康涅狄格州,纽黑文--唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统的政府从一开始就采取了保护主义者的姿态,从言辞转向行动,公开宣称要保护美国工人免受特朗普所谓的“可怕贸易协议”的“屠杀”。
Trump should know trade wars are for losers
By Stephen. S. Roach 作者:斯蒂芬·S·罗奇
Punitive tariffs ignore the root causes of U.S. trade deficit — low savings
LG Electronics has already raised prices for its washing machines in response to new tariffs imposed by the Trump administration.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (Project Syndicate) — Protectionist from the start, President Donald Trump’s administration has now moved from rhetoric to action in its avowed campaign to defend U.S. workers from what Trump calls the “carnage” of “terrible trade deals.”
康涅狄格州,纽黑文--唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统的政府从一开始就采取了保护主义者的姿态,从言辞转向行动,公开宣称要保护美国工人免受特朗普所谓的“可怕贸易协议”的“屠杀”。
Unfortunately, this approach is backward-looking at best. At worst, it could very well spark retaliatory measures that will only exacerbate the plight of beleaguered middle-class American consumers. This is exactly how trade wars begin.
Going after China, or any other country, without addressing the root cause of low saving is like squeezing one end of a water balloon: the water simply sloshes to the other end.
China is clearly the target. The Jan. 23 imposition of so-called safeguard tariffs on imports of solar panels and washing machines under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 is directed mainly at China and South Korea. Significantly, the move could be the opening salvo in a series of measures.
Last August, the U.S. Trade Representative launched Section 301 investigations against China in three broad areas: intellectual property rights, innovation, and technology development. This is likely to lead to follow-up sanctions. Moreover, a so-called Section 232 investigation into the national security threat posed by unfair steel imports also takes dead aim at China as the world’s largest steel producer.
These actions hardly come as a surprise for a president who promised in his inaugural address a year ago to “protect [America’s] borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs.” But that’s precisely the problem. Notwithstanding the Trump administration’sof America First, the U.S. could well find itself on the losing side of a trade war.
( 译注:cri de coeur 意为大声呼叫,强烈抗议)
For starters, tariffs on solar panels and washing machines are hopelessly out of step with transformative shifts in the global supply chains of both industries. Solar-panel production has long been moving from China to places like Malaysia, South Korea, and Vietnam, which now collectively account for about two-thirds of America’s total solar imports.
And Samsung, a leading foreign supplier of washing machines, has recently opened a new appliance factory in South Carolina.
Moreover, the Trump administration’s narrow fixation on an outsize bilateral trade imbalance with China continues to miss the far broader macroeconomic forces that have spawned a U.S. multilateral trade deficit with 101 countries. Lacking in domestic saving and wanting to consume and grow, America must import surplus saving from abroad and run massive current-account and trade deficits to attract the foreign capital.
此外,特朗普政府对与中国之间规模巨大的双边贸易失衡的狭隘关注,继续忽视了导致美国与101个国家多边贸易逆差的更广泛的宏观经济力量。缺乏国内储蓄,想要消费和增长,必须从国外进口盈余储蓄,并保持巨额往来帐户(current-account )和贸易赤字,以吸引外国资本。
Consequently, going after China, or any other country, without addressing the root cause of low saving is like squeezing one end of a water balloon: the water simply sloshes to the other end.
With U.S. budget deficits likely to widen by at least $1 trillion over the next 10 years, owing to the recent tax cuts, pressures on domestic saving will only intensify. In this context, protectionist policies pose a serious threat to America’s already-daunting external funding requirements — putting pressure on U.S. interest rates, the dollar’s exchange rate, or both.
In addition, America’s trading partners can be expected to respond in kind, putting export-led U.S. economic growth at serious risk. For example, retaliatory tariffs by China — the third-largest and fastest-growing U.S. export market — could put a real crimp in America’s leading exports to the country: soybeans, aircraft, a broad array of machinery, and motor vehicles parts.
And, of course, China could always curtail its purchases of U.S. Treasuries, with serious consequences for financial asset prices.
Finally, one must consider the price adjustments that are likely to arise from the inertia of existing trade flows. Competitive pressures from low-cost foreign production have driven down the average cost of solar installation in the U.S. by 70% since 2010. The new tariffs will boost the price of foreign-made solar panels — the functional equivalent of a tax hike on energy consumers and a setback for efforts to boost reliance on non-carbon fuels.
A similar response can be expected from producers of imported washing machines; LG Electronics, a leading foreign supplier, has just announced a price increase of $50 per unit in response to the imposition of U.S. tariffs. American consumers are already on the losing end in the Trump administration’s first skirmishes.
Contrary to Trump’s tough talk, there is no winning strategy in a trade war.
That doesn’t mean U.S. policy makers should shy away from addressing unfair trading practices. The dispute-resolution mechanism of the World Trade Organization was designed with precisely that aim in mind, and it has worked quite effectively to America’s advantage over the years. Since the WTO’s inception in 1995, the U.S. has filed 123 of the 537 disputes that have been brought before the body — including 21 lodged against China. While WTO adjudication takes time and effort, more often than not the rulings have favored the U.S.
As a nation of laws, the U.S. can hardly afford to operate outside the scope of a rules-based global trading system. If anything, that underscores the tragedy of the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have provided a new and powerful framework to address concerns over Chinese trading practices.
作为一个法治国家,美国很难在一个以规则为基础的全球贸易体系之外运作。如果说有什么不同的话,那就突显出特朗普政府退出跨太平洋伙伴关系(Trans-Pacific Partnership)的悲剧,这将为解决人们对中国贸易做法的担忧提供一个新的、强有力的框架。
At the same time, the U.S. has every right to insist on fair access for its multinational corporations to operate in foreign markets; over the years, more than 3,000 bilateral investment treaties have been signed around the world to guarantee such equitable treatment.
The lack of such a treaty between the U.S. and China is a glaring exception, with the unfortunate effect of limiting of U.S. companies’ opportunities to participate in the rapid expansion of China’s domestic consumer market. With trade tensions now mounting, hopes of a breakthrough on a U.S.-China investment treaty have been all but dashed.
Trade wars are for losers. Perhaps that is the ultimate irony for a president who promised America it would start “winning” again. Sen. Reed Smoot and Rep. Willis Hawley made the same empty promise in 1930, leading to protectionist tariffs that exacerbated the Great Depression and destabilized the international order. Sadly, one of the most painful lessons of modern history has been all but forgotten.
Swing Trader
15 hours ago
Trump's strong dollar policy and trying to get foreign trade in balance, a surplus in our favor would be amazing scares the hell out of the multinationals. They've been exploiting cheap overseas labor sources to the detriment of many smaller domestic companies. They were playing an easy street low risk game of making profits and fast growth that smaller companies can't easily access. Now they are freaking out and will bring out their minions from the left to claim that a trade war will be bad for us, because it raises prices, which it will. But what it really means is these companies with overseas operations will lose a lot of advantage over domestic. For example shipping goods from China to the US by freighter and plane isn't exactly cheap. And there is a reason for the phrase "slow boat it", and it isn't helpful to business.
We're already in a trade war. It's called business, and it's always a war. Competitors are not friendly. One of the chief causes of us losing the trade war is our corporate income tax rate is too high and everyone of our trader partners replaced tariffs with VAT when they switched to so called free trade policies.
This means the US imports $3Trillion in goods and services while collecting about 1% in duties in tariffs. Meanwhile the rest of the world puts a 20-30% VAT tax on the $2.3T we export. Changing the tax code, won't fix everything but at least we'd have the consolation prize of $600-$900B in federal taxes if we matched the globe. But that kind of price increase will definitely have a dramatic affect on keeping the sales inside our borders.
Free trade is great, we just need to have the same rules apply to businesses operating inside our borders as those operating outside it and still exploiting our economy.
David Beech
18 hours ago
This statement shows the author is out of step with reality.
"The dispute-resolution mechanism of the World Trade Organization was designed with precisely that aim in mind, and it has worked quite effectively to America’s advantage over the years"
1. WTO complaints take years to finally reach resolution and damages must be shown. By then, companies are out of business, plants closed, and workers have lost their jobs.
2. Seeing imports bounce from country to country isn't new. When a tariff is implanted against - say China. They export to another country - like Mexico or Canada with no tariff. Goods are manufactured there and imported to US to avoid tariff.
Anthony Briglia
19 hours ago
When other countries are taxing American products unfairly it would be stupidity for us not to retaliate to make free trade also be FAIR TRADE.
Guillermo Mairena
20 hours ago
I guess Comrade Trumpsky really showed LG! I just read in Reuters that LG has frozen the construction of the washer factory they are building in Tennessee. Sad, they were going to employ 600 people.
2 days ago
And, of course, China could always curtail its purchases of U.S. Treasuries, with serious consequences for financial asset prices.
However, it will hurt China more than the US. Imagine if China's can't export to the US because the US economy is in ruin.
Swing Trader
16 hours ago
@S W China has one reason and one reason only to buy our Treasuries. We run a trade deficit with them, but using the US dollar inside China is illegal, meaning nobody can even hold them in banks. So at the end China has excess dollars, so they convert them to treasuries to gain interest, and to also not flood the global financial exchanges with dollars, weakening it and making us less able to buy their goods. It is a smoke and mirrors game. So yes they manipulate the yuan this way, so we don't shake off the leach that they are.
China banks have accounts in foreign currencies.
I have 1 in USD for decades.
@S W 对中国来说,有一个原因,一个只能购买我们美国国债的原因:我们与他们有贸易逆差,但在中国境内使用美元是非法的,,这意味着没有人能在银行里持有这些美元。因此,中国最终拥有过剩的美元,他们只能将美元转换为美国国债,以获取利息,同时也不让美元涌入全球金融交易市场,削弱美元,使我们无法购买他们的商品——这是一场烟雾弥漫的游戏。所以,是的,他们以这种方式操纵人民币,这样我们就不能摆脱他们。
S W:
China banks have accounts in foreign currencies.
I have 1 in USD for decades.
Swing Trader
14 hours ago
@S W Are you a Chinese citizen? Is the account really held in USD or does it just appear that way while the actual dollars are held by the central bank? Can you withdraw the dollars and walk into the street and make a transaction using dollars? If you look, you'll find that China requires all cross border trade by done in yuan, with the Chinese Central bank as the middle man normally, although it looks like that is opening a little. Still a Chinese company can't hold dollars and buy from the US in dollars, they must both buy and sell in yuan.
@S W,你是中国公民吗?这个帐户是否真的以美元持有,还是在实际美元由中央银行持有?你能把钱取走,走到街上用美元做交易吗?如果你看一下,你会发现中国要求所有的跨境贸易都是以人民币进行的,而中国中央银行通常是中间的,尽管看起来有点开放,然而,一家中国公司不能持有美元,也不能以美元从美国购买货物,它们必须同时以人民币进行买卖。
11 hours ago
You can have a USD account with a China Bank. Do not need to be a Chinese national.
Of course, you cannot officially use USD to buy things inside China. Just between private parties, perhaps.
Joe Saba
22 hours ago
yes we UNDERSTAND completely how nafta and wto SOLD OUT 100's million WORKERS into globalized low wages - we already lost
so setting playing field back to normal from tilt is OK we say
Rusty Slade
2 days ago
I don't think this writer understands the competitive advantage a Chinese OEM supplier gets when they can pay 5 bucks and hour, offer no healthcare, offer no retirement benefits, they don't have to legally pay overtime, and they can dispose of their waste without regard to environmental standards common in America.
On top of that, they aren't legally bound by FED OSHA to provide a safe working environment, they are not concerned with living up to iso 900x standards, and they don't have to worry about individual lawsuits from employees.
最重要的是,他们并没有被美国职业安全与职业健康保险法律约束,以提供一个安全的工作环境,他们不关心达到 ISO900标准,也不需要担心员工的个人诉讼。
And Stephen, you would know this if you ever tried to run a business yourself. So go ahead and play the political card because that's obviously all you know.
斯蒂芬 ( 注:本文作者叫 Stephen. S. Roach ) ,如果你想自己经营一家公司,你就会知道的。所以继续打政治牌吧,因为显然你就只知道这些。
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