FacetiousAppleUnited Kingdom 于 18小时前 发表
Ok maybe I'm just the only one who's noticed this but there have been plenty of times where I've gone into a business and there seems to be too many employees working there. For example I've been to several restaurants that seemed pretty quiet but they still had several waiting staff there just standing around with nothing to do. Similarly whenever I go to the gym there seems to be about a dozen personal trainers standing around without much to do. Is there some law that means businesses have to hire a certain number of employees? Is this how the government keeps the unemployment rate so low? Or am I the only one who's noticed this?
–]marmakoide 18 指标 17小时前
Low labor cost for low skill jobs are a factor. There's still a large supply of cheap worker from the poorer part of the country.
[–]JillyPollaTaiwan 3 指标 12小时前
This is the same reason why some cities don't have meters instead of parking attendants. It's far cheaper to just hire bunch of uncles to take money ALL day than build the meters and hire the engineer require to maintain the meters and maids to take cash.
[–]Bonzwazzle 8 指标 17小时前
i always wondered this and thought that this was the reason so many businesses seem to come and go. a restaurant may open up and in the slow hours they'll still have random staff just standing around doing nothing. then when shit needs to be done i still see staff just fucking around on their phones. i don't know if i could handle having a business in china i'd want to fire everyone
[–]BillyBattsShinebox 13 指标 15小时前
“a restaurant may open up and in the slow hours they'll still have random staff just standing around doing nothin”
And they'll still give you a look like you just pissed on their firstborn's face when you ask them for a menu
[–]FacetiousAppleUnited Kingdom[S] 5 指标 14小时前
So true in my gym I saw one of the personal trainers giving a massage with one hand whilst on her phone with the other...chabuduo at its finest
[–]HotNaturedUnited States 3 指标 15小时前
Lol yeah I've talked to people in the restaurant industry here who told me that it's really really hard to find good people for the waitstaff and kitchen. For one thing it's easier for them to come and go - - there are always new ventures and the F&B culture is so big here that word-of-mouth won't for example prevent an incompetent sous chef from moving on easily. It's also a matter of education /discipline as local kitchens have considerably less stringent routines and requirements.
[–]FileError214 6 指标 14小时前
My buddy had a restaurant and he’d always tell me what a pain in the ass it was finding competent staff. Waitresses had to speak basic English but apparently finding a cook willing to just follow recipes was almost impossible.
[–]YouShouldBeWriting 1 指标 3小时前
“that it's really really hard to find good people for the waitstaff and kitchen.”
Because they pay them 1500/2000 rmb a month. Noone is giving a fuck.
[–]mrfrosty2016Great Britain 15 指标 17小时前*
Most laowai have noticed this early on. The main reasons for overstaffing IMO are due to a combination of:
1. Low productivity rate (inefficient)
2. Low work quality (chabuduo culture)
3. Low labour cost so they're replaceable (quantity vs quality mindset); massive staff presence however does allow them to operate as low-cost security deterrents in retail contexts (e.g. supermarkets).
4. Low quality training: staff do not cross-train so they cannot be moved to fulfill other roles easily.
Ergo in most situations they adopt an "army of noobs" mindset instead of combined arms doctrine that includes special forces which would otherwise emphasise fewer staff but higher quality. The above reasons also encompass white collar jobs not just blue collar ones. Additionally Chinese culture also scores higher on the power-distance index so organisationally they're predisposed to having an extremely wide hierarchical base.
[–]Hairofthe 9 指标 15小时前
Walmart is the worst a hundred workers standing around doing nothing but only 2 who can use the till
[–]kanada_kid 3 指标 10小时前
“but only 2 who can use the till”
I think all Wal-Marts world wide have this problem.
[–]FacetiousAppleUnited Kingdom[S] 3 指标 15小时前
Pretty astute comments; I guess there's also the fact that because there are so many migrant workers a lot of businesses don't see the point in investing heavily in their staff when they might move on in a few months so instead they choose to hire an army of low-wage drones
[–]TheMediumPanda 5 指标 13小时前
I feel that's a huge problem in China. It seems like half the employees are constantly looking for a new/better job and often they'll try to take know-how client lists or any inside information to the competitor who's luring them.
Low wage workers are a dime a dozen so bosses don't care about training them or encouraging them to stay and make an effort and educated and experienced employees seem to be distrusted by the higher-ups for up to several years: they might take your job they might steal clients and know-how they might set up a competing business. I remember my first years here how our boss didn't care one bit about the Chinese workers/teachers/TAs at the school so every year 50% of them quit or got fired (15 Chinese when I started only 3 of them still there in my third year). I thought it was terrible management but I've gained somewhat of an understanding of the reasoning behind since then.
[–]mrfrosty2016Great Britain 4 指标 12小时前
It seems like half the employees are constantly looking for a new/better job and often they'll try to take know-how client lists or any inside information to the competitor who's luring them.
This is sharp and on point for white collar jobs. The China context is that it's a low trust culture so staff are trained to do their job up to a baseline. Any training is viewed as a sunk cost and not an investment.
[–]mashupXXL 2 指标 11小时前
Same problem to a lesser extent in America for 30 years.
[–]nouncommittee 2 指标 9小时前
Yeah most times I see an American business on TV it really stands out how relatively overstaffed they are or that they have people doing jobs that would be done by a machine elsewhere.
[–]shipiaozi 8 指标 15小时前
Top businesses usually hires less people than necessary most top IT company in China"hire two engineers to do jobs of five people and pay them extra 50%" that 996(12hours*6days per week) become a norm.
Government or public institution seldom fire people so there might be far more employees than necessary. Even some people don't do anything no one would fire them. Your gym might be a public institution owned by physical association.
Labor is still cheap in China so service sector tend to hire more people to provide better service. In weekends or holidays it would be really busy.
Businesses need to hire certain percentage disabled workers or pay extra taxes.
The official unemployment rate is fully rigged because it remains 4% every month for more than ten years what a joke.
[–]TheMediumPanda 6 指标 13小时前
Your No. 3 hit a note here. The employees at our small school basically only have to be there Friday evenings Saturdays and Sundays. There's literally nothing to do in the weekdays. Being a silly laowai I figured we should just give them Mon-Thu off: They'll be happy and we get employees fit fresh and ready for the weekend. Win-win right? Oh no. My wife quickly pointed out that anyone with Monday to Friday off immediately would go out and find a second full-time job and we'd get no benefits at all. Had I been a China noob I might have held my ground but she had a point so now we have 3 employees coming to the school from 12 to 6 PM Tuesday to Friday with absolutely nothing to do.
[–]mashupXXL 1 指标 11小时前
Have them do sales and marketing
[–]mrfrosty2016Great Britain 5 指标 10小时前
This is logical in the West in terms of cross-training but here it also represents additional cost (in time and money) in terms of training supervision and the potential that you're equipping them to jump ship while potentially gaining very little in return re: any anticipated/potential sales and marketing results with possible increased salary request (expanded remit).
The status quo on the other hand is spend nothing more for a neutral result while depriving any benefit to potential competitors (should they choose to moonlight).
Contextually if you rationalise it from a game theory perspective paying them to sit around in a low level job for a few days a week is the correct move. This is scaled up nationally at the macro level via the culture.
[–]mashupXXL 2 指标 9小时前
It makes sense when explained that way. Indeed.
[–]ericthered1 4 指标 15小时前
the work covenant: we pretend to work you pretend to pay us
[–]LeftWingLock52 5 指标 15小时前
From what I’ve seen it’s also true for foreign companies with Chinese managers. It’s a combination of needing more poorly trained/motivated employees to do the job inefficiently poor management and it being a status thing (“hey I have x number of employees”).
[–]TheMediumPanda 4 指标 13小时前
Fuck that face-thing. My wife pesters me constantly about getting another receptionist a second cleaning lady more TAs but they would have absolutely nothing to do. Great let's up our monthly wage payouts by 30% and gain nothing in return.
[–]irresistiblebadidea 3 指标 14小时前
In addition to the reasons already stated in this thread I suspect there is a complex web of government subsidies and incentives for businesses to hire more people to keep the national employment rate up.
[–]tchrbrianUnited States 5 指标 13小时前
stateside example : Apple store
[–]CannalyzerMacau 3 指标 17小时前
Labour is cheap.
[–]callme_xipapa 4 指标 17小时前
never heard that there's any law force the business to hire a certain number of employees
[–]coffeepagan 2 指标 17小时前
There’s security grandpa staff manager and someone who can speak english. Then there’s the clerk who does the actual work. But she needs to call Mr. Authority to approve and stamp the copy of your passport. Did I just count five? OK who did I miss?
[–]hapigood 2 指标 14小时前
Quality of management: Organisational memory and learning.
Serious point.
Your manager learnt from an experienced manager who embodied / challenged / inspired their experience and their learning from their managers who as times changed embodied their learnings from the past generations of past managers. This is from childhood from working environments.
Go back two generations and you're not looking at a lot of retained wisdom being passed down. A lot is self-taught; a lot of self-help gurus make a lot of money from their books.
[–]annadpk 2 指标 8小时前
It is not just a problem in China but throughout developing Asia.
If you think overstaffing is bad in the private sector in China you can just imagine what it looks like in the public sector
Fifteen years ago it was worse than it is now. I remember some government buildings in China with only 5-6 stories used to have elevator ladies.
[–]Longlius 1 指标 12小时前
The capital model of China encourages it. In general it's fairly easy to get a loan if you can guarantee employment.
[–]bigbosslaowaiBest Korea 1 指标 3小时前
That's the bureaucratic government creating jobs. Other times it is the cheap labour.
[–]HautamakiCanada 1 指标 1小时前*
One factor yet to be mentioned is that if you are an owner or hiring manager or otherwise in charge of staffing for a business (one of) your main side hustle(s) is taking bribes to hire people. Nearly every position with any power at all has a side hustle for extra cash that's the real reason you want that position and this is what it is for a hiring manager or whatever. Of course if you go too too crazy you'll get replaced effectively killing your goose that lays golden eggs but there's no point to being a hiring manager unless you hire a few duds or whatever for some bribes so that also factors into the overstaffing situation.
[–]emustif 1 指标 1小时前
I think most of the suggestions in this thread are valid but the structure of employing someone in China differs somewhat. As far as I know most restaurants and different establishments in China hire and pay their employees by monthly bases they are not hourly employees. The restaurant might need many workers for the rush hours but still needs to employ them even if there is downtime and as you may know you need to show up to get paid even though there are fewer things to do at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And The only people I know that work multiple jobs are cleaners that work in different office spaces and even for them thier payment is not calculated by the hour but on the daily basis.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...