Fe in the “East America” continent, simply because they are east of the Rocky Mountains. Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and Los Angeles would all be part of the “West America” continent, simply because they are west of the Rocky Mountains. This is silly. But this is what the Europeans did when they invented the idea of continents. They saw western Russia as modern and European-like, but saw eastern Russia as different, more like the really different Chinese, so eastern Russia became part of Asia.
Since there is really just the one land mass of Eurasia, the western part (Europe) was thought of as West, and the eastern part (China and Japan) was thought of as East. Neat and simple. The sun rises from the ocean in the East (Japan is called the “land of the rising sun”) then the sun sets in the West into the ocean, off the coasts of Ireland, France, and Spain.
Confusion erupted when Columbus discovered another continent, the Americas. This was a real continent, separated from other land masses by oceans.
Columbus was sailing west near 20 degrees north latitude. Latitudes were well understood at the time because you could compute latitude from the stars. All the geographers and explorers knew that 20 degrees north latitude in east Eurasia was the southern tip of China, and a group of islands known as the East Indies. Columbus didn’t know about the Americas yet. Columbus knew he was at 20 degrees north, so he assumed the islands he encountered were the islands south of China called the East Indies.
I hate to digress too far, but it is often said that Columbus thought he sailed to India. Ridiculous. All the educated peoples of Eurasia knew that Europe was in the West, India was in the middle, and China and Japan were in the East. Marco Polo traveled extensively from Europe, past India, and into China. Marco Polo wrote a book on his travels, and drew maps of Eurasia showing the relationship of Europe, India, and China across the vast continent. Columbus NEVER thought he landed in India. He thought he landed in the island group of the East Indies. When he sailed along the south side of Cuba, the island was so big that he figured “this can’t be an island”, so he guessed that the south Cuba coast must be the south mainland of China, but nowhere near India.
Eventually Columbus and the rest of the world realized that he didn’t get to the East of Eurasia, he actually encountered a new continent to the “west of the West”, a new land even farther west of Europe. To differentiate between the previously known islands of the East Indies, and the new islands that Columbus discovered, they simply referred to Columbus’s new islands as the “West Indies”. The islands of the Caribean are still called that today. The East Indies is what Columbus thought he’d sailed to, the West Indies is what he actually sailed to.
In summary: West means the west of Eurasia, East means the east of Eurasia. Since Columbus was sailing west when he discovered the Americas, the Americas had to be considered West too, even more West.



