What are some things you can do in France but not in the USA?
【 Quora 】:有哪些在法国可以,在美国不可以的?![]()
In France if you are gay you are protected by strong gay-friendly laws (contrarily to many US states eg. Utah, Arizona, Alabama, Texas etc...where gays are disadvantaged or persecuted by law) and you can marry same-sex partner.
In France you are protected by a Constitution that your Government must 100% respect 100% of the cases: NO institutionalized exceptions to the Constitution, NO secret laws, NO secret juries ruling under the exception of "War on communism" or "Crusade on terrorism" or"Fight against the Japs" or "War on Saddam" or "War on Drugs" or "fight against traitors to the Nation" or "Crusade on Evil Forces"...
In France you are protected by strong privacy protection laws which -contrarily to the US- also apply to YOU
...these laws indeed apply to ANYONE (eg. not only apply to French citizens but also to you if you come to France and your passport is non-french) and in any situation. In USA if you are not US citizen or if you are not a good american you are fully naked here.
In France you are protected by serious gun-control laws and anti-proliferation arms laws so this is not like you have guns in every hands everywhere (more than cars) and this is not like everyone (individuals, lobbies, your government) is pushing for arm proliferation at home, in your country and on earth. In France people believe weapons are bad not good.
在法国,你受到宪法的保护,政府必须 100%尊重你的案例:宪法没有制度的例外,没有秘密的法律,没有秘密陪审团裁决,但除了“对抗cp主义战争”或“反恐运动”或“抗击日本鬼子”或“萨达姆战争”或“毒品战争”或“对抗国家的叛徒”或“邪恶的十字军东征”……
In France it is possible to NOT endure any of all those...
...boring speeches where the President would sing out loud that your country is elected by God, that "Exceptionalism" is what defines us, that France has a mission on earth that makes it "Special" or that the world expects us to bring the Good to others etc. This does not exist in France since Napoleon, since then our leaders are done with such mystic verbiage.
In France you can have a President who does not believe in God equally as one who does.
In France you can have a President who is not Protestant.
In France you have the freedom to chose among wide political choices and parties including communist and nationalist parties [Even after WWII]
In France your grand-father can explain how much he was arguing with communists...while in the US your grand-father vaguely remembers a witch hunt...
In France you enjoy top-level free education and free healthcare that do not exist in US
In France you learn in state school history class that in reality Russia (not US) did save the world during WWII
In France you can learn in classroom the pros and cons and the certainties and doubts about the first atomic bomb dropped on innocent civilians. Not just the myth.
In France you can learn in class that your colonial past was made of horrible mistakes so kids in France are advised that colonialism and interventionism practices are often ill-motived (resources exploitation) and dangerous (wars)
Everyone in France is protected against GMOs thanks to a ban on GMO food and a ban on GMO agriculture
The French are very protected by detailed labeling on food
In France you can buy (and even eat) non-pasteurized cheese and all sort of non neutral food (AKA all smelling and disgusting food)
You can easily avoid obesity
You can attend a bullfight (corrida)
You can buy Foie Gras
You can play violent games without a helmet (rugby)
You can have a sport career without routinely using dangerous substances
You can visit a building older than Grand Ma or a museum
You can see well-dressed people
In France you can speak english with a strong accent...and still not be automatically perceived as a retard or a hopeless immigrant or someone whom you assume he hopes he will get a chance in the next lottery for a green card and for the American Dream.
In France it can be that you just don't care about your bad english accent (and you might not want to work your bad english accent because you are not American anyway and you cherish your life and your french lifestyle with rolling R's and Americans should really improve their pronunciation of R's anyway)
In France, you can speak french :-)
You can get an excellent and very affordable public education for your children from pretty much anywhere in France. You will get a far superior education from Lycée Louis-le-Grand and the école Normale Supérieure d'Ulm than from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and Caltech, a if you're clever enough to get in. You can also study medicine in France and become a doctor without having to go hundreds of thousands of dollars or euros in debt.
Take a fast train service between any two cities in the country, some of them running at up to 300km/h (186mph)
Board an aeroplane without taking your shoes off, let alone having your body scanned
Drive to any of 9 foreign countries - most of them not requiring a passport at the border
Marry a member of the same sex, and have the marriage recognised everywhere in the country
Enjoy a wide range of rights related to work including guaranteed holiday pay, sick pay, maternity leave, the right to join the trade union of your choice and protection from unfair dismissal
Choose between a wide range of respectable political parties from communist to nationalist
Be openly atheist without risk of disapproval, and still get elected as president
Have an abortion without the risk of having to pass a group of demonstrators
Get unlimited access to one of the world's best healthcare systems without involving private health insurance, or paying anything at all for serious health problems if you're poor
Know in advance how much you will spend in a restaurant or supermarket without any mental calculations, because the published prices include tax and service, and tipping is optional
Tell different denominations of banknotes apart even in low light or if partially sighted/blind because each value is a different size and has the value printed in very large numbers
Buy alcohol from age 18 and never be asked for ID in your life
Choose from an awesome variety of wines, cheeses and high-cocoa chocolates even in small local stores
Buy ready-prepared meals in supermarkets that actually taste good
Tell which food contains genetically modified ingredients because they must be labelled
Get delicious freshly baked bread easily in even the smallest of towns
Watch the world's greatest athletic event, the Tour de France, from the side of the road, close enough to touch the athletes
Go to a wide variety of family-friendly nudist beaches, and go topless on any beach
See buildings more than 300 years old in all towns and cities, and intact Roman buildings more than 2000 years old in some places.
If this question is an attempt to change American ATTITUDES of the rest of the world, it has failed.
A better question would be to invert the question, so you can answer like this:
1. Americans are not forced to see the bare breasts of women while they breast feed in public, the way that French people have to.
2. Americans are allowed to believe in creationism and that if the world is getting warmer, it is only because the Earth is coming out of an ice age, since American students do not have to study science in schools as much French students have to.
3. American employees can work 40 hours a week without overtime pay, whereas French people are entitled to overtime pay if they work over 35 hours a week. This makes French goods so uncompetitive with American made ones .
4. When Americans are unconcious on the street, they are free to negotiate which ambulance takes them to the hospital, which hospital they go to, and if they don't have the money to pay, they don't have to submit to unecessary medical treatment.
French people have to carry with them a green card, that they have to pay for out of their taxes, so that when they leave a hospital they have to pay with it, or be faced with a huge medical bill. Even when the hospital is privately owned.
5. Americans accept that even as adults of 18, able to vote, they can't be trusted with drinking alcoholic beverages like beer, so they accept that until they are 21 they will have to drink vodka mixed with milk.
French people of 18 are allowed to buy beer and wine just before they vote, although most of them do not, if they drive to the polling station.
6. Americans accept that the only way to stop the state from becoming a tyranny is for every citizen to go around armed like a policeman, and every policeman to go around armed like a soldier.
7. All Americans can use whatever public transport they want, if it is available, and no one has to walk anywhere if they have a car.
French people have to pay a surcharge on the cost of a TGV。
8. All Americans can expect to get a job, no matter how low paid or how meanial the work is, because the US has rules that make it difficult to be long term unemployed.
French people can't always get a job, because there are many people on state benefits instead of doing menial work.
9. All American students have access to some of the greatest universities in the world, that are so popular, that up to 50% of the students who take STEM courses (science technology engineering mathematics) at some American universities are foreign students.
French people suffer from the requirement at many French universities that the student can read, write, and speak French. Which explains the reason why so many French university graduates only qualify in STEM subjects, which offer few opportunities in the modern world, for students who live in a country with no oil or coal reserves at all.
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