为什么中国不能逆向工程俄罗斯苏35战机的发动机 [美国媒体]


Why can't China reverse engineer and copy the jet engine of Russia's Su 35


Harvey King, born in Taiwan, grew up in US, family rooted in mainland China for centuries.
Contrary to what many believed, China, even today, is severe behind in terms of technological know how.
The area which China lacks behind the most is fundamental sciences: physics, mathematics, chemistry , MATERIAL SCIENCES, fluid mechanics, etc.
One big part of jet engine is the metal used in the engine. US is by far most advanced in this department.
Another area China is lacking is simply the fundamental industrial base to produce precision parts consistently. And Jet Engine requires a such inhuman level of precision, that China still struggles to achieve. Big part of having such industrial base are accumulation of experiences, and China, considered how late it came to the game, is catching up beyond anyone’s expectation.
But most of elite still understand that China still have a long long way to go.



Wen Ling。
Dec 27, 2016
To some degree it is true. The catch-up game always lacks some foundation on basic science.
It will take a generation or two to be on par with American/British. But it is achievable, as long as government still put 20% budget on education as now. It is just matter of time and dedication consistently. CPC has patience.
The biggest advantage is China is its huge, single market, which can cultivate any industry.


Angus M Robinson
Feb 5, 2017 · 1 upvote
Harvey, with respect your opinion about Chinese industry capability and expertise in fundamental sciences is somewhat outdated. For example, China is moving quickly to become a world leader in additive manufacturing. I also don’t believe that your assertion that ‘China is lacking the fundamental industrial base to produce precision parts consistently’ is in fact correct. It is often forgotten that Taiwanese, US and German firms have strong links in China and share technological capability platforms.


Lin Xieyi, Aviation Enthusiast
The picture above shows the Russian Yak-141 TVC Nozzle. In the 1990's, the United States brought its TVC technology and used it on F-35. While China brought it's R79-v300 engine technology and used it on WS-15.
US and Chinese jet engine design were heavily influenced by the R79–V300(206 kN engine used for the Yak 141). The R79–300 was referenced by the US to become the P&W F119 and F135, while it became the WS-10 and WS-15 in China. It is certainly not a bolt to nut copy because it will be impossible to do so, without a certain level of critical tech-knowhow and mature industries, which is why only the UNSC big 5 can produce jet engines with TWR> 8 and only the US, Russia and China can produce turbofan jet engine with TWR>10.[1]
Now let us take a look from another angle of this Sino-Russo deal which has been much hyped in the media.



So.. Why did China procure the 24 SU-35 from Russia?
To complement the insufficient production capability of J-10s and J-11. J-10’s 4 production lines are at full capacity , while J-11 production line has to cope with increasing J-15 and J-16 demand by the Navy and Air Force. The SU-35’s overall capability exceeds the J-10C and J-11D, so by procuring the 4.5Gen SU-35s, it plugs a gap which can only be filled before a sizeable number of 5.0Gen J-20A enter active service, which is a few years away.
SU-35 is a good and affordable 4.5-Gen fighter jet which cost no more than US$80 million per plane, less than the F-15SE/F, 18F/G or Rafale, representing value for money in a market where it is rare to find any good 4–4.5Gen fighter jets costing less than US$100 million.
The SU-35 deal also signify the good and amicable relationship between Russia and China as they bring their cooperation to a strategic partnership level.
The SU-35’s thrust vectoring technology could be analysed to help improve existing and future WS-series indigenous engines.
After so many flip-flop in decision, why did Russia finally decide to export the SU-35?
It is the increasing sophistication of Chinese engines which prompted Russia to approve the deal, because once Chinese aerospace industry achieved the critical breakthrough in enhancing engine lifespan, Russian jet fighter engines will no longer be an appealing option for the Chinese air force. Those who keep saying China cannot produce advanced jet fighter engines is in for a shock soon, as production of the WS-10 series engines hit the high 300s, with the WS-13, 15, 18 ,20 series coming on board soon. Recent aviation news indicates that the J-20 stealth fighter are currently equipped with the 145-kN Taihang WS-10B turbofan, and will be mounted with the 180-kN Ermei WS-15 for test trials as early as next year.
Russia is simply striking while the iron is hot when those fighter jets still have value To China.
update25122016 : The first batch of SU-35 has arrived at Cangzhou.




Kelvin Tee
Dec 29, 2016 · 1 upvote
Actually what is the current progress on China's jet engines?
Some say the W10 is already installed and in use while some say that they still experience difficulties with its reliability so the Chinese are still importing Russians engines
