bhaozi 于 2 天前 发表![]()
–]Yuan_Anxiong 55 指标 2 天前
Northerners are taller than southerners in nearly every part of the globe. No surprise here. Pay attention to the Nords and Mongols.
[–]DeceptichumAustralia 15 指标 2 天前
Diet is more important than longitude which isn't actually important at all.
[–]Yuan_Anxiong 35 指标 2 天前*
Latitude affects diet from both flora and fauna due to climate.
[–]S1rkka 13 指标 2 天前
longitude is East West. latitude is North South....
[–]Yuan_Anxiong 2 指标 2 天前
My mistake I meant latitude.
[–]bhaozi[S] 9 指标 2 天前
To be fair I don't think the Mongols are tall (or are they?). I can't really find any data on them.
[–]bomalong 8 指标 2 天前
They are very short due to food rationing under Soviet rule. Since then the younger generations seem to be getting taller
[–]DeceptichumAustralia 5 指标 2 天前*
Different flora and fauna doesn't guarantee a more nutritious diet. A kangaroo isn't magically any better than a lion because it's further in latitude.
Living on the coast results in more seafood and living inland is more farming. Poverty/Wealth allows more varied and better diets. Etc.
There are countless factors how close you are to the equator isn't one of them. It's not like the Irish were taller than the Dutch.
[–]derrickcopeUnited States 5 指标 1 天前
I agree but for China latitude is also important. Northern Chinese and Southern are basically different races. Southern poor guangxi are the shortest and Northern coastal are the tallest.
[–]derrickcopeUnited States 2 指标 1 天前
Exactly I am not even sure what Han is supposed tobe.
[–]whtommy123 5 指标 1 天前
wat my mom is a Manchu and its stated right on Her ID card lol there are so many of em. discrimination is a joke like all minorities got the Chinese version of affirmative action and they got bonus points on university entrance exam. I think the CCP only 'discriminate' the separatists
[–]riaqnChina 2 指标 1 天前
the rulling class doesn't have to be the majority in population. Actually it's usually the minority like the tip on the pyramid. get your logic straight.
[–]derrickcopeUnited States 1 指标 1 天前
I think that was the case 20yrs ago. Now if you are manzu you get extra points on your college entrance exam.
[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 4 指标 1 天前
Easy way to remember is Latitude sounds like ladder and Long-itudes lines are all equally LONG
[–]stegg88 1 指标 1 天前
gym people remember lateral pull downs is up down.
[–]Napo555 1 指标 1 天前
Well latitude generally affects genetics so claiming it isn't important is simply not true especially taking into consideration latitude (at least to my knowledge) happens to affect height a great deal.
[–]DeceptichumAustralia 0 指标 1 天前
All environmental conditions can affect the expression of genes doesn't mean there's any guaranteed or set out come from them.
There's nothing in biology to say that higher latitude will mean greater heights.
[–]Napo555 0 指标 1 天前
You're right. Genetics of two twin brothers are not expressed in the same manner because they've been exposed to different environment. I know this it's basic biology.
What I'm talking about is native people from more northern regions (Europe NA Far east) Are statistically taller than other people. This map also illustrates that.
Is this a coincidence? I highly doubt it.
You're litterally the one claiming diet is all that matters and longitude (which is latitude btw) has no effect on height.
My argument is based on facts (not actual facts but assumption based on information) whilst you in my observation has nothing to back up your point with.
[–]Ioex_Hoit 2 指标 1 天前*
And you can argue with the height of the Eskimos all other people seems living in the South at their point but their average height are significant shorter.
[–]Napo555 0 指标 1 天前
The whole discussion gets complicated very quickly for sure. As to eskimos diet probably play a bigger role.
[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 2 指标 1 天前
Counterpoint: Inuit.
And Vladimir Putin.
[–]24theory 2 指标 1 天前
“And Vladimir Putin.”
That's not a counterpoint bruh that's an anecdote.
[–]bhaozi[S] 1 指标 1 天前
he might be small but he can kick ur ass
[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 2 指标 1 天前
So small.(这位网友还特定用了小号字体来写的这两个单词)
[–]pugnaan 40 指标 2 天前
Why not use centimeter.....
[–]Kendos-Kenlen 8 指标 1 天前
Because AMERICA FIRST!!! .... Or that's what they believe... Maybe one day they'll adopt meters system like the rest of the world?
Anyway doesn't really change the content just a pain to read.
[–]very_bad_advice 8 指标 2 天前
are these average of both sexes? thats pretty tall if so
[–]bhaozi[S] 13 指标 2 天前
nah just men
[–]bhaozi[S] 13 指标 2 天前*
Drawn by slacker25
(Data is from 2015) Source: Will provide more high school data if you want.
GDP per capita:
Conclusion: There seems to be a direct correlation with wealth urbanization and health. The tallest regions on average were on the coastline which happened to have a higher GDP and urbanization. Also Hong Kong which is a lot more wealthier than surrounding regions is also 1.5 (3.5 cm) taller than Guangdong. Same goes for Shanghai which is 1.5 inches taller than nearby Zhejiang.
Northern regions are taller (especially on the coastline with higher GDP per capita averages and urbanization). There are exceptions such as Heilongjiang. I'm honestly still not sure why but maybe Northern regions have a protein based diet and have different genetics/lifestyle?
[–]BlazeMiskulinUnited States 24 指标 2 天前
If you look at the graphic you'll also notice a correlation to the major grain--wheat in the north vs. rice in the south. There have been a lot of studies lixing the consumption of rice (rather than wheat or other grains) to shorter stature.
Additionally the northern provinces (if I recall correctly) have a higher consumption of animal protein (e.g. beef). Animal protein from seafood would also correlate to greater height along the coastline.
Result: Yes people with more money eat better and better diet results in greater height. However it's not that simple. There are a dozen different factors involved and insisting that any one of them is primary--especially without factoring in all the others--is just someone trying to get published.
[–]HautamakiCanada -4 指标 2 天前
imo the single greatest factor is consumption of dairy
[–]bhaozi[S] 6 指标 2 天前
To be fair I don't think any of the Chinese provinces have a high consumption of dairy (even the taller ones). I'm not even sure if dairy have an effect on height.
[–]ssnistfajenCanada 5 指标 2 天前
Schools in China used to distribute milk to students because post-war Japan's average height increase was attributed to the availability of dairy. This was the case at my elementary school which was quite a few years before the milk scandal. Urban middle class families that eat western style breakfasts will also consume dairy products regularly.
Improved nutrition is the foremost reason for increased average height which is a phenomenon documented across the world dairy is probably just a small part of it.
[–]HautamakiCanada 2 指标 2 天前
In the northeast kids drink milk and yogurt every day as part of breakfast/lunch
[–]zKskitaAustralia 2 指标 1 天前
I grew up in Heilongjiang and got milk with every school lunch. I'm also 185cm+
[–]riaqnChina 2 指标 2 天前
Most east asian are lactose-intolerent so they can't drink a lot of dairy. Otherwise they get laduzi.
They can drink yogurt tho the lactose in which is already decomposed.
[–]bhaozi[S] 2 指标 2 天前
I think most east Asians can still enough dairy to get the full nutrition benefit from it. Lactose intolerance isn't as severe as it sounds.
[–]BlazeMiskulinUnited States 7 指标 2 天前
As a Wisconsin native I'd be happy if that were so but... I've never seen any evidence to support that--and a fair bit that's contradictory. There are several areas of Africa and the Pacific Islands where the populations are tall but have minimal (if any) dairy in their diet.
[–]Iralie 2 指标 1 天前
Tibetans eat a lot more dairy than any other group covered in this map yet data says are in the lower region... That said this is by area not ethnicity plus the region's dairy eating Tibetans are gonna be poorer than the richer encouraged to migrate there Han and Hui.
[–]TheDark1 8 指标 2 天前
How is wealth the correlation you see? Clearly the major factor is north/south whether that's genetic or based on diet and habits. If wealth were the factor the map would be red on the right and yellow on the left.
[–]ssnistfajenCanada 3 指标 2 天前
If you look at a more recent map of GDP per capita by provinces and the 2016 data for gdp per capita Jiangsu (#4) Zhejiang (#5) Fujian (#6) and Guangdong (#7) have noticeably lower average height despite being among the richest provinces ahead of Inner Mongolia (skewed by natural resources and small population) and Shandong.
如果你看了各省份最近的人均GDP数据地图和2016年人均GDP的情况,你就知道江苏是(第4)、浙江(第5)、福建(第6)、广东(第 7),尽管这些省份要比内蒙古(该省人均GDP数据受自然资源和较少的人口所限制)和山东还要富,但是他们平均身高却明显较低。
Tallness has been a stereotype of Shandong for a long time. There's a reason 山东大汉 is a well-known word but 广东大汉 is not. The biggest factor is definitely genetics then followed by nutrition (which is correlated to wealth).
[–]dlerium 1 指标 1 天前
nutrition (which is correlated to wealth).
Nutrition is definitely correlated to wealth but there's also regional correlation in terms of what's popular in certain regions. For instance noodles vs rice for north vs south isn't just because of wealth/
[–]sanjugo 1 指标 1 天前
I cannot agree that Hong Kongers are tall people and they were the richest in China before mainland China overtook them so wealth is not the overwhelming reason why people are tall or bigger (though it has helped to improve their quality of life). Japan was certainly modernized faster than South Korea and China yet are shorter than them.
I think it's a combination of the great deal of physical work that they do plus processed food (i.e. milk) as "fast-track" food to help fuel energy.
[–]C-Jen 4 指标 2 天前
There was a national parade in Beijing three years ago around August. They had fairly demanding height requirements for the service personnel taking part.
I'm a 5'9" male of Asian descent and apparently I would have barely met the height requirement for female service personnel...
[–]pobm2f 3 指标 2 天前
Well average young Beijing male would be taller than 5’9” which would be among the tallest in Asia along with Seoul.
[–]bhaozi[S] 3 指标 1 天前
I think tallest in East Asia would probably be Shandong+ Dalian (NE China). The men average 5'9.5. The only other nations in Asia taller than those regions are white Russians (average 5'10) and European Israelis (also 5'10).
[–]pobm2f 3 指标 1 天前
Russians and Ashkenazi Jews are usually not considered to be ethnically Asian so I think it’s fairly conservative to say that Northeastern Chinese are among the tallest groups among the mongoloid race.
[–]chuckcbbrown 6 指标 1 天前
I live in up here in dalian I’m a 63 white dude thinking I would stand out....nope
[–]bhaozi[S] 0 指标 1 天前
congrats. Dalian I think ranks number 1 in terms of average height throughout ALL the Chinese cities. sure picked ur place
[–]chuckcbbrown 1 指标 1 天前
And with the most attractive females.
[–]bhaozi[S] 5 指标 1 天前
statistical backup or gtfo
[–]hapigood 1 指标 1 天前
Go there. Nothing beats anecdotal evidence ;)
A side note: The typical hereditary background of a younger person in Dalian roughly less than 40 years old would be typically be split between between Northeasterners and Shandong.
[–]bhaozi[S] 1 指标 1 天前
I think Northeasteners and Shandong people have the same genetics...90% of people in NE China came from Shandong 200-100 years ago due to poverty. Kinda like how almost all white Aussies are British descent.
[–]hapigood 1 指标 1 天前
Yes mainly due to the end of the Qing dynasty Northeast no longer being Manchu only and t"venture into the northeast" began.
But migration to Dalian was comparatively later than to the northeast in general and mainly came from Yantai / Weihai / Northern Shandong in the 30s 40s and 50s. A pretty concentrated group. Grab a Dalian person's hukou and there's a good chance a reference to Shandong is made or just look at the family names.
[–]desperatechaos 3 指标 2 天前
Agreed. It's not like the northeast is known for being rich either.
[–]bhaozi[S] 0 指标 2 天前
I should have probably reworded my OP a bit more. I guess they are rich enough to afford decent food (which is cheaper over there).
[–]desperatechaos 6 指标 2 天前*
I mean it seems like you're drawing conclusions without much evidence here. How do you account for Heilongjiang and Shandong two of the tallest provinces that are at the same time not very rich? And why does Jiangsu directly neighboring Shandong and much richer so much shorter? Surely they're not unable to afford decent food. It seems like you're trying to shoehorn in GDP as a causal effect when the data doesn't correlate that well. Also the northeast is far from urbanized.
Of course all this discussion is pretty much meaningless without statistical analysis. No scientist simply looks at maps like these and draws conclusions about what affects height.
[–]bhaozi[S] 2 指标 2 天前
I forgot to load the info for Shanghai and HK which are 1-1.5 inches taller than their surrounding provinces.
[–]TheDark1 1 指标 2 天前
No doubt wealth has some impact but I don't think it is the most important factor.
[–]Napo555 1 指标 1 天前
Currently moved to Shanghai from Northern Europe (I lived in Singapore also some time back) and I didn't expect people to be as tall as they are here. I'm 6'3 or 192 cm and when I walk somewhere crowded I actually see quite a few guys with the same height as me.
In Singapore I can only remember a handful (probably more tho) nearing my height so I'm quiet surprised As far as I know ethnic Chinese in Singapore are also from southern regions of China
[–]DangerWildpants 2 指标 1 天前
Man idk i live in Guangzhou and i find most 18 year olds are giants.
[–]bhaozi[S] 1 指标 1 天前
Guangzhou might be a bit higher than the province average as it's the center of wealth in the province.
[–]wzyguy 2 指标 2 天前
They will catch up height wise to the West within a couple generations. They will also get fat and obese like the West.
[–]ronglangren 1 指标 1 天前
Would be interesting to see data on Taiwan. I know a couple fellas from Taiwan who are six footers. Not sure if they are outliers or more of a trend.
[–]bhaozi[S] 3 指标 1 天前*
I do but it's a little politically insensitive to include them lol.
Taiwanese born in 1996 (measured at age 21) ended around 5'8.5 Similar to Shanghai. They were 21 u could argue that the comparison is a little unfair as some people grow after 18.
[–]parkyuman 1 指标 1 天前
Would be interesting if you can look at the data separately between 本省人 and 外省人
[–]bhaozi[S] 1 指标 1 天前 that would be impossible to find
[–]Zimbab496 1 指标 1 天前
That's really interesting. Probably has something to do with a mix of diet and climate. Most Chinese people that I have met are from Northern China and they pretty much match this chart.
[–]Ioex_Hoit 1 指标 1 天前
I am wondering if we have the data for all adults not just specific to 18.
[–]bhaozi[S] 3 指标 1 天前
From personal experience middle aged Chinese men (40-48) are about 5cm shorter. Older people (60-68) up to 10cm shorter.
[–]Polder 1 指标 2 天前
5'11" in the Netherlands.
[–]valhalla0ne 3 指标 1 天前
I thought it's 6'1 in the Netherlands. Norwegians are hella tall too.
[–]Daemonioros 1 指标 1 天前
Yeah it's 6'1. No clue where he got 5'11 (data from 25 to 35 years ago perhaps). Source 6'1 Dutch male and according to our central bureau of statistics that is bang on average (and confirmed by my own anecdotal experience).
[–]Aristoteleology 2 指标 1 天前
According to the recent survey of young men born in 1996 immigrants and their descendants excluded the Dutch are barely 6' tall on average. 5'11 seems closer to the truth than 6'1.
People are about 0.5-1 inch taller in the morning and most of these surveys take place fairly early in the day. In the evening before bed the Dutch male average is quite possibly not much over a flat 5'11.
[–]bhaozi[S] 7 指标 2 天前
The Balkans have average heights of 6'0/6'1. Dutch aren't even the tallest.
[–]Polder 6 指标 2 天前
Better tulips though . . .
[–]Domhnal 2 指标 1 天前*
tulips or T.U.L.I.P.s?
Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)
[–]random_us3rname 2 指标 2 天前
I thought it was 6'0 in the NL? I'm pretty sure the average is around 5'11 here in Finland.
[–]Daemonioros 1 指标 1 天前
Among 18 year old males it's actually 6'1. 6'0 is the average across our entire population. No clue where this guy got 5'11.
[–]bilibilihaha 1 指标 1 天前
it doesn't show Shanghai obviously Shanghai teenagers are taller than most areas in China because of its strong economy.
[–]bhaozi[S] 2 指标 1 天前
Yeah the data for Shanghai and HK didn't load. Shanghai is around 5'8.5 (around 174cm).
[–]shinadoll 0 指标 2 天前
This data appears flawed and I'm no mathematician. Where are the female students?
Anecdotally my own personal experience in China disputes this data too. I'm 5'8" tall and I have not yet met a single Chinese woman who is taller than I am. In fact most of the time I'm taller than many of the men I encounter.
[–]kanada_kid 14 指标 2 天前
“I'm 5'8" tall and I have not yet met a single Chinese woman who is taller than I am.”
Do you not go outside?
[–]shinadoll -4 指标 2 天前
God yes I do. Believe me if I saw tall Chinese women I'd be desperate to find out where they buy their clothes.
In mainland China I literally cannot find any women's pants that even reach my ankles- unless they are being manufactured for export to the west.
Where in China are you that you take my statement as less than believable?
[–]sanjugo 3 指标 2 天前
Where are you located? I know quite a few girls who are taller than me and I'm taller than you.
[–]shinadoll -1 指标 2 天前
[–]sanjugo 3 指标 1 天前
Strange. Some stores stock large-sized clothings. I also shop on Taobao because Shanghai is not the only city in China. Like kanada_kid said maybe you need to go out.
[–]shinadoll 0 指标 1 天前
Not to be testy (but maybe just a bit bitchy lol) he suggested that I “go out” as a way to suggest that I haven’t had any actual experience in China and I needed to see more of the population before making any judgments regarding female height. Don’t think he was making any bonafide recommendations there just being flippant. No harm no foul.
If the average lady in China was around my height I wouldn’t need to look for “large-size” clothing lol. My size would be average as it is in the US. In China the sizes and measurements I find here would be analogous to ladies petite sizing at home. It makes sense to me since the majority of women I see are short. Market rules.
Hence my question as to where these tall women wherever they may be are buying off-the-rack clothes...truly if I met a woman taller than I am it’d be my first question.
Taobao is okay btw. I find that right now it’s better to have things custom-made or altered to fit.
[–]bhaozi[S] 3 指标 1 天前*
5'8 isn't average in the US for a woman. I believe 5'4 is the average (for white women). Stop exaggerating.
The average Chinese girl in Shanghai is roughly 5'3. And yes you probably are going to be taller than the average man from the older/middle aged generations. However I don't believe for a second than you would feel tall with men age 18-22 from middle class+ backgrounds at 5'8. Also I find it extremely hard to believe that you haven't met a Chinese woman taller than 5'8. In Dalian (I know not Shanghai) you will see young women 6'0+ (not extremely rare).
And clothing sizes are screwed up for everyone including the Chinese. My cousin who is a "L" in China was constantly bullied for being skinny.
[–]shinadoll 1 指标 1 天前
Hold on now...Are you a woman? Do you know anything about manufacturing clothing standards for the US?
How do you even know that being an American is anything more than the passport I carry? And I must be a white woman too?
Those are a lot of assumptions you’re making.
First never said I am average height. I know that I’m fairly (but not exceptionally) tall. Hence my earlier statement regarding my experiences towering over folks in China and my resultant disbelief at the stats.
Second there’s a difference between being of “average height” and wearing “average sized” clothing. My height places me within the “average” size range for women’s clothing in the US. I know this because I’ve been buying women’s clothes in the US my whole adult life.
In the US height below 5’5 is best suited in women’s petite sized clothing. Above 5’9 is women’s tall sizing. The heights in between are simply women’s. Many stores carry ranges for ladies of differing heights as well as a “plus-sized” department for women that are overweight/obese.
Anyway you said it yourself. If the average height for a woman in Shanghai is only 5’3 (though I’ve seen at least a couple posters that swear that they know lots of tall ladies in the ‘Hai) then it explains why I haven’t seen any women taller than I am.
[–]bhaozi[S] 3 指标 1 天前
The only reason why I specified "white" was because they are the tallest ethnic group in the US and I'm using their demographic as a comparison. And yes I do find it hard to believe that you haven't seen a Chinese woman taller than 5'8 (age 18-22). A 5'9 young Shanghainese girl (taller than you) is the equivalent of a 5'10.5 (179) white American girl. Is meeting a 5'10.5 (179) white girls rare in the US? Yes but not extremely and you will still find people that height on a daily basis. Thus I found your conception that you've never met someone taller than you a bit ridiculous. But then again everyone has different experiences I guess.
[–]sanjugo 1 指标 1 天前
You are acting bitchy. Its like me complaining that I can't find li-ning branded shoes in london because they're the only pair that i find comfortable. Or I only want Amway products. That's what online shopping is for ypu have to pay extra for special needs.
China has the tallest Asian girls I've ever seen they've got plenty of basjeyball and volleyball players in this country so I'm surprised you haven't even looked there. I can probably count 10 of my own female students who are taller than me.
Places like Japan are even problematic because they are typically short and have no need for large clothing. So most taller people have to look for specialist shops which they exist but obviously hard to find.
[–]kanada_kid 2 指标 1 天前
Because 5'8 isnt that tall. Its slightly above average but you make it sound like its impossible to find people who are 5'8 or above especially odd considering you are in Shanghai (not a place known for short people). I know girls who are 5'11.
Try shopping on Taobao.
[–]curiouskiwicat 7 指标 2 天前
Yeah the OP title is wrong. These are men (it says so in the source) but the mapped image doesn't mention that.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...